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Neurogenic vs. Mechanical Back Pain – Key Differences & How We Treat Each

Back pain is unfortunately all too common—most of us have spoken it at some point. But did you know there are different dialects to this language of discomfort? Knowing whether your back pain is neurogenic or mechanical can unlock the door to targeted treatment and lasting relief.

The Basics of Mechanical Back Pain

Mechanical back pain is the most common type, arising from issues with the structures of your spine—muscles, ligaments, joints, and discs. It’s often triggered by movement or strain, and the pain tends to be localized to your back.

Think of it as your body’s way of saying it’s time to take a break. It’s a common complaint after lifting heavy objects, sitting for long periods, or engaging in strenuous activity.

The Basics of Neurogenic Back Pain

Neurogenic back pain is a different beast altogether. It stems from irritation or damage to the nerves in your spine, often radiating pain, numbness, or tingling down your legs or arms.

It’s like a glitch in your body’s electrical wiring, sending confusing signals that can be both frustrating and debilitating. Neurogenic pain can be caused by conditions like herniated discs or nerve compression.

Spotting the Difference Between Mechanical and Neurogenic Back Pain

While both types of back pain can be agonizing, there are telltale signs that can help differentiate between them.

  • Mechanical pain tends to be localized to your back, while neurogenic pain often radiates to other areas.
  • Mechanical pain is often aggravated by movement, while neurogenic pain can be triggered by specific postures or activities that put pressure on the nerves.
  • Associated Symptoms.Neurogenic pain is often accompanied by numbness, tingling, or weakness in the extremities, while mechanical pain is typically limited to back discomfort.

The Impact Medical Group Approach to Back Pain

At Impact Medical Group of Lutz, we know back pain is personal. We’ll work with you to identify the root cause of your pain and develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses your specific needs.

  • Mechanical Back Pain.Treatment may include physical therapy, chiropractic adjustments, massage therapy, and pain management techniques.
  • Neurogenic Back Pain.We offer a range of advanced therapies, including epidural steroid injections, nerve blocks, and spinal cord stimulation, to address nerve-related pain and restore function.

Take the First Step Towards a Pain-Free Life

Whether your back pain is mechanical or neurogenic, we’re here to help you find relief and reclaim your life. Don’t let pain hold you back from doing what you love.

Contact Impact Medical Group of Lutz today to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced pain management specialists. Take the first step to a healthier, happier you—call us today at (813) 536-0373!

Chiropractic Exercises For Post-Accident Back Pain

Back pain is one of the most common types of pain after getting into any type of personal injury, especially car crashes. What can you do for this excruciating or annoying pain aside from taking meds? Check out these simple yet effective chiropractic exercises for post-accident back pain provided by your trusted chiropractors at Impact Medical Largo!

Easy and Effective Exercises For Lower Back Pain

The following chiropractic exercises are designed to target your lumbar spine in a way that boosts strength in this area while improving mobility:

Side Bridges

To perform a side bridge, begin by laying on your side. Straighten out your legs and slowly begin lifting your hips off of the floor, supporting yourself with your elbow. As long as you make sure to not allow your hips to become misaligned in this position (top to bottom), this activity can do wonders in strengthening your spine. Hold for at least 10 seconds each rep for maximum effect.

Glute Bridges

Recap what you did with the side bridge but perform it while lying on your back instead. Lay flat on your back, bend your knees while keeping your feet on the floor, and lift up your hips. If you squeeze your abs and glutes while you lift, it can work your lumbar spine. Be sure to hold this position for about 15 seconds at a time.

Curl Ups

If you remember doing curl-ups during PE at school, you may already know how this exercise can benefit your back. When you lift and hold your head and shoulders, it can stretch the spine and relieve pressure. Curls ups also strengthen your core which can help protect your spine from future injuries. Hold your curl-ups for at least 10 seconds each and perform roughly 6 reps.

Pelvic Rocks

You’ll need a chair for pelvic rocks. Sit towards the front of the seat and prop yourself up straight. Then, arch backward as you roll your hips back and your shoulders forward. Roll these joints back into place as you sit back up into an upright position. Repeat up to 12 times, making sure to feel the rocking motions massaging your lumbar spine.

Don’t Forget to Stretch! Here’s How to Do It Right:

Exercise is great for restoring flexibility and strength, but stretching before and after physical activity can also make a huge difference in relieving your post-accident back pain. Try out these effective stretches the next time you exercise:

  • Knee-to-Chest
  • Child’s Pose
  • Cat-Cow
  • Lower Back Rotation
  • Shoulder Blade Squeeze

For a smooth and rewarding healing journey, learn more about the worst things you can do for your back after an accident to avoid exasperating any existing pain or discomfort.

Seek Chiropractic Care For Greater Results

You may encounter some of the stretches and exercises above when you visit your local chiropractor. While you can do some of these activities at home, seeking professional chiropractic care can generate better results with personal guidance from a certified expert. Your chiropractor may also be able to perform certain manipulation and adjustment techniques that you wouldn’t be able to pull off on your own. Your local office may also be equipped with certain tools that you may not have at home like ultrasound machines or electrical stimulation devices to assist with your chiropractic care plan.

