Can Physical Therapy Help with PTSD After a Car Accident?
When it comes to a car accident, often there is more than just physical trauma that is felt. To achieve a full recovery, it’s important to heal the emotional trauma that was endured as well. Impact Medical Group of St. Petersburg shares how physical therapy after a car accident can provide car accident victims with holistic healing.
After a consultation with a physical therapist, patients can begin to understand the scope of their injuries and what the healing journey looks like. Sometimes even simple tasks like getting dressed or bending down may be more time-intensive because of injuries. These new obstacles can cause frustration or anger that may challenge mental health. Generally, the most common reaction presents as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Symptoms can show as anxiety when driving, depression, or even withdrawal from social interactions. Using physical therapy to repair may help return you to your pre-accident lifestyle.
A physical therapist can also help identify injuries that may be unseen. Combining this identification with correct body postures that manage pain and exercises to restore strength can bolster mental health. Additionally, physical therapists use manual therapy to reduce discomfort and promote independence. These exercises aim to rehabilitate patients so they can regain normal activities and routines.
As Elle Woods once explained, “exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy.” The physical therapy team at Impact Medical Group of St. Petersburg can build a personalized program that can alleviate mental and physical pain after a car accident. All plans are fluid and make room for changes and adjustments, as necessary. Visit the Impact Medical Group of St. Petersburg website for more or call us at (727) 722-8103 to speak with our team.