Can A Car Accident Impact My Child’s Development?
We already know that adults can suffer many injuries after a car crash, but how are children affected by these incidents? Since their bodies are smaller and more fragile, they are unable to manage injuries as well which can actually lead to worse problems as they get older. The professionals at Impact Medical Brandon are here to teach you how car accidents can impact your child’s development and what you can do to help them.
What Can Happen to My Child After an Accident?
Physical damage and trauma are definitely concerning when it comes to a child, but they can also develop debilitating emotional problems. Either way, children have much to worry about when it comes to the sanctity of their growth after a car crash.
Dealing With Mental Trauma
Whiplash is a common car crash injury that involves the neck and, more indirectly, the spinal cord. Anything to do with the spine (which is where all your nerves are located) has the potential to induce brain damage and other mental disabilities that could make it difficult to perform ordinary tasks and daily routines. Oftentimes, it could even lead to sleep disorders. All these symptoms can have a tremendous effect on a child’s growth and development.
Needing Accommodations
For many disabilities, children may need the appropriate accommodations. Whether it be the need to rely on machinery in order to perform tasks or the inability to use public facilities without the needed hookups, these inconveniences can take a toll on both the child and the person (or people) taking care of the child.
How Does This Affect My Child’s Future?
The burden of not being able to use your body or brain as you used to in conjunction with being slowed down by relying on certain accommodations can prove a hindrance to any child’s growth, development, and overall life experience. Many opportunities that may have been an option before the accident could become out of the question, all over something that could have been avoided. You can’t go back to the past and avoid the accident, but you can bring your child to see people who can treat their injuries and lessen the impact that the damage can do on their body and their future.
Schedule An Appointment with Impact Medical Brandon!
The professionals at Impact Medical Brandon specialize in accident-related injuries, including those for children. If your child has recently been in a car crash, let us perform a thorough examination to pinpoint any issues that could pose a risk to their development. We’ll do everything we can to ensure that your child grows up happy and healthy with a bright future ahead! Call today at (813) 522-8885.