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Does Seeing A Chiropractor Help Me With My Accident Settlement?

When you’re waiting on an accident settlement, it can feel nearly impossible to sit and wait it out (nor should you). So much can happen during that time, and you could be using that time to increase your chances of approval while bettering your health. Learn more about how chiropractic care can help you with your accident settlement before visiting Impact Medical Lutz for post-accident care near you!

Chiropractor Visits Add Proof to Your Claims

If there’s a police report, there’s no denying that a car crash happened. However, insurance companies can deny the gravity of your injuries, and that’s when it helps to have a chiropractor’s assistance. A trained and licensed chiropractor can assess your body and give you official documentation that you can use as proof that your medical expenses were indeed necessary.

Why is it so important for accident settlements to get approved? These settlements can save you a lot of money on a variety of expenses including medical bills, emotional distress, pain and suffering, and even any lost wages from having to miss work. If a chiropractor visit can tip the scales and win you your settlement, you could come out of it with much more than you anticipated.

Learn more > I Went To The Hospital After A Crash, Do I Really Need To See A Chiropractor?

Tips For Handling Claims

Before you go running to your nearest chiropractor, you should know that it helps to see someone who specializes in handling accident and personal injury cases. The professionals at Impact Medical Lutz have experience in accurately diagnosing and treating injuries in a way that can better help you with your claim. After visiting a chiropractor, be sure to keep all records and documentation on hand.

Increasing Your Settlement Amount With Chiropractic Care

Winning your accident settlement is already something to celebrate, but why stop there? Just because the settlement goes through doesn’t mean you’re guaranteed what you deserve, but seeking chiropractic care can change that for the better. Insurance companies can easily downplay the amount of pain that you claim to feel after an accident to get out of paying you more than they have to. But having a chiropractor’s word as proof of your pain level is harder to dispute, giving you the upper hand in receiving more than the base amount.

What If the Settlement Still Doesn’t Cover the Cost?

This might all sound like a gamble, but there’s nothing to lose if you visit the right chiropractor. Your body will need to be treated regardless, and visiting a practitioner will only increase your chances of getting the money you need. But in those rare cases where your settlement still won’t be enough, you can get the treatment you need with our affordable self-pay option at Impact Medical. This useful service allows flexible payments on top of offering low-cost adjustments.

Qualifying For PIP Benefits

Another reason for seeking out a chiropractor after an accident is so you can meet the Personal Injury Protection (PIP) requirements in Florida. To benefit from this program, you will have 14 days from the time of the accident to receive medical care, and chiropractic care definitely counts!

Read more > Is A Chiropractor A Qualified Injury Doctor? Yes, Here’s How!

Let Impact Medical Help You With Post-Accident Care!

At Impact Medical Lutz, we are all about giving people the treatment they need to recover from an accident injury and receive the proof they need to help them with their settlements. Visit or call our Lutz location today to learn more about how we can help you and to schedule a consultation.