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Chiropractors vs. Surgery For Herniated Discs – Our Thoughts

Dealing with a herniated disc can feel like the worst pain of your life, but is it enough to warrant the need for surgery? At Impact Medical Spring Hill, we’ve had our fair share of patients who have come in seeking treatment for herniated disc injuries. What do we usually recommend for them? Here are our thoughts on whether chiropractic care or surgery is the best choice for herniated discs:

How Do You Get a Herniated Disc?

A herniated disc happens when one of the cartilage discs (between your spinal discs) slips out of place and causes severe swelling. This sometimes causes the cartilage to burst open, leading to incredible pain and exacerbated injury. Since you won’t be able to take a close look at your vertebrae without getting a scan, try to see if your symptoms align with those of a herniated disc to determine if this is the type of injury you’re experiencing:

  • Unbearable pain in the lower back, sometimes extending into the thighs and calves.
  • Muscle spasms in the back that are often followed by feelings of numbness or tingling.
  • Pain or stiffness when attempting to turn the neck.
  • Numbing sensations or pain that start in the back and spread towards the front of the ribcage.
  • Issues with keeping balance while standing or walking.

Learn more > 8 Ways to Determine If You Need Surgery or a Pain Management Specialist

What a Chiropractor Can Do For Your Herniated Disc

A chiropractor will be able to diagnose your symptoms and let you know if what you’re experiencing really is a herniated disc. Once they have confirmed your injury, they can use methods and techniques at their disposal to treat your injury and mitigate the pain levels to help you make a full recovery. Nonsurgical treatment methods like chiropractic care are typically considered before surgery if it can be helped.

Your chiropractor sessions may include:

  • Spinal manipulation
  • Light exercises
  • Stretching
  • Heat and cold therapy
  • Electrical stimulation
  • Advice for lifestyle changes
  • Nutrition counseling
  • And more

Your chiropractor will recommend what you need to help you recover from your herniated disc in a way that naturally supports the body. Chiropractic care has been known to effectively relieve pain and discomfort caused by herniated discs in a way that expedites healing.

Treating Herniated Discs With Surgery Options

The only times that your doctor will recommend surgery over chiropractic care is if you have already been unsuccessful with gentler approaches or if your injuries require you to replace damaged parts. Types of surgery that may be suggested by your doctor include:

  • Discectomy
  • Artificial disc replacement
  • Fusion surgery
  • Laminotomy
  • Laminectomy

Before requesting any of these surgical procedures from the get-go, make sure you seek out a practitioner to see if any of these solutions are right for you.

Bottom Line: Making the Right Choice For You

If we were to give any bit of advice regarding treating herniated discs, it would be to start small. Try out chiropractic care first to see if you notice any differences. If that doesn’t seem to be working out for you, consult your doctor for recommendations on types of surgery that you may need to recover from a herniated disc. If you go through with surgery, chiropractic care is still suggested as a way to recover from the effects of the procedure.

Impact Medical Treats Herniated Discs In Spring Hill

Think you may be dealing with a herniated disc? Call Impact Medical Spring Hill today at 352-340-5427 to schedule a consultation. Whether you require chiropractic care or spinal surgery, we have the tools and expertise to help you recover from a herniated disc and more. Ask us about our interventional pain management services to help you find relief from your spine pain.

What Are The Most Serious Risks Of Not Receiving Whiplash Treatment?

Whether it’s due to a lack of immediate symptoms or the price of treatment, it’s common for people to opt out of getting their whiplash injuries checked out and treated by a professional. Find out the major risks associated with neglecting whiplash treatment before calling Impact Medical Largo to schedule a consultation appointment.

What Is Whiplash, And Do I Have It?

