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6 Psychological Symptoms of Traumatic Brain Injuries You Might Not Realize

Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs) are often associated with physical symptoms like headaches or dizziness. While the psychological impact of TBIs is frequently overlooked, they can be just as debilitating. But what are some of the most common symptoms to look for? Here are 6 psychological signs of TBIs that you might not realize are connected to the injury.

1. Mood Swings

Mood swings are common after a TBI, but they’re one of the most misunderstood symptoms of the injury. People who experience a TBI may show rapid shifts in emotions, from anger to sadness, without any apparent external triggers. These mood swings can be perplexing and distressing both for the individual and their loved ones. They’re often misattributed to stress or other mental health issues.

2. Depression and Anxiety

Depression and anxiety are frequent companions of TBIs. The injury can induce feelings of hopelessness, persistent sadness, or an overarching sense of unease. The changes in brain function due to the injury, coupled with the life adjustments that often follow TBIs, can exacerbate these feelings, leading to a cycle that can be hard to break without professional help.

3. Difficulty with Concentration

Many people with TBIs find that they struggle with concentration and attention. Tasks that were once easy may now require more effort, leading to frustration and a sense of inadequacy. This symptom can be particularly challenging for students or professionals whose work demands high levels of concentration.

4. Memory Problems

Memory issues are a hallmark of TBIs but are often not recognized as related to the injury. This can range from forgetfulness about recent events to more severe forms of memory loss. These memory problems can lead to difficulties in personal and professional life, often adding to the stress and anxiety already experienced.

5. Personality Changes

TBIs can lead to changes in personality, which can be one of the most challenging symptoms for both the individual and their family. A once-outgoing person might become withdrawn, or a calm individual might become irritable. Understanding that these changes are due to the TBI, and not personal choice, is critical in managing these shifts.

6. Impulse Control Issues

Finally, some individuals may experience changes in their ability to control impulses. This can manifest as increased irritability, risky behavior, or trouble in making well-considered decisions. These changes can be particularly distressing, as they might lead to actions that are out of character for the individual.

The TBI Specialists at Impact Medical Group of Tampa Can Help

The psychological symptoms of TBIs are as important to recognize and treat as the physical ones. If you or a loved one experiences these symptoms after a head injury, it’s important to seek medical attention. The TBI specialists at Impact Medical Group of Tampa are experienced in handling the complex nature of brain injuries. Their comprehensive approach not only addresses the physical aspects of the injury but also offers support for the psychological challenges that come with TBIs. Start your road to recovery by calling (813) 283-1910 today.