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Injured in an accident? Let us help you!

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What Is Brachial Plexus Injury After An Accident?

It’s safe to assume that the full function and mobility of your shoulder, arm, and hand are essential to performing daily activities with ease, whether it’s typing at work, steering a car, or simply making dinner. However, when a traumatic incident, or, in some cases, a presumably minor accident takes place, there’s a significant risk of sustaining a Brachial Plexus Injury. This intricate network of nerves, responsible for controlling movement and sensation in the upper extremities, can be compromised due to sudden impact or forceful trauma.

What is a Brachial Plexus Injury?

A Brachial Plexus Injury refers to damage or trauma to the network of nerves that control sensation and movement in the shoulder, arm, and hand. In the instance of a car crash, for example, the Brachial Plexus can be pinched, stretched, or compressed causing an array of problems. This presents itself in many different ways, such as; numbness or loss of sensation, weakness or paralysis in the arm or hand, and even mild to severe pain.

Since The Brachial Plexus starts at the neck and stretches to the armpit, damage typically occurs when the arm is suddenly stretched or pulled.

What’s the Anatomy of the Brachial Plexus?

At the top of your spine are the 5 nerves that make up the Brachial Plexus. The plexus uses these nerves to connect with other nerves, thus providing movement and sensation or feeling on the skin. Each of these 5 nerves that make up the Brachial Plexus has a very unique and important function, independent from each other. This is why pinpointing where exactly the Brachial Plexus has been damaged is crucial in finding and providing proper treatment.

What Does Treatment Look Like For a Brachial Plexus Injury?

There are two kinds of treatments that are most commonly used in the case of a Brachial Plexus Injury; Non-surgical, and Surgical.

Non-surgical treatment is considered first because many injuries to the Brachial Plexus will heal over a period of a few weeks, or months. It’s also favorable because nerve injuries that heal on their own have a better chance at full or almost full functional outcomes. In this case, if your medical care provider thinks that the injury is likely to heal on its own, you will be monitored for some time before surgery is considered.

Surgical treatment is often recommended when the nerves fail to heal over time without much intervention. This can look like total loss of feeling in the limb, or healing only to the point of light sensation or movement. When looking at any surgery, it’s important to ask your doctor to set realistic recovery timelines and gather all the information you need in order to feel secure and ready for surgery, and all that comes after.

Surgery for Brachial Plexus Injury

There are 6 types of surgeries that can be recommended for your Brachial Plexus Injury depending on the severity and location. The types of surgeries are; Brachial Plexus Nerve Repair, Brachial Plexus Decompression and Neurolysis, Nerve Grafting Surgery, Brachial Plexus Nerve Transfer Surgery, Tendon Transfer Surgery, and Functional Muscle Transplant.

All procedures must be cleared and recommended by your doctor as each procedure is to highlight or service a different set of nerves or to create the perfect outcome for your specific injury.

Think You Might Have A Brachial Plexus Injury? Visit Impact Medical Wesley Chapel Today!

Remember, seeking prompt medical treatment after any incident where you experience arm or shoulder pain, or numbness, is crucial to ensure a full recovery and avoid potential long-term complications. Our team at Impact Medical – Wesley Chapel is here to provide top-notch care.

Don’t wait to get medical attention – contact Impact Medical – Wesley Chapel at 813-701-5424 today to start your journey toward recovery and full functionality so you can get back to performing daily activities, pain-free!

How Our Team Supports Healthy Lifestyles After an Accident

Accidents happen. And—while they can be a major setback—they don’t have to derail your life forever. Getting back on track after an accident is possible, and Impact Medical Group is here to help you every step of the way. We understand that healing after an accident isn’t just about fixing broken bones and mending muscles—it requires a holistic approach that addresses your physical, emotional, and mental well-being.

At Impact Medical Group, we approach healing with a toolbox of powerful, personalized treatment plans. Here’s how our team can support you:

Physical Therapy: Building Strength and Restoring Function

Our physical therapists are your partners in regaining pain-free movement. We can create a customized exercise program designed to improve your range of motion, rebuild strength, and restore flexibility. By addressing the physical impairments caused by your injury, physical therapy can help you regain confidence in your body, reduce pain, and get back to enjoying activities you love.

Chiropractic Care: Restoring Alignment, Easing Pain

Chiropractic care focuses on realigning your musculoskeletal system, particularly your spine. Through gentle adjustments and manipulations, chiropractors can reduce pain, improve joint function, and support your body’s natural ability to heal.

After an accident, many patients experience misaligned joints, muscle imbalances, and pinched nerves. Chiropractic care can be instrumental in resolving these issues, promoting pain relief, and supporting long-term recovery.

