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Can Accident Neck Injuries Cause Headaches? Yes, Here’s How

With so much happening in a matter of seconds, it’s no wonder accident victims come out of a car crash with intense headaches. Most headaches can be triggered by the head taking a blow or rocking back and forth. Sometimes, the stress alone can be enough to keep the pain lingering. But if you’re still feeling a troublesome headache a while after the accident, your neck injury could be the source.

What does your neck have to do with head pain? Your trusted team at Impact Medical Riverview is here to tell you!

Identifying Post-Traumatic Headaches

If you pay close attention to your symptoms, headaches come in different varieties and pain levels. You’ll be able to tell if your neck injury is the cause of your headache if it feels like the pain originates from the cervical spine and travels up to the skull. This type of post-traumatic headache is often classified as a cervicogenic headache, but you could also be dealing with a concussion, muscle contraction, or pinched nerve. A post-traumatic headache also has a tendency to stay concealed for a few days after the collision before appearing.

Main Causes For Cervicogenic Headaches

The reason why many accident victims end up with cervicogenic headaches is because they experience neck injuries like whiplash and pinched nerves and don’t seek treatment right away. There are many risks associated with not receiving whiplash treatment with severe headaches and chronic symptoms being a couple of prime examples.

What do cervicogenic headaches feel like? Common symptoms include:

  • Radiating pain in the back of the skull
  • Exaggerated pain when moving the neck
  • Singular pain on one side of the head or face
  • Head pain that affects the eyes

What Is Whiplash?

Whiplash is one of the most common car crash injuries that encompasses the neck area. As the neck is rocked violently back and forth, the swelling and inflammation that follows often result in severe headaches and other debilitating symptoms such as extreme dizziness, draining fatigue, and limiting stiffness.

The Relation Between Pinched Nerves and Headaches

When an accident injury causes pinched nerves, the sensation can travel from the pinched nerve to your brain which can induce headaches. Nerve damage that occurs anywhere along the spine, especially closer to the neck (or cervical spine), is often enough to trigger the pain sensors in your brain. Pinched nerves can be identified by other existing symptoms like numbing, tingling, tenderness, and sometimes burning sensations. If your headache is the result of a pinched nerve, there are effective treatment options for pinched nerves that we offer at Impact Medical.

The Severity of a Fracture Headache

In some worst-case scenarios, a car crash may cause a fractured bone. Any cracks or fractures in your skull or cervical spine often result in extremely painful fracture headaches. This type of head pain can prove to be persistent, sometimes leading to brain injury if you’re not careful. Prompt treatment is crucial for bone fractures located around the head and neck as headaches may only be a small portion of your worries.

Find Relief From Accident Neck Injuries and Headaches at Impact Medical in Riverview!

At Impact Medical Riverview, we can treat headaches that stem from personal injuries in the neck like whiplash, pinched nerves, and more. Contact your local office in Riverview today at 656-347-2608 to schedule your consultation and experience personalized treatment plans with comprehensive auto accident services!