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Injured in an accident? Let us help you!

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What Kind Of Accidents Are Bulging Discs Most Commonly Caused By?

If you’ve ever had a bulging disc, you know very well how painful and debilitating it can be in your everyday life. One of the best ways to prevent this injury is by understanding how and where it happens. Trust in your local experts at Impact Medical Tarpon Springs as we show you what kind of accidents bulging discs are most commonly caused by.

How Do Bulging Discs Occur? A Quick Study on Accident Injuries

A lot can happen during an impact caused by a crash or other type of accident. In the spine, such an impact can result in a bulging disc. This is what happens when your spinal discs suffer a powerful blow, enough to damage the spinal discs that make up your vertebrae. In response, the cartilage in the affected area may swell and result in what’s called a bulged disc. Which types of accidents can cause this? Let’s take a look:

The Worst, and Most Common, Accidents For Bulging Discs

Auto accidents are commonly known for resulting in injuries like whiplash, pinched nerves, and bulging discs. This is because the impact between two cars, no matter which side it’s coming from, typically ends in the driver or passenger being shuffled back and forth after getting hit. A bulging disc caused this way can result in additional symptoms like pinched nerves or leaked spinal fluid.

Slip and fall accidents can also produce a bulged disc, especially if you land on your back or tailbone. These types of accidents are sometimes considered a leading cause of personal accident injuries and have the potential to damage the body and cause symptoms as much as a car crash would.

Truck accidents are, surprisingly, another common type of accident that can result in bulging discs. Despite the vehicle being quite large, it’s precisely that fact that these types of accidents are dangerous. With the wrong move, the size of your rig can work against you.

Boat accidents may be lower on the list, but experiencing a fall or impact on a boat or being thrown overboard can also lead to injuries like bulging discs. This is especially the case since you aren’t always protected by a seatbelt or closed cabin.

What Does a Bulging Disc Feel Like?

You’ll know you have a bulging disc when you have severe pain that starts in the back and spreads to your limbs. It may prove difficult to walk under these conditions, especially if your bulging discs are also inducing unpleasant and hindering sensations like numbing or tingling. If you’re dealing with these symptoms, it’s crucial to seek treatment immediately before they turn into chronic symptoms.

Your Treatment Options For Bulging Discs

When you see a practitioner for bulging discs, they may recommend one of the following treatment options depending on the severity of your injuries and symptoms:

  • Chiropractic care
  • Physical therapy
  • Epidural steroid injections
  • Microendoscopic discectomy
  • And more

Despite how you’re feeling, it’s usually better to start with less intensive options like PT or chiropractic care before resorting to surgery. Either way, be sure to see a professional for the best recommendation in treating your bulging discs.

Bulging Disc Getting In Your Way? Visit Impact Medical In Tarpon Springs

Is a bulging disc impeding your ability to live life to the fullest? Call Impact Medical Tarpon Springs today at 727-756-9585 to schedule a consultation for our professional therapy services or surgical options!