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3 Ways A Chiropractor Can Help Prevent Surgery

Suffering from chronic pain or loss of mobility due to an injury? Whether you’ve been injured due to a fall, a car accident, or for any other reason, chiropractic care is a less-invasive alternative to surgery. If you’re experiencing neck or back pain and are considering surgery, here’s why you should consider a non-surgical treatment…

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How Can I Relieve Neck Pain After An Accident?

Car accidents can be a pain in the neck. Literally. If you are experiencing neck pain after an accident, Impact Medical Group of Port Richey shares recovery tips for this common injury area. The neck is the most mobile portion of the spine. It can bend, rotate, and has the unique ability to secure the…

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How Long Do IV Fluids Stay in Your Body?

Summer heat can be a pleasant reprieve from the cold winter weather but if you do overdo it, you may experience dehydration. A great way to counteract the effects of too much sun and not enough water is with IV fluids. Impact Medical Group of Clearwater shares the benefits of rehydrating with IV fluids and…

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4 Vehicle Safety Features That Can Help Prevent Serious Injuries

Technology is everywhere these days. Most find it impossible to go a single day without using technology! It allows us to make memories, stay in touch with loved ones and now, keep us safe on the road. Impact Medical Group of Brandon shares four vehicle safety features below that can help prevent serious injuries. Fiddling…

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