HIPAA Seal of Compliance Verification

Injured in an accident? Let us help you!

HIPAA Seal of Compliance Verification

Are Injections For Auto Accident Neck Injuries A Smart Idea?

Life can feel very different after an auto accident. Let’s start with the most obvious reason this can happen, injury. Relearning how to do simple things like walking or even lifting a glass of water can be frustrating. If you don’t have any major injuries, it’s important to consider the psychological effects of your accident. Many people ignore signs like elevated heart rate, trouble sleeping, and flashbacks when the reality is these can all be signs of Post Traumatic Stress disorder. PTSD can be very disruptive to daily life, and counseling should be considered. So, if you’re not severely injured, and you don’t have any signs of PTSD, you should be in the clear, right?

Do I Need Injections From My Auto Accident?

You might think that being sore or having residual pain is normal and is something that will resolve on its own. Some light stretching and drinking plenty of water will do the trick, right? While there are many different kinds of neck pain, getting evaluated by a medical professional to assess which one you have is crucial in understanding what you need to do to heal.

Here are a few different kinds of neck injuries that can be sustained from an auto accident:

  1. Whiplash: Whiplash is caused by a violent jerking of the body due to the impact of the collision. It can feel as mild as a sore neck, or as severe as limited mobility and shooting pains down the spine. If whiplash goes untreated, it can cause overcompensation in other areas of the body that can lead to nerve damage or swelling. Needless to say, leaving whiplash untreated can cause even worse complications down the line.
  2. Cervical Fracture: This occurs when one of the bones in the neck fracture due to impact or sustained weight on the neck area. This can be mild, or severe, even leading to nerve damage or paralysis.
  3. Neck sprain: While this one might not sound as severe, a neck sprain can hinder daily life due to the pain. When the muscles in the neck are pulled and overstretched, it can cause immobility which can affect many things, including your ability to drive or sleep comfortably.

Related > Why Is Back Pain Often Delayed After An Accident?

So what Can Impact Medical Do To Help?

At Impact Medical Sun City, we offer a variety of safe and effective injections to help you manage pain, or reduce swelling caused by your neck injury.

Here are a few types of injections that we offer:

  1. Our Epidural injections deliver anti-inflammatory steroids into the area around spinal nerve roots in order to help relieve pain in the body that is caused by irritated spinal nerves.
  2. A facet joint injection is a small amount of local anesthetic used to numb the area, and help block pain. This can help with overcompensation from other parts of your body!
  3. Selective nerve root block injections (SNRB) are cortisone injections that create long-lasting relief in the body from inflammation and compression.

If you are suffering from a neck injury, whether that looks like some stiffness or trouble turning your head, or complete immobility of the neck, please stop and see us at Impact Medical Sun City! We can assess your injury and plan the best course of action with you. Our goal is to get you back to living your everyday life as effectively as possible! Give us a call at 813-938-5195 to get started on your healing journey today.