HIPAA Seal of Compliance Verification

Injured in an accident? Let us help you!

HIPAA Seal of Compliance Verification


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How Serious Is a Chest Contusion and How Can I Treat It?

Following a car accident, you may suffer from several injuries, such as a chest contusion, that do not show immediate symptoms. A chest contusion may cause minor pain or bruising if your chest encountered the seat belt or steering wheel during a car accident. Though you may feel fine, the symptoms of a chest contusion…

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Injured in a Pedestrian Accident? Do This Now

Many people are injured in auto accidents every day, but there is also another type of accident that can take place during a car accident that you may not be familiar with. A pedestrian accident can be an even more traumatic accident with more significant injuries than anyone inside a car. When pedestrians are struck…

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Is Voice Dictation Really Safer Than Texting While Driving?

Since the advent of texting, car accidents involving texting and driving have become common. You hear a ping on your cell phone and may believe that sending a quick text while driving is no big deal, or maybe you might assume that using voice dictation instead of typing allows you to be safer. Unfortunately, this…

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Can I Really Get Injured in A Low-Speed Accident?

Following a low-speed accident in Zephyrhills you may hear a lot of excuses like: “I barely hit you!” or ”I wasn’t even going fast!” While injuries sustained in car accidents at high speeds are often quite serious, low-speed accidents can cause just as many that can also be debilitating. A low-speed crash is “low-speed” when…

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