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What Are The Most Common Injuries From Head-On Collisions?

Some of the most deadly car accidents are those featuring head-on collisions. They occur when two vehicles hit each other straight on, often at high speeds The force involved in these deadly crashes means that the people inside the cars rarely escape unscathed without serious or even catastrophic injuries.

Today, our car accident care team at Impact Medical Zephyrhills explores some of the most common injuries that people sustain in head-on collisions, and how our team can help treat them.

The Danger of Head-On Collisions

The momentum, speed, and power involved in these accidents is what makes them so deadly. When two vehicles strike each other, their combined size and weight create an amazing amount of force upon impact.

Injuries from head-on collisions include:

  • Whiplash
  • Back & Spinal Cord Injuries
  • Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
  • Blunt Force Trauma
  • Broken Bones
  • Internal Injuries
  • Chest Injuries
  • Burns
  • Facial Damage
  • Scarring

Let’s discuss each of these briefly.


Though most common in rear-end accidents, whiplash is also quite common in head-on collisions. This syndrome is caused by your head snapping back and forth rapidly. This rapid movement causes soft tissue damage, nerve injuries, and chronic pain that can last for years.

Note: Symptoms of whiplash often don’t manifest for days after the accident. If you notice neck pain, a headache, or nausea, seek medical care immediately.

Back & Spinal Cord Injuries

Head-on collisions often cause damage to the back muscles and the discs and nerves running through the spinal column. These injuries can leave patients with long-term pain and loss of mobility.

Spinal cord injuries can cause partial or complete paralysis.

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

Not all head injuries sustained in a car accident cause brain damage, but head-on collisions can be quite traumatic.

Symptoms of a TBI include:

  • Loss of consciousness
  • Coma
  • Headaches
  • Speech impairment
  • Memory loss
  • Behavioral changes
  • Motor function problems

It’s important to note that TBIs often don’t show up on CT scans or X-rays right away. Symptoms can manifest in the hours and even days after an accident. If you experience any of the above symptoms, go to the ER immediately.

Blunt Force Trauma

Being thrown into the steering wheel, dashboard, windows, etc. during an accident can cause broken bones, internal bleeding, and damage to your most vital organs.

While seatbelts and airbags can lessen the severity of these injuries, they can often exacerbate injuries, especially in such severe accidents.

Broken Bones

Broken bones are quite common in head-on crashes. Depending on their severity, they may require surgery and can have a painful recovery period.

The worst part? Severe fractures can result in long-term disabilities that can interfere with your life for a long time.

Internal Injuries

During these catastrophic accidents, vital organs can be punctured, torn, or pushed around inside the body. This could mean life-threatening internal bleeding and even death if not treated promptly.

Chest Injuries

When vehicles are forced to stop abruptly, many injuries occur, such as chest trauma. While “crumple zones” are designed to minimize the impact of car crashes, they might not be enough to prevent some injuries. 


Chemical burns can be caused if the vehicle catches fire after an accident. The burns sustained in a car accident can be catastrophic, and can require painful skin grafts and complications like infections, blood clots, joint problems, and scarring.

Facial Damage

The driver or passengers’ faces can be disfigured in a head-on collision. The blunt force can also cause blindness, teeth and jaw damage, and even broken facial bones.

This can leave victims with pain and emotional trauma long after the accident.

How We Treat Car Accident Injuries

At Impact Medical Zephyrhills, we offer specialized non-invasive treatments for all kinds of auto accident injuries.

Rather than focus on administering drugs or medication, we utilize natural healing wherever possible. Our services include:

We will work hand in hand with you to design a treatment plan that will help you recover from your injuries so you can get back to living pain-free.

How Long After My Auto Accident Should I Wait To Start Physical Therapy?

If you have been involved in a car accident, you might be referred to a physical therapist for treatment depending on your injuries. Proper physical therapy can help alleviate pain and help patients recover from their injuries more quickly; but the question is, how long should you wait to start physical therapy after an accident? Does it matter?

The answer may surprise you and our physical therapy team at Impact Medical Sun City Center explores what you need to know in the guide below.

