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How Many Chiropractic Sessions Do I Need After A Big Truck Accident?

When you experience a big motor accident, a medical professional must be involved at some point in your healing process to evaluate and assess your injuries to recommend the best treatments. Even seemingly small accidents that you walk away from, able to immediately jump back into your daily routines, can cause significant damage. Small accidents can actually end up causing life-long problems over time if any underlying issues go unresolved. So what type of treatment is recommended for both big and small motor or truck accidents?

How Can Chiropractic Care Help?

Chiropractic care has been a practice since the 1800s and has countless fans and believers of this non-invasive healing practice. Now, chiropractic care has been adopted by many scholars and medical professionals alike. It’s no secret as to why it is recommended as a treatment for so many accidents and injuries, including injuries sustained by a truck accident.

Related > Chiropractic Therapy Explained: Different Treatments and FAQs

What Can I Expect From My Chiropractic Treatments?

The frequency and intensity of chiropractic treatments are going to vary from patient to patient based on previous history, underlying conditions, and severity of the truck accident. What we do know is chiropractic care takes time to work its magic as your body readjusts to this foreign alignment that even before your accident you may not have felt. Every patient is going to respond differently to treatment, but here is what to expect.

You may notice your doctor recommending you visit your chiropractor 2-3 times a week for the first few weeks to help with pain management and mobility. This, of course, could last even a few months depending on the factors mentioned above. After seeing improvement in mobility and discussing pain management, appointments may drop to once a week! This is to monitor any symptoms or pain that might return as the frequency of chiropractic appointments lessens. Ideally, regular monthly or bi-monthly visits will not only help with restoration from your accident but also act as a preventative treatment to help strengthen your body.

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If you have any concerns about previous truck accidents that went untreated or unseen by a chiropractor or know of a loved one who recently got into a truck accident, please reach out to our team of medical professionals at Impact Medical Dade City at 813-706-5156 so we can ensure that you’re receiving the right medical treatment for you!