Receive Close Guidance From the Experts at Impact Medical Largo

Visit Impact Medical Largo today to get started on planned and effective chiropractic care for your post-accident back pain. We will work out a treatment plan that works best for you! Call 727-630-2151 today to schedule a consultation appointment.

How Do I Know Which Accident Recovery Treatment Plan Is Right For Me?

Every type of injury has a recommended treatment plan, and your experience can determine the success of your healing journey. Your dedicated team at Impact Medical wants you to recover from your injuries in the best way possible which is why we’re going to teach you how to decide on the right accident recovery treatment plan for you!

Determine If You Have a Common Accident Injury

Common injuries normally have a go-to treatment plan in place that is expected to work because it’s all been said and done thousands of times before. Some of the most common accident injuries you may face include:

  • Whiplash
  • Soft tissue injury
  • Concussions
  • Fractures

Find out how we can treat your auto accident injuries using proven methods. Or, here’s a brief overview of the available recovery treatment plans you may be referred to for these common accident injuries:

Therapy and Rehabilitation

Many physical injuries like whiplash, pinched nerves, and soft tissue injuries are treated with physical therapy or chiropractic care. Rehabilitation through exercises, adjustments, and manipulation are all crucial components of a treatment plan designed to restore strength and mobility after an accident.

Neurological Care Plan

Any injury to the spinal cord or nervous system can result in nerve damage that can make everyday life a struggle. Since the spine is always prone to accident injury, symptoms like brain fog and disruptions to cognitive function affect many victims. These patients usually go on a targeted treatment plan involving neurological care.

Pain Management Plan

Chronic pain is another common symptom following an accident, and patients who require additional care usually include interventional pain management tactics in their recovery treatment plan.

Psychological Counseling

For those who require both physical and mental treatment after an accident, their recovery plan often consists of injury trauma counseling services administered by licensed mental health counselors. These professionals can help with the coping and acceptance stages of mental trauma.

Custom Plans Are the Way to Go. Here’s How to Find the Best Clinic for You:

As you can see, there are countless treatment plans to address every type of accident injury. Such treatment plans have been proven to help people recover from these common injuries, but at the same time, not every injury is exactly the same. For the best results for your personal injury, you will need a custom treatment plan tailored to your body, symptoms, and more.

When looking for the right doctors to craft a custom recovery treatment plan for you, keep these considerations in mind:

  • The qualifications of the staff (certificates, degrees, years of experience)
  • The compassionate nature of the staff and their attention to detail
  • Whether or not your treatment plan is tailored to your exact needs

No Two Treatment Plans Are the Same. Discover Yours at Impact Medical!

Every accident recovery treatment plan administered by the professionals at Impact Medical is fully customized to meet the needs of the patient for swift and efficient results. Contact your nearest location today to schedule a consultation and start seeing the difference in our comprehensive and curated services!

Can Road Rash Injuries Be Deeper Than They Appear?

We’ve all seen it: a motorcyclist takes a tumble, and their skin pays the price with a painful, gritty reminder of the asphalt. Road rash, though often dismissed as a superficial injury, can hide a much more insidious threat beneath the surface. Don’t let those scrapes and abrasions fool you—they can be a gateway to deeper, more serious complications.

Motorcycle injuries demand specialized care. Let’s take a closer look at the hidden dangers of road rash and why it’s absolutely necessary to seek medical attention, even if your injuries seem minor.

The Unseen Damage of Road Rash

Road rash is more than just a cosmetic concern. When your skin grinds against the pavement, it can cause significant damage to the underlying tissues, including:

  • Muscle and Tendon Damage.The force of impact can tear or strain muscles and tendons, leading to pain, weakness, and limited mobility.
  • Nerve Damage.Nerves can be bruised, stretched, or even severed during a road rash injury, resulting in numbness, tingling, or loss of sensation.
  • Joint Injuries.If the road rash occurs near a joint, it can damage the ligaments and cartilage, potentially leading to long-term joint problems.
  • Road rash is a breeding ground for bacteria and other contaminants. Without proper cleaning and treatment, infection can set in, delaying healing and causing further complications.

Why Early Intervention Is Important for Road Rash Injuries

The sooner you seek medical attention for a road rash injury, the better your chances of a full and speedy recovery. Early intervention can:

  • Prevent Infection.Thorough cleaning and debridement (removal of damaged tissue) can significantly reduce the risk of infection.
  • Minimize Scarring. Proper wound care and scar management techniques can help minimize the appearance of scars.
  • Address Underlying Injuries.A medical professional can assess the extent of your injuries and recommend appropriate treatment for any underlying muscle, tendon, nerve, or joint damage.
  • Speed Up Healing.With the right treatment and care, you can accelerate the healing process and get back to your life sooner.

Even minor-looking injuries can have serious consequences, so don’t risk your health and well-being. If you’ve experienced a motorcycle accident and sustained road rash, seek medical attention promptly. At Impact Medical Group of Brandon, we have the expertise and experience to assess your injuries, provide comprehensive care, guiding you through every step of your recovery.

Your Road to Recovery Starts Here

We understand that motorcycle injuries can be physically and emotionally challenging. But with the right support and treatment, you can overcome these obstacles and reclaim your life. Don’t let road rash slow you down—call Impact Medical Group of Brandon today at (813) 522-8885 to schedule your free medical evaluation and start your healing journey.