The Importance of Physical Therapy

So, let’s answer that question. You may be surprised, but we recommend that you should start physical therapy as soon as possible following an accident. We’ve found that many patients who begin physical therapy within three days of a car collision, have an easier time recovering from their injuries and getting back to their daily lives faster.

While you might be thinking that sounds too soon, there are many benefits to starting physical therapy immediately.

Here are some reasons:

#1. Faster Recovery

At its heart, physical therapy is all about helping people heal and recover from physical trauma and injuries. By working with a physical therapist right after you are injured, you can drastically shorten your recovery time. This means that you’ll get back to your daily routine much more quickly than if you tried to recover on your own.

Don’t let injuries hold you back for days, weeks, months, or even years. Seek treatment as soon as possible after you are injured.

#2. Avoid Chronic Issues

When injured, the blood flow to the injured area increases causing inflammation and swelling in the area of the injury. While this is your body’s way of promoting healing, it can be quite painful.

If your injury doesn’t heal properly, this inflammation will continue, leading to chronic pain. Fortunately, you can avoid this chronic pain with, you guessed it—physical therapy.

Your physical therapist at Impact Medical Sun City Center will help you recover with targeted exercises and stretches designed to help reduce pain and inflammation.

#3. Prevent Secondary Injuries

If left untreated, injuries often cause others. Let’s assume that you sprained your ankle in a car accident but you decide to forgo treatment. The soft tissues around your ankle have to work overtime to make up for the loss of stability in your ankle, and then you end up with soft tissue strains and aches that could have been avoided if you had gone to a physical therapist.

Your therapist will help you strengthen your ankle and the muscles around it, making it less likely that you suffer from any secondary injuries.

#4. Reduces the Likelihood of Surgery

Let’s get real. If you fail to treat an injury, let’s say a back injury, after a car accident your pain and injuries could continue to get worse. That could mean that you eventually need surgery.

Surgery is rarely ideal. You have to consider the side effects, recovery, and the fact that invasive surgeries rarely restore your body to how it was before you were injured.

That’s where physical therapy is beneficial. It has been proven as an effective way to avoid surgery for all kinds of car accident injuries. But remember, the sooner you go to physical therapy, the less likely surgery becomes.

Don’t wait to see if you’ll eventually feel better, begin a physical therapy regimen immediately after an accident to see amazing results.

Restore & Rejuvenate

When you’ve been in a car accident, your body has been through a lot of trauma. And right now, it is working hard to help you recover. But instead of lounging on the couch and hoping to feel better, you can give your recovery a boost with help from our physical therapists at Impact Medical Sun City Center.

Even if your accident was weeks or months ago, we can still help you begin to recover. Contact us at (813) 938-5195 to schedule a consultation today.

Cervical Facet Injections for Post-Accident Neck Pain – How It Can Help

Neck pain following an accident, particularly a vehicular one, can be a pervasive and debilitating issue. Often, this pain stems from injuries to the cervical facet joints, which are small stabilizing joints located between and behind adjacent vertebrae in the neck. In these cases, cervical facet injections have emerged as a viable and effective treatment option. Here’s how cervical facet injections can help in managing post-accident neck pain.

Understanding Cervical Facet Joint Pain

The cervical facet joints play a crucial role in the movement and stability of the neck. These joints can become painful due to injury, inflammation, or arthritis, often resulting from an accident. Symptoms of cervical facet joint pain can include neck pain, stiffness, and tenderness, and sometimes pain radiating to the shoulders or head. Accurate diagnosis is crucial, typically involving physical examinations, medical history analysis, and imaging tests like MRI or CT scans.

What are Cervical Facet Injections?

Cervical facet injections are a minimally invasive procedure used both for diagnosing and treating neck pain. This procedure involves injecting a small amount of local anesthetic and steroid medication directly into the cervical facet joint. The anesthetic provides immediate pain relief, while the steroid reduces inflammation and provides longer-lasting pain relief. Cervical facet injections serve a dual purpose:

  • Diagnostic Tool: In addition to treatment, cervical facet injections serve a diagnostic function. If immediate pain relief is experienced following the injection, it confirms that the facet joint is the source of pain. This diagnostic aspect is essential in developing a targeted treatment plan for long-term relief.
  • Therapeutic Benefit: For therapeutic purposes, the steroid medication in the injection helps reduce inflammation and pain in the affected joint. This relief can last from several weeks to months, allowing patients to engage in physical therapy and rehabilitation exercises more effectively.

