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Is Accident Treatment Actually Important For A Claim In 2024?

Some car crash victims may file a claim and call it done, but neglecting certain tasks like seeking medical attention can hurt your chances of receiving adequate compensation. Find out how accident treatment can work in your favor when filing an insurance claim in 2024! After getting all the facts, know that Impact Medical is always available to treat your accident injuries at multiple locations throughout Florida.

What Insurance Companies Look For In a Claim

How do insurance companies decide how much they’re going to offer you? Yes, much of it has to do with your vehicle’s repairs, but that’s not the only thing they consider when reviewing your case. Having medical records for your accident-related treatment can act as proof of the extent of your injuries and increase your chances of getting a higher settlement (or any settlement, at all). When using your doctor’s visits to assist with your insurance claim, the timing of your initial visit and the consistency in how often you go back for treatment are all considered.

The Most Critical Factors When Handling Insurance Claims

Let’s take a closer look at the importance of timing and consistency when seeking medical treatment to back your insurance claim:


The time it takes you to see a doctor after getting into a car accident plays a critical factor in how seriously your insurance provider takes your records. The sooner you’re seen from the time of impact, the easier it is to prove how severe your injuries were and how necessary it was to seek immediate treatment. If you take too long to visit your local doctor’s office, the less impactful your injuries may seem.

”How soon should I seek treatment?”

Prompt care is important, but if anything, seeing a doctor within 14 days of the accident is often enough to help your case. This timeframe also helps you qualify for PIP coverage.

Taking care of your body right after an accident is vital not just for insurance coverage but also for your well-being. Learn more about how you should take care of your body after being in an accident.


Every accident injury is different, ranging from mild pain to severe trauma. Although we wish that your injuries are minimal, it may also help you to know that more intense injuries can help your case in an insurance claim. Traumatic brain injuries and any injuries that put you at risk of chronic pain can result in higher compensation.

To help you determine the scope of your injury, read more about what injuries your doctor should be checking for after an auto accident.


The more visits your treatment calls for, the more severe your accident injury may appear to your insurance provider. Usually, severe or chronic injuries require multiple visits which may equate to higher compensation due to stacking medical bills.

All of the tips and information mentioned above can be useful in protecting yourself from third-party liability.

Who Is Qualified to Treat My Accident Injuries?

Pay mind to the type of doctor that you see for accident injury treatment. Some practitioners may not be qualified to administer appropriate care or may not be recognized by your insurance provider. So you don’t realize that after five appointments you may not receive compensation for your medical bills, it pays to make sure you’re seeing the right specialist from the get-go. For instance, Impact Medical can be trusted for accident treatment in Tampa according to insurance providers who are popular among our patients.

Meet Your Insurance Claim Requirements By Seeking Accident Injury Treatment at Impact Medical!

Are you having trouble with your insurance settlement? Impact Medical offers a way for you to get treatment without it. Contact your nearest office to ask about our affordable self-pay chiropractic services!