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How Chiropractors Can Help Shoulder Impingement After An Accident

Dealing with a shoulder impingement after an accident can feel like a real burden. You won’t be able to reach, grab, or point as you did before without either stunted flexibility or a bit of sharp, shooting pain. This injury can get in the way of you carrying out your day per usual, but what can you do? Learn more about how chiropractors like the ones at Impact Medical Tarpon Springs can help shoulder impingement after an accident so you can stop holding back from living your life!

The Way Shoulder Impingements Occur After An Accident

If you’ve never heard of a shoulder impingement before, we’ll give you the details. This injury is also known as rotator cuff tendinitis, and it often happens when the shoulder blade moves in a way that pinches the muscles and tendons in the rotator cuff. Shoulder impingement is common during car crashes since the body moves in unnatural ways upon impact. These impacts can tense up your muscles and cause impingement to occur. This occurrence can also affect the nerves located in the shoulder area adding to the injury.

The Clear Signs of Shoulder Impingement

How do you know you have shoulder impingement? There are multiple signs, much of them having to do with pain in the shoulder area when moving your arms or lying on the injured side. Most people don’t realize just how much movement they practice in their arm and shoulder until they sustain a shoulder impingement, really putting things into perspective. Even the slightest movement in the wrong direction can result in unbearable pain, making it a challenge to perform everyday tasks.

Other symptoms of shoulder impingement include weakness, tenderness, swelling, and limited movement. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s crucial to seek chiropractic care immediately to loosen up the joints and nerves through targeted adjustments.

How Long Does It Take to Recover From Shoulder Impingement?

Recover times may vary depending on the severity of the shoulder impingement, but the general timeframe for treating this injury and making a full recovery is roughly 3-6 months. Of course, you’ll see better results the sooner you seek treatment without procrastinating.

What Your Chiropractor Can Do For Shoulder Impingement

Chiropractors create custom treatment plans specifically for shoulder impingement injuries, targeting the exact spots that have been affected or have the potential to create a path for assisted healing. These specialists practice adjustments or mobilization techniques that restore flexibility in the joint, and they may also utilize traction methods to stretch the shoulder muscles and open up room for mobility. If you’re experiencing a great deal of pain, your chiropractor may also use cold therapy to reduce inflammation in the shoulder.

What to Not Do During the Healing Process

When recovering from shoulder impingement, the last thing you want to do is aggravate your pain and other symptoms by partaking in activities that require you to put your arm to work. You want to limit raising your arms above your head for a while to give ample time for your shoulder to heal properly. Also, you should also never ignore the instructions given by your chiropractor.

Our Chiropractors at Impact Medical Can Help With Your Shoulder Impingement

Impact Medical Tarpon Springs has everything you need to fully recover from shoulder impingement, including top-notch chiropractic care and personal guidance throughout your healing journey. Call us today at 727-756-9585 to schedule your consultation appointment!