Benefits of Cervical Facet Injections

Cervical facet injections offer several benefits:

  • Targeted Pain Relief: By delivering medication directly to the source of pain, these injections can provide more effective relief compared to oral medications.
  • Minimal Invasiveness: The procedure is less invasive than surgery, with fewer risks and a quicker recovery time.
  • Improved Mobility: Reduction in pain and inflammation can lead to improved neck mobility and function.
  • Facilitation of Rehabilitation: With reduced pain, patients can participate more actively in physical therapy, expediting their recovery.

The Procedure: What to Expect

The procedure is typically performed in an outpatient setting and takes about 15 to 30 minutes. Using fluoroscopic (x-ray) guidance, the physician ensures accurate placement of the needle in the facet joint. Most patients experience minimal discomfort during the procedure and can return to their normal activities shortly after.

Get Post-Accident Pain Relief With Cervical Facet Injections at Impact Medical Group of Brandon

Cervical facet injections are a valuable tool in the management of post-accident neck pain, providing both diagnostic insight and therapeutic relief. This treatment can be a key component of a comprehensive pain management and rehabilitation plan.

At Impact Medical Group of Brandon, we specialize in post-accident recovery, including cervical facet injections. Our experienced team is committed to providing personalized care to alleviate your pain and facilitate your journey to recovery. If you are struggling with neck pain following an accident, contact us at (813) 522-8885 to explore how cervical facet injections and our other services can help you.

5 Common Holiday Injuries and How to Avoid Them

The holiday season is a time for joy, celebration, and unfortunately, an increased risk of certain injuries. Amid the festivities, it’s easy to overlook safety precautions, leading to accidents that could dampen the holiday spirit. Here are five common holiday injuries and how to avoid them, ensuring your season remains merry and bright.

1. Slips and Falls

Decorating for the holidays often involves climbing ladders or navigating through cluttered spaces, increasing the risk of slips and falls. To avoid these accidents:

  • Always use a sturdy ladder for decorating, and have someone to spot you.
  • Keep walkways clear of decorations, cords, and other trip hazards.
  • Wear appropriate, non-slip footwear, especially when outside.

2. Kitchen-Related Injuries

The holiday feast is a big part of the celebration, but the kitchen can be a hazard zone. Burns, cuts, and other injuries are common. To prevent them:

  • Never leave cooking food unattended to prevent fires and burns.
  • Keep knives sharp and use them carefully to avoid cuts.
  • Organize your kitchen to prevent clutter and ensure a safe cooking environment.

3. Back Injuries

Lifting heavy boxes of decorations or furniture can lead to back injuries. To protect your back:

  • Practice proper lifting techniques: bend at the knees and lift with your legs, not your back.
  • Avoid lifting heavy objects alone – always ask for help.
  • Take frequent breaks when doing physically demanding tasks.

4. Stress-Related Health Issues

The holiday season can be stressful, leading to headaches, high blood pressure, or even depression. To manage stress:

  • Take time for yourself and don’t overcommit to holiday activities.
  • Practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation.
  • Maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine to manage stress levels.

5. Electrical Injuries

Holiday lights and decorations can pose electrical hazards, especially when they are outdated or improperly installed. To avoid electrical injuries:

  • Inspect lights and decorations for frayed wires or other damages before using them.
  • Follow manufacturer guidelines for installation and use of holiday lights.
  • Do not overload electrical outlets and always turn off decorations before leaving home or going to bed.

Happy Holidays From Impact Medical Group of Sarasota

While the holiday season is a time for fun and celebration, it’s important to stay vigilant about safety. By following these tips, you can avoid common holiday injuries and enjoy the festivities without any unwelcome surprises.

Should you find yourself in need of recovery from any holiday-related injuries, Impact Medical Group of Sarasota is here to help. Our team of professionals is equipped to provide comprehensive care to get you back on your feet. From physical therapy to chiropractic care, we have the resources to assist you in your recovery journey. Don’t let injuries keep you down this holiday season. Call us at (941) 222-1157 to schedule an appointment and take the first step towards a swift and effective recovery.