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8 Ways to Reduce Neck and Back Pain While Gardening

While gardening can help ease stress and anxiety and be a great way to get out in the sunshine and get some Vitamin D, long periods of weeding and planting can exacerbate your neck and back problems. Now, this doesn’t mean that you should cross gardening off your list of hobbies for good. With a…

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Where Would I Feel Whiplash Pain?

Whiplash can be caused by a number of reasons. The most common event where someone would experience whiplash is during a car accident, but it can also happen on a boat, roller coaster, or even from a simple fall. The action of the neck experiencing trauma from the head being jerked back and forth is…

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Here’s What to Do if You’ve Been Hit by a Self-Driving Car

The future of driving is not driving at all. Self-driving cars may not be the norm yet, but it’s well on its way with revolutionary advancements through engineering and the passing of corresponding laws. Just recently, Florida passed a bill that allows autonomous vehicles to operate without a driver present. That sounds incredible, but it…

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