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HIPAA Seal of Compliance Verification

Are Cash-Based Clinics Beneficial For Patients As Well?

Are you among the few who believe that new cash-based clinics are more for the benefit of the practitioner than the patient? We won’t hide the fact that omitting the need for insurance claims certainly saves time on our end, but we offer self-pay chiropractic services with our patients in mind. Next time you visit Impact Medical, you’ll see the difference in how much care we put into your treatment with the extra time that we have to spare.

Patients Receive One-On-One Personalized Care

Sorting out insurance claims and policies for a single patient can already take up a lot of precious time, but imagine going through the process for every patient that we see on a regular basis. By eliminating the need for insurance, we use all of the time that we would have spent on that tedious chore towards giving you the care that you need and deserve. What does this look like for you? Each visit will feel more personal with a full one-on-one approach which is possible with minimal distractions and fewer time constraints. This leads to higher-quality care and better results.

Patients Can Better Find A Solution To Their Problem

With more time, we can thoroughly inspect and evaluate your movements and find a targeted solution to your problem. So rather than simply treating the area to feel better in the moment, we have the time to dig deeper and go straight for the cause of your pain and discomfort. We may even be able to discover the root of the issue so that we can advise you on how to prevent the issue in the future.

Patients Have Full Control Over Their Treatment Plan

We never want to push any obligations on you because that’s a surefire way to discourage any further action. We want you to want to seek our help, and our cash-pay method gives you the flexibility to appear on your own time. By having us work around your schedule rather than the other way around, we aim to give you a sense of control over your own progress.

Learn more > How Cash Pay Chiropractic Care Allows Patients Control Over Their Treatment And Payment

Patients Can Save Money On Better Chiropractic Care

Don’t think that you won’t be able to pay for our services without help from your insurance provider. The nice thing about the cash-pay method is that we can put a price on our own services. This allows us to offer you low prices and deals because, as we said before, we want you to be able to get the care that you need regardless of your financial standing. Our initial exam with an adjustment is only $39 and you can save even more by paying for multiple sessions in advance!

If you already have insurance, you can still make the most out of our cash-based chiropractic services. We just won’t ask you for your insurance information, and you can pay less for your adjustments out of pocket.

Try Out Cash-Pay Chiropractic Care At Impact Medical!

These benefits may sound too good to be true, so if you feel like you’re missing something, you can always call our office for more information. Contact your nearest Impact Medical location to learn more about the benefits of seeking a cash-based chiropractor near you!