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The 4 Most Common Injuries Truckers Face & How We Treat Them

It doesn’t matter how much you love your trucking job, you’re sure to run into some issues with your body from sitting for long periods at a time. In this guide, we’ll go over a few of the most common injuries. If any of these injuries happen to you, you can count on your nearest Impact Medical office for custom treatment plans!

1. Inevitable Back Pain From Extended Driving

Truckers commonly face back pain and injuries due to prolonged sitting without any stretches to break up the tension. However, it’s not unheard of for a trucker with good posture and regular stretching habits to still experience back pain anyway. If you’ve tried everything from ergonomic seat cushions to proven stretching methods to no avail, it could be a sign of deeper issues with your spinal cord or discs.

For intense lower back pain, refer to our discography FAQ page before consulting one of our chiropractors or physical therapists!

2. Cramped Knee Pain From Repetitive Motions

When you’re stuck in the driver’s seat for hours on end, your legs have no choice but to be stuck in a bent position for the duration of the trip. Not being able to stretch and lengthen your legs can lead to knee pain. Other trucking-related factors can also instigate knee pain such as repeatedly pressing down on the gas and brake pedals, climbing in and out of the tall cabin, or assisting with loading and unloading your haul. Thankfully, there are effective treatment methods for knee stiffness you can try.

3. Distracting Neck Pain From Poor Posture

It can be nearly impossible to practice good posture when you have nowhere to be but sitting in your truck, and poor posture often leads to awful neck pain. This can be especially troublesome (and sometimes dangerous) since driving requires you to frequently check your surroundings. When you’re experiencing neck pain, or even an annoying crick in your neck, doing your job can feel excruciating. Good thing neck injuries can be relieved with chiropractic care! Consider self-pay chiropractors for an easy way to treat your neck pain in a way that works with your schedule.

4. Sore Shoulder Pain From Tedious Tasks

So far, we’ve covered the back, neck, and legs. What’s left? Unfortunately, shoulder pain is also a very common problem among truckers. In fact, this particular injury is so common that it’s been dubbed “trucker shoulder” and it’s as concerning as it sounds. Despite sitting for most of the job, truckers have responsibilities that require them to use their arms to a great extent. After repetitive stress on the shoulders through climbing in and out of the cabin, wrapping chains around the haul, and of course, loading and unloading items, the shoulders can start showing signs of:

  • Inflammation
  • Dislocation
  • Debilitating pain
  • Bursitis
  • And more

You can read up on top methods for treating shoulder pain, and knowing the basics can come in handy when deciding whether or not you need to go in for professional services.

How We Treat These Common Trucker Injuries

At Impact Medical, we don’t only treat those who have been involved in an accident. We’re staffed with skilled and talented chiropractors and physical therapists who know how to handle all kinds of injuries, including the kind that tend to progress after years of trucking. When left untreated, these injuries can linger for a lifetime of pain and discomfort. That’s why we aim to break the cycle of chronic pain with our comprehensive services performed by qualified professionals.

Are You A Trucker Looking For Relief? Visit Impact Medical Today!

Impact Medical is always ready to treat your trucker injuries with comprehensive chiropractic care! Contact your nearest location today to schedule a consultation.