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A Minor Fender Bender Can Cause Lasting Effects…Here’s How

Even when you think your teeny-tiny collision doesn’t seem to be worth the hassle, even a minor fender bender can cause lasting effects. Learn the real consequences of these seemingly minuscule accidents and why you need to head over to Impact Medical Plant City for auto accident injury treatment near you!

How to React In a Non-Injury Car Accident

Some accidents won’t leave any obvious signs of injury, but it’s still vital to get checked just in case you have hidden symptoms that can come back harder later. Learn more about what to do if you’re injured in a non-emergency accident to ensure that you have your well-being under control when the time comes.

Chronic Pain and Injuries From Common Whiplash

Every accident has the potential to leave you with whiplash, no matter how small the collision. Whiplash can result in lasting effects like chronic back and neck pain which can hinder your everyday life and routine activities. Another lasting injury that can happen after a minor fender bender is herniated discs which affects your spine with chronic pain and limited mobility.

Whether you’re facing injury in the form of whiplash or herniated discs, physical therapy helps prevent long-term conditions by working in gentle exercises to treat the body before it can lapse into chronic symptoms.

High Risk of Concussions and Permanent Brain Damage From Mild TBIs

It doesn’t take much to suffer brain injuries. A small jolt from a minor impact can rock your head back and forth while hitting part of the car in the process. This can result in either a concussion or mild traumatic brain injury (TBI). Anything that impacts your brain and cognitive function should be treated with urgency even if the auto accident itself didn’t seem as concerning.

Ask us about our treatment options for traumatic brain injury to learn more about what we can do for you!

Persisting PTSD From the Rush of Adrenaline

Everyone responds to trauma differently, and a minor fender bender can be enough to send someone into stress-induced conditions like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This is because the brain receives a rush of adrenaline, even if it’s just a little bit. However, that small trigger is all it takes to start a chain reaction of emotional distress that needs to be treated by a professional counselor without delay.

Learn more > How Long Should I Wait to Get Trauma Counseling After An Accident?

Lingering Headaches From All Aspects of the Crash

For headaches that don’t seem to go away after a minor fender bender, there could be several reasons for that. Nerve damage from an impacted spine can send pain signals to the brain, the stress from dealing with post-accident care and insurance can be too much to handle, and accident neck injuries can also cause headaches. Accident-related headaches tend to linger, so it’s better to seek treatment instead of waiting for it to pass (which might not happen).

Worsened Pre-Existing Injuries That’ll Take Longer to Heal

If you already had an injury before getting into an accident, the impact can worsen your existing symptoms and cause them to last much longer than originally anticipated. Sometimes, re-injury can lead to chronic effects.

Don’t Delay In Visiting Impact Medical For Auto Accident Injury Treatment!

Next time you get into a minor fender bender that doesn’t feel like a big deal at the time, call Impact Medical Plant City today at 813-214-8330 to receive an evaluation in case there are any underlying issues that can cause lasting effects from neglected treatment. Our team is here to ensure that you avoid chronic pain and injury by any means necessary!