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Popular Injury Treatment Combinations Our Patients Love

Sticking with a single treatment method isn’t always enough for some injuries. There will be times when an injury is too severe to be resolved without additional help which is why combo treatments are sometimes recommended by chiropractors. Take a look at some of the most popular injury treatment combinations that our patients love to receive at Impact Medical:

A Focus on Both Mental and Physical Health

Regardless of how minor or extreme the accident is, it’s not uncommon to encounter both physical and emotional trauma. This is why a popular treatment combo that’s highly suggested by our team is the fusion of both physical and mental treatment methods. For example, you could visit us for chiropractic care to relieve physical pain while seeking our counseling services for emotional support in dealing with PTSD.

Read more > Why We Provide Services For Our Patients’ Both Physical and Mental Health

Physical Therapy and Chiropractic Care – The Classic Duo

Perhaps our most popular treatment combo is between chiropractic care and physical therapy. These two options may sound similar to individuals who have yet to seek either treatment. The basic understanding is that you have someone to assist your physical body through natural movements and practices, and while this may be true, each one serves a distinct purpose with each of those purposes benefiting each other. Chiropractic care aims to relieve pain by decreasing inflammation in the body through adjustments. Meanwhile, the goal of physical therapy is to restore movement and flexibility which is much easier to accomplish after you relieve pain via chiropractic care.

Supplementing MUA With Chiropractic Care

When the pain from your injury is too much to bear, chiropractic care may be impossible to achieve without dealing with immense discomfort. Manipulation under anesthesia (MUA) helps patients restore motion by numbing the affected area and using gentle movements in a way that isn’t so painful. After receiving MUA treatment, our patients have been able to continue seeing our chiropractors.

Pairing Cognitive Therapy and Counseling For TBIs

Traumatic brain injury is a complex condition that requires complex care. One of the ways that our patients recover from TBIs is by nourishing the brain with cognitive therapy followed by emotional counseling to help them cope with brain-related disabilities that interfere with everyday tasks and quality of life. We understand that any injury that affects the brain can prove to be a tall obstacle, but our compassionate team is here to support you in every way.

Learn more > Can Chiropractic Care Help With Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries?

Promoting PT Success With Steroid Injections

Recovery through physical therapy can be a process that takes time and effort, but if you’re dealing with swelling and inflammation, such conditions can slow down your treatment plan. Steroid shots can inject cortisone into the swollen or inflamed area, bringing you enough relief to help you strive for success in your PT journey. Steroid injections are just one of the many interventional pain management services that we offer at Impact Medical.

Find Your Perfect Combination Treatment Plan at Impact Medical

If you believe that any of these treatment combos can help you with your injury, contact your local Impact Medical office today to get started with a consultation! We will carefully diagnose your injury and symptoms to find the best combination of treatment methods to include in your personal recovery plan.