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Injured in an accident? Let us help you!

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What Can Make Whiplash Worse After a Crash?

Whiplash is one of the most common, yet misunderstood, injuries people suffer after a car accident. It’s a painful condition that can lead to a variety of symptoms, including stiffness, headaches, and dizziness. While many recover with proper medical care, certain actions—or inactions—can make whiplash worse and complicate the path to recovery. Here’s what can make whiplash worse after a car accident.

Ignoring Symptoms

One of the primary mistakes individuals make post-crash is underestimating their symptoms. Remember, whiplash may not present immediately. It can take hours or even days for symptoms to appear. Ignoring these early signs and delaying treatment can worsen the condition, leading to chronic pain or complications. It’s important to seek medical attention even if you feel fine immediately after an accident.

Overexertion and Inactivity

There’s a delicate balance to maintain when recovering from whiplash. On one hand, overexertion by returning to normal activities too soon can strain the neck further and slow the healing process. On the other hand, too much inactivity can lead to stiffness and weaken neck muscles. Following a structured recovery plan that includes gentle exercises to maintain mobility and strengthen the neck is key to a balanced recovery.

Poor Posture

Poor posture is a common issue, especially with increased screen time. Slouching or craning the neck forward for prolonged periods can strain the neck muscles and ligaments, aggravating whiplash symptoms. Maintaining good posture and ergonomics, especially during the recovery phase, is essential to avoid additional strain on the neck.

Neglecting Your Mental Health

The psychological impact of a car crash and the subsequent physical discomfort of whiplash can lead to increased stress and anxiety, which can, in turn, exacerbate physical symptoms. Managing stress and addressing mental health are crucial components of whiplash recovery. Techniques such as mindfulness, meditation, and counseling can be beneficial alongside physical therapies.

Skipping Physical Therapy Sessions

Physical therapy is a cornerstone of whiplash treatment, offering exercises and techniques to reduce pain, restore mobility, and strengthen the neck muscles. Skipping sessions or not fully committing to the treatment plan can halt progress and lead to worsened symptoms or prolonged recovery.

Impact Medical Group of Tampa Is Your Partner in Whiplash Recovery

If you’re dealing with lingering whiplash after a car accident, you don’t have to suffer in silence. A full recovery requires a holistic approach that includes the physical and psychological aspects of healing.

Impact Medical Group of Tampa is here to support you on your recovery journey, providing a personalized approach that deals with the root cause of your problems—not just the symptoms. If you’ve been in an accident and are experiencing neck pain or other symptoms of whiplash, don’t wait to reach out to our expert medical team. Call us at (813) 283-1910 to schedule your free medical evaluation and take the first step towards restoring your health and well-being.

Have Chronic Back Pain After an Accident? Try Spinal Manipulation

Accidents leave more than just physical scars. In some cases, they can cause lingering back pain that becomes a relentless companion. If you find yourself in a constant battle with discomfort, it’s time to explore a path less traveled yet promising: spinal manipulation. Keep reading to learn how spinal manipulation can relieve your back pain and bring you back to a life of mobility and ease.

What is Spinal Manipulation?

Spinal manipulation, a cornerstone of chiropractic care, is an art as much as it is a science. It involves the precise application of pressure and movement to the vertebrae of the spine. The goal? To restore alignment, improve functionality, and alleviate pain. Practitioners use their hands or specialized tools to perform adjustments that aim to correct misalignments and enhance the body’s natural healing abilities.

Spinal manipulation is a nuanced approach that considers the intricate balance of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. By targeting the root cause of discomfort, spinal manipulation offers a holistic path to relief, beyond the temporary solace of painkillers.

How Can Spinal Manipulation Help Treat Back Pain?

If you’re living with chronic back pain after an accident, spinal manipulation might just be the medication-free treatment you’ve been searching for. Here’s how this ancient practice brings relief to weary backs:

  • Restores Structural Integrity: Accidents often jolt the spine out of harmony, leading to pain and reduced mobility. Spinal manipulation gently coaxes the vertebrae back into alignment, easing discomfort and restoring function.
  • Reduces Pressure on Nerves: Misalignments can press on nerves, causing pain and other symptoms. Adjustments relieve this pressure, often resulting in immediate pain reduction.
  • Enhances Flexibility: By realigning the spine, spinal manipulation improves range of motion, making daily activities less of a chore.
  • Promotes Healing: Correcting spinal misalignments boosts blood flow and nerve conductivity, encouraging the body’s healing processes to kick into high gear.
  • Holistic Relief: Beyond the physical benefits, spinal manipulation can reduce stress and anxiety, which are often exacerbated by chronic pain.

Spinal Manipulation at Impact Medical Group of St. Petersburg

Living with chronic back pain doesn’t have to be your new normal. Impact Medical Group of St. Petersburg is dedicated to unlocking the doors to a life free from pain through spinal manipulation. Our team of experts believes in a personalized approach, ensuring that each treatment plan is as unique as the individuals we serve. Call us today at (727) 722-8103 to schedule your free medical evaluation and start your journey toward realignment, relief, and rejuvenation!

How Can I Safely Strength Train After an Accident?

