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What Happens If You Don’t Treat Knee Pain After An Accident?

Knee pain isn’t something that just goes away. There could be consequences if you choose to neglect care, so Impact Medical Riverview is here to give you the knowledge you need to treat your knee with urgency! Find out what happens if you don’t treat knee pain after an accident and what you should do to ensure a successful recovery.

The Risks of Neglecting Care

With how busy the average person is, it’s no wonder people tend to hope and pray that any instance of pain will magically vanish. Unfortunately, that’s not how the human body works. Ignoring pain can actually lead to worse problems that are even more difficult to manage.

Conditions that can occur from neglecting knee pain after an accident include:

  • Knee Sprain: Ligaments that are overly stretched can result in arthritis.
  • Arthritis: This occurs when the cartilage in your joint (like the knee) breaks away to expose bones that rub against each other.
  • Tendonitis: The tendons in the knee can become inflamed or greatly irritated.
  • Muscle Strain: Rips, tears, and other injuries to the connective tissue around the knee can cause strains.

Some of these injuries may require surgery to treat which can be rather costly and somewhat traumatic to the body. However, the need for surgery can possibly be prevented by seeking professional care for your knee pain before it can evolve into the injuries listed above.

A Trip to the Doctor: What to Expect

When you meet with your doctor for knee pain, you will start with a thorough consultation and exam to accurately diagnose the affected area. Some of these tests may include X-rays, MRIs, CT scans, or fluid analysis. Your doctor will choose the appropriate diagnostic tools and tests depending on the symptoms you’re experiencing and the exact location of the pain.

After running the necessary tests, your doctor will get started on formulating your custom treatment plan. This plan may include everything from steroid injections to knee replacement surgery. If a bit of pain is the worst that you’re dealing with, there’s a chance that it could be remedied with a simple corticosteroid injection. If the pain is excruciating to the point where you can’t put any weight on your knee, it could be a means for joint replacement surgery.

Tips For At-Home Care While You Wait

Depending on the doctor’s orders, your healing journey for knee pain may call for a single visit or encompass a few weeks of intricate tasks and procedures. Between your visits, you can help manage your knee pain with these helpful tips:

  • Place an ice pack over the affected area to reduce swelling.
  • Keep your leg raised to promote proper blood flow.
  • Avoid walking or putting any sort of pressure on your knee as much as possible.
  • Unless you have prescribed medication, look into over-the-counter pain medicine to manage pain levels.

Learn more > At-Home Remedies to Supplement Post-Accident Pain Recovery

Receive Effective Knee Treatment at Impact Medical Riverview!

The moment you start feeling knee pain after an accident, you shouldn’t delay in seeking treatment from the professionals at Impact Medical Riverview. Our qualified staff will move with urgency in getting you on the right treatment plan for your post-accident knee injury! Call us today at 656-347-2608 to schedule your visit.