Whiplash is one of the most common types of accident injuries that car crash victims experience. It involves your neck being whipped from one side to another when impacted during a collision which gives credence to its name. This occurrence can result in countless symptoms in the muscles, nerves, tendons, and more. You can often identify whiplash by the following signs:

  • Pain when moving the neck
  • Limited mobility in the neck
  • Stiffness in the neck and shoulders
  • Consistent headaches and/or migraines
  • Numbing or tingling sensations
  • Dizziness or vertigo
  • Feeling tired or fatigued

It’s best to keep in mind that whiplash symptoms don’t always show up right after an accident. In some cases, it can take days or weeks before you start experiencing pain and discomfort. This is why it’s best to seek a chiropractor soon after a car crash regardless of how you feel in the moment.

All of the Risks Associated With Untreated Whiplash:

Neglecting whiplash injuries can cause it to escalate into worse conditions such as:

Permanent Stiffness In the Neck

When whiplash happens, the muscles in your neck and shoulders can become inflamed and limit your range of motion. Without proper treatment, it may become difficult to turn your head for the foreseeable future.

Chronic Headaches and Migraines

The nerves in your spine close to your neck can flare up and induce headaches or migraines. When left ignored, this area can remain tight and continue to cause consistent head pain. Take a moment to review your neck treatment options.

Spinal Misalignments

Leaving whiplash untreated can affect your posture which can, in turn, cause spinal misalignments. Like a snowball effect, misalignments caused by whiplash symptoms could affect your nervous system which opens up another category of pain and discomfort.

Degenerative Disc Disease

The same impactful force that causes whiplash can also push your vertebrae out of alignment and lead to herniated discs. So by neglecting whiplash treatment, you will also be robbing yourself of detecting and treating the weakness and numbness that comes from ignored herniated discs.

Neurological Conditions

Injuries affecting the nerves that go untreated have the potential to cause debilitating symptoms that can impact your quality of life and mental health such as anxiety, depression, dizziness, nausea, mood swings, personality disorders, and more. Chiropractic care is used to treat concussion symptoms, but adjustments can assist with these neurological problems as well.

Best Ways to Halt Whiplash Symptoms and Progression

People suffering from whiplash injuries may seek at-home relief like heat and ice packs, hot tea, pain meds, and even cervical collars. These methods may help relieve pain for a few minutes, but they should never replace professional care. A chiropractor can perform spinal manipulation and adjustments designed to realign the spinal cord to take pressure off of the nerves and reduce swelling in the neck. Physical therapy can also help you regain mobility and is often recommended after surgery should you need a surgical procedure for your neck injury.

Read more > Here’s How Spinal Traction Can Help Treat Whiplash

Visit Your Trusted Chiropractor Near You In Largo

For effective whiplash treatment near you, call Impact Medical Largo at 727-630-2151 to schedule a consultation. We offer everything you need for relief in your neck and spine, including self-pay chiropractic services for flexible treatment options that work for you.

Is Physical Therapy Safe For Children After Being In An Accident?

Seeking out treatment for yourself after an accident can seem scary and overwhelming, but when it comes to your child, we understand the reasons you might stress even more! At Impact Medical Dade City, we understand that you don’t want to cause further damage from the wrong treatments, or care, or inflict any more emotional strain from long or invasive doctor visits. Our team here specializes in auto accidents, and we’ve seen it all. Our team has extensive experience working with children, and our physical therapists know just how to help!

Choose Your Care Facility Carefully

The number one thing to remember when considering physical therapy for your child is that the facility you go to plays a huge role in the safety of the treatments. We can’t make a blanket statement stating that all physical therapy facilities are safe options for your child, but what we do know is that physical therapy at Impact Medical is a safe and less invasive option for your child after being in an accident.

Related > Physical Therapy For Post-Accident Vertigo

3 Reasons Why Physical Therapy Is Safe For Children

  1. Treatments Are Customizable! Physical therapists assess injuries, and consult doctors to ensure each treatment is custom-made for every patient. There is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to physical therapy because no injury from an accident is going to affect everyone the same way.
  2. Plans can be changed! No matter how many physical therapy sessions your doctor recommends, plans can always be changed. For example, if you’re halfway through your amount of recommended sessions, and your child is seeing progress in one area of the body, your physical therapist can either adjust the treatment plan to lessen intensity in that area or focus more on it, depending on what your child needs.
  3. Keep Muscles Growing! As a child, your body has not finished developing, so having an accident that disrupts muscle function or mobility can potentially affect the child’s motor functions as they grow more. During physical therapy sessions, we can ensure proper exercises that encourage mobility and function are used.