After an accident, getting back to your regular fitness routine may seem like a very distant goal. You might be wondering if it’s even possible to return to strength training without risking further injury. The good news is, with the right precautions and guidance, you can safely reintegrate strength training into your accident recovery process. Here’s what you need to know:

Can I Strength Train After an Accident?

The answer is a cautious yet hopeful yes, with a big asterisk: consult your doctor. Every accident is a unique event, leaving its mark on the body in ways that are as individual as fingerprints. Before you even think about picking up a dumbbell, it’s crucial to have a green light from a medical professional who understands your injuries and your journey to recovery.

Once you have that go-ahead, the world of strength training opens up again, but this time, it’s not about lifting the heaviest weights or pushing yourself to the limit. It’s time to reacquaint your body with movement, rebuilding strength at a pace that respects your healing, and listening—really listening—to what your body tells you.

Tips for Safe Strength Training After an Accident

Embarking on this journey requires a blend of patience, persistence, and prudence. Here are some guidelines to keep you on the safe path:

  1. Start Slowly: Your first steps back into strength training should be light and focused on mobility and flexibility. Think of it as laying down the foundation upon which your recovery will build.
  2. Prioritize Form Over Weight: It’s tempting to gauge progress by the weights lifted, but post-accident, the quality of your movement is king. Perfect your form to protect against further injury.
  3. Incorporate a Range of Exercises: Balance is key. Work with a physical therapist or a certified trainer to create a holistic program that strengthens your body evenly and addresses the specific areas affected by the accident.
  4. Listen to Your Body: Pain is a signal, not a challenge. If an exercise causes discomfort, stop what you’re doing and adjust. Your body’s feedback is invaluable in tailoring a program that fosters recovery, not setbacks.
  5. Embrace Rest and Recovery: Healing requires energy. Ensure you’re getting enough rest between sessions and consider integrating practices like yoga or meditation to support your body’s repair processes.
  6. Stay Consistent, Yet Flexible: Consistency fosters progress, but be prepared to adjust your training as you recover. Don’t forget to celebrate victories big and small along the way!

Taking the Next Steps with Impact Medical Group of Sarasota

If you’re ready to start strength training after an accident, Impact Medical Group of Sarasota is here to support you. We understand the importance of a carefully managed recovery process and create personalized rehabilitation plans that include safe strength training exercises tailored to your specific needs. Call us today at (941) 222-1157 to start your recovery journey with confidence!

Struggling To Find A Clinic That Takes Your Insurance? Try Impact Medical’s Self-Pay Option

Sometimes, having insurance isn’t enough to get chiropractic care. It’s the type of health insurance that decides whether or not you get the care that you need, and we find that wrong on so many levels. If you’re struggling to find ways to pay for your chiropractor visits, Impact Medical offers a new self-pay option that doesn’t require you to have insurance.

Why Won’t My Chiropractor Take My Insurance?

When a chiropractor denies an insurance provider, the insurance company itself is partly to blame. What is considered “premium” health insurance on the higher end of the spectrum may cover chiropractic care, but there are countless Floridians who solely rely on more affordable types of insurance like Medicare. The problem with insurance providers like Medicare is that they will only cover expenses for necessary treatment like in response to an injury. Otherwise, seeking a chiropractor can be taken as “preventive care” which is not listed under their available coverage.

Introducing A New Way To Pay Without Insurance

With how expensive a single visit can be, getting chiropractic care without help from your insurance may sound impossible no matter your budget. Self-pay chiropractors are revolutionizing the way people can get the treatment they need, regardless of whether they are looking to treat an injury or maintain a healthy body.

Learn more > How Cash Pay Chiropractic Care Allows Patients Control Over Their Treatment & Payment

Self-pay chiropractic care is paid for out of pocket upfront. How does this help someone on a budget? The price per visit is lower than what a visit would cost at a traditional chiropractor’s office, and you’re not obligated to pay any more than you’re comfortable with.

Take a look at the prices of these packages, for example:

6 Pack


($33 per session)

12 Pack


($28 per session)

24 Pack


($23 per session)

Depending on how much you have on you at the time, or how many times you plan on visiting, the cost for self-pay chiropractic care is significantly cheaper than the average visit. By utilizing this flexible payment method, we aim to treat more people in a way that works best for them.

Getting The Impact Medical Self-Pay Experience

Self-pay chiropractors are beginning to pop up as time goes by, but Impact Medical stands as your best choice for affordable and effective chiropractic services near you. But what makes our practice stand out among the rest?

When you visit one of the countless Impact Medical locations throughout Florida, you’ll receive the same level of compassion and convenience. With an initial exam and adjustment for as low as $39, we’ll show you how easy and affordable it is to receive quality chiropractic care from trained and talented professionals. Visit us anytime to witness the new age of self-care!

How Can I Get Started On Self-Pay Chiropractic Care?

Getting in on the new and revolutionary method of self-pay options for chiropractic treatment isn’t like getting into an exclusive club. All you need to do is visit your closest Impact Medical office and pay for your first exam and adjustment. If you want more information before you stop by, feel free to give us a call! We look forward to being your personal guide on your journey to affordable chiropractic care.