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6 Signs Your Herniated Disc Is Healing After An Accident

Herniated discs, also called bulged or slipped discs, often cause excruciating pain and limited mobility. The healing process can be lengthy, but some good signs signal that they are healing after an accident including:

#1. Less Pain and Discomfort

#2. Enhanced Mobility

#3. Increased Muscle Strength

#4. Less Numbness

#5. Improved Sleep

#6. Imaging Tests Show Improvement

Today, our physical therapy team at Impact Medical Sun City Center discusses these signs of healing to help you understand what to expect.

What is a Herniated Disc?

A herniated disc is an injury to the cushions in between the spine. These discs act like a buffer between your bones and are what allow your back to bend and move.

When one of these discs tears or leaks due to an accident, it is called a herniated disc and can manifest with sharp shooting pain, numbness, and weakness.

How Long Do Herniated Discs Take to Heal?

In most cases, herniated discs will heal within six months. That said, there are some factors that can affect healing time including:

  • Severity of the injury: The extent to which the disc was injured during the accident will affect how long it takes to heal.
  • Age: Age plays a large role in how fast the body heals. Younger people tend to recover faster from injuries.
  • Health: Those in good overall health will recover faster than those who are suffering from other health conditions.

Herniated Disc: Signs of Healing

There are several ways we can tell if your herniated discs are healing after an accident including:

#1. Less Pain and Discomfort

One of the first signs that you will notice during your healing journey is less pain in the affected area. This is a great (and welcome) sign!

As inflammation, called radiculopathy, in the injured area subsides, the pressure on the nerves decreases, thus you’ll feel less pain and muscle spasms.

Generally, those suffering from a herniated disc after an accident should wait to return to normal activities within six weeks.

#2. Enhanced Mobility

As you recover from a bulging disc, doing gentle exercises and stretches as recommended by our physical therapists can help enhance mobility and flexibility, without additional injury.

Further, improved mobility is a sure sign that nerve compression has eased and that healing is occurring.

#3. Increased Muscle Strength

Physical therapy can also help restore inflamed nerves that are affected by the herniated disc, allowing them to function normally. Plus, light strength exercises can increase mobility, decrease pain, and foster better overall posture.

#4. Less Numbness

If the herniated disc caused numbness, sciatica, or pins and needles in the legs, a lack of numbness is a positive sign that things are healing.

#5. Improved Sleep

Herniated discs are quite painful, so it is common for those suffering from them to complain of a lack of sleep. Experiencing better sleep due to a reduction in pain is a great sign!

#6. Imaging Tests Show Improvement

MRI and X-rays can also confirm that healing has begun. If the bulging disc is healing imaging tests may show a decrease in the area of herniation or changes in the position of the disc.

Read More > Is Rest or Exercise Better for Back Pain After an Accident?

Visit Impact Medical Sun City Center

If are suffering from a herniated disc after an accident, don’t wait to get treatment! You deserve to live pain-free and our physical therapists are here to help.

Contact our friendly team at Impact Medical Sun City Center at (813) 938-5195 to schedule a physical therapy consultation today!