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Did you know that many individuals go without chiropractic treatment even when they desperately need it? People are busier now more than ever, so the thought of taking a moment to stop and figure out the process of receiving adjustments doesn’t even fall on their radar. Cash-pay practices like Impact Medical are changing the field of chiropractic care by allowing patients control over their treatment and payment!

An Overview Of The Cash-Pay Business Model – What You Need To Know

Cash-pay chiropractors (sometimes referred to as self-pay chiropractors) follow a rather simple process that makes everything easier for both patients and practitioners. Take a look at these factors that make up this popular and successful business model:

  • Advanced payment. Patients pay for sessions ahead of time and can receive savings for purchasing in bundles.
  • A professional exam. The first visit starts with a thorough exam to create a personalized plan for the patient to follow during their journey.
  • Convenient sessions. Visits are carried out as a walk-in, allowing patients to seek care on their own time.

Live Your Life Appointment-Free

One of the biggest differences with cash-pay practices is that they’re not bogged down by the long process of insurance payments. This freedom allows these chiros to work faster and get more patients in each day. This helps address the age-old problem of many individuals skipping out on chiropractic care even when they need it because they “don’t have the time” or because their treatment is “taking too long” for it to be practical or effective.

What This Means For You

The fast-paced nature of cash-pay chiros is extremely valuable in today’s world when you think about it. Everyone always has something to do and somewhere to be, so this little bit of convenience can go a long way in bettering your life in a way that works for you.

A New Way To Control Your Budget

How is the topic of payment different than that of a regular chiropractor? The reason why people are put off from using their insurance for chiropractic care is the fact that they don’t know exactly how much they will owe by the time their claim is processed, and there’s no telling whether or not the due balance will align with their budget. Self-pay chiros aim to put the power of payment into your own hands by telling you exactly how much you will be charged upfront before you commit, and with zero surprises.

Read more > Here’s How We Ensure Chiropractic Care Is Affordable For All

What This Means For You

In a world where every dime is to be cherished, having supreme control over your spending matters a great deal. You can choose how much you want to put down at a time for your treatment plan and make use of the available deals for buying sessions in bulk.

Impact Medical – Visit Cash-Pay Chiropractors Near You!

How can you find a cash-pay chiro near you? Impact Medical has many locations throughout Florida, being your go-to place for self-pay chiropractic care. Reach out to your nearest establishment today for more information on how to begin your self-care journey!