Related > Should Children Get Adjustments After An Accident?

Physical Therapy Disguised As Play

Another understandably big concern parents have for their children is that medical treatments and procedures can poorly affect mental health and willingness to attend treatments. No parent wants to force their kids into the car to attend something they don’t want to be at! We understand this feeling, which is why we’re inclined to create a fun and engaging customized treatment plan for your child. With treadmills, bands, balls, and equipment, our team of professionals can disguise effective treatments as playtime! Since our team has so much experience working with children, you can rest assured knowing that the last thing we even want to do is put any more stress on our patients, children, or adults.

At Impact Medical Dade City, we understand your stress, which is why we are here to help! If you or anyone you know has had a child have the unfortunate experience of being in an accident, please don’t hesitate to reach out at 813-706-5156. Our team is waiting and eager to help assist with flexibility, mobility, and strength-building with your child, all while having fun!

What Kind Of Accidents Are Bulging Discs Most Commonly Caused By?

If you’ve ever had a bulging disc, you know very well how painful and debilitating it can be in your everyday life. One of the best ways to prevent this injury is by understanding how and where it happens. Trust in your local experts at Impact Medical Tarpon Springs as we show you what kind of accidents bulging discs are most commonly caused by.

How Do Bulging Discs Occur? A Quick Study on Accident Injuries

A lot can happen during an impact caused by a crash or other type of accident. In the spine, such an impact can result in a bulging disc. This is what happens when your spinal discs suffer a powerful blow, enough to damage the spinal discs that make up your vertebrae. In response, the cartilage in the affected area may swell and result in what’s called a bulged disc. Which types of accidents can cause this? Let’s take a look:

The Worst, and Most Common, Accidents For Bulging Discs

Auto accidents are commonly known for resulting in injuries like whiplash, pinched nerves, and bulging discs. This is because the impact between two cars, no matter which side it’s coming from, typically ends in the driver or passenger being shuffled back and forth after getting hit. A bulging disc caused this way can result in additional symptoms like pinched nerves or leaked spinal fluid.

Slip and fall accidents can also produce a bulged disc, especially if you land on your back or tailbone. These types of accidents are sometimes considered a leading cause of personal accident injuries and have the potential to damage the body and cause symptoms as much as a car crash would.

Truck accidents are, surprisingly, another common type of accident that can result in bulging discs. Despite the vehicle being quite large, it’s precisely that fact that these types of accidents are dangerous. With the wrong move, the size of your rig can work against you.

Boat accidents may be lower on the list, but experiencing a fall or impact on a boat or being thrown overboard can also lead to injuries like bulging discs. This is especially the case since you aren’t always protected by a seatbelt or closed cabin.

What Does a Bulging Disc Feel Like?

You’ll know you have a bulging disc when you have severe pain that starts in the back and spreads to your limbs. It may prove difficult to walk under these conditions, especially if your bulging discs are also inducing unpleasant and hindering sensations like numbing or tingling. If you’re dealing with these symptoms, it’s crucial to seek treatment immediately before they turn into chronic symptoms.

Your Treatment Options For Bulging Discs

When you see a practitioner for bulging discs, they may recommend one of the following treatment options depending on the severity of your injuries and symptoms:

  • Chiropractic care
  • Physical therapy
  • Epidural steroid injections
  • Microendoscopic discectomy
  • And more

Despite how you’re feeling, it’s usually better to start with less intensive options like PT or chiropractic care before resorting to surgery. Either way, be sure to see a professional for the best recommendation in treating your bulging discs.

Bulging Disc Getting In Your Way? Visit Impact Medical In Tarpon Springs

Is a bulging disc impeding your ability to live life to the fullest? Call Impact Medical Tarpon Springs today at 727-756-9585 to schedule a consultation for our professional therapy services or surgical options!