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Our Blog

Abdominal Manual Therapy for Constipation

Constipation is one of the most common digestive troubles, and it impacts more people than you would think regularly. But, here at Impact Medical in Miami, we bet that if you’re reading this now that you know the pain and discomfort that comes from constipation.  You may find yourself curled over in pain with no…

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5 Benefits of Cash-Pay Clinics

Imagine for a moment that you’ve had back for a couple of weeks, and it’s now shot up your spine and into your neck. What once started as a dull pain is burning red hot every time you turn your head or sit up for more than ten minutes. You can’t sleep or go outside…

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Manual Therapy for Text Claw

Though you may have never heard the term “text claw,” you’ve likely felt some of its symptoms! If you’ve spent enough time scrolling and texting on your cell phone, you’ve probably felt soreness or cramping in your fingers, wrist, or forearms. That’s called “text claw.”  While text claw may not be an official medical diagnosis,…

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Chiropractic Care and Scoliosis

Scoliosis is a condition that you have likely heard about before, but are you aware of the pain and health dangers that it can cause? Some people are born with scoliosis, and some get it as they age. Many scoliosis patients have a spinal curvature that is not severe enough to warrant surgery, yet is…

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