Pain Management: Tailored Strategies for Relief

Pain can be relentless after an injury, draining energy and getting in the way of the healing process. Our pain management specialists develop custom strategies to find the right balance of treatment for you. They may recommend injections, regenerative medicine treatments, as well as other non-invasive therapies like massage and TENS, all with the goal of helping you manage pain and find the relief you need to regain functionality.

Injury Trauma Counseling: Addressing the Emotional Scars

Accidents can leave unseen scars, too. The emotional and psychological impact shouldn’t be overlooked. Our compassionate on-site counselors provide a safe and supportive space to process your experience. Injury trauma counseling can help you address emotions like fear, anxiety, and even post-traumatic stress disorder which might be getting in the way of your recovery. By addressing the mental and emotional challenges, you might even discover that your physical recovery improves more quickly.

The Journey Starts Here: Ready to Restore Your Life?

The path to recovery after an accident may feel long and daunting, but with the right support, you can reclaim your health and well-being. Impact Medical Group of Tampa is your partner in this journey, and we’re committed to providing the care, expertise, and motivation to see you through. We offer free medical evaluations, so reach out to us today at (813) 283-1910, and let’s start building a brighter future!

How Can You Tell If Someone Has A TBI After A Crash?

All kinds of injuries can happen during an auto accident, and the ones involving the head are the most concerning. The brain is a delicate thing which is why it’s important to learn about traumatic brain injuries (TBI) so you can be prepared just in case. Whether this knowledge comes in handy for yourself or when assisting others, allow Impact Medical St. Petersburg to teach you how to tell if someone has TBI after a crash. For treating TBI symptoms, reach out to our office to schedule a consultation for our various services.

What Is TBI (And How Does it Happen)?

The reason why whiplash is a common accident injury is because there’s no safety measure for keeping the head in place during a collision. If the crash is impactful enough, your head can easily whip back and forth or ram into something at full force. Unfortunately, a severe headache could be the least of your worries in this situation.

Depending on the intensity of the crash, the brain can move around inside your skull and collide with the bony shell. Such an act can lead to TBI. Some immediate signs are often a giveaway such as loss of concentration, general confusion, and blurry vision. Such confusion can also lead to anger and frustration.

The best thing you can do is to get diagnosed as soon as possible. Even if you’ve been rear-ended but don’t feel injured, it’s always better to play it safe than sorry and see a qualified medical professional like a licensed chiropractor.

Diagnosing Mild TBI Symptoms

TBI can have varying levels, and if you’re lucky, you’ll only experience the less debilitating symptoms. Mild symptoms of TBI include:

  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Insomnia
  • Loss of coordination
  • Mood swings
  • Weakness
  • Numbness

This may seem like a lot, but when it comes to the brain, it can get much worse. Regardless, it’s best to consult a practitioner even if you’re only experiencing the mild symptoms listed above.

How to Tell if You Have Severe TBI

What could possibly be worse than vomiting, numbness, and loss of coordination? You could start having seizures, weakness in all of your limbs, complete loss of thought, or you could just pass out altogether. If your headache, nausea, or vomiting continues to persist long after the accident, that’s also enough reason to seek help. In the absolute worst-case scenario, severe TBI can be fatal. Needless to say, you shouldn’t take your brain-related symptoms lightly.

Learn more > Can Untreated Head Trauma or TBIs Cause Seizures?

Can Children Also Get TBI After an Accident?

TBI can affect anyone, even children. But how can you tell if a child is experiencing brain injury? Kids display slightly different symptoms such as inattentiveness, lack of interest in their favorite things, different eating behaviors, nonstop crying, and more.

TBI Recovery: What to Expect

You should always see a medical professional as soon as you can if you think you have TBI. Someone who is qualified in treating brain injuries can determine whether it’s a TBI or just a concussion before providing you with the best treatment method for your specific condition. If it’s TBI, your symptoms are likely to alleviate given enough time. This usually takes a couple of weeks or more. Resting is the best thing you can do, but you can also ask our practitioners about prescription medication.

If You Have TBI Symptoms, Consult Your Local Specialists at Impact Medical

At Impact Medical St. Petersburg, we’re equipped to handle TBI symptoms for pain relief and a speedy recovery. Call us today at (727) 722-8103 to schedule an appointment and we’ll create a personalized plan to help you feel good as new!

8 Questions To Always Ask After Being In An Accident

Whether it’s your first or fifth time being in a car accident, there are some important aspects of your health to go over with your doctor every time. You might get different experiences depending on whether you see a car accident doctor or a primary care physician, but the factor that should always remain constant is the information you gather from your visits. Find out what questions you should be asking your practitioner when you visit Impact Medical Brandon for your accident injuries.

1. What Type of Injury Do I Have?

Car crashes are unpredictable, and any part of your body is at risk of getting injured. Be sure to pay attention to your specialist when they tell you the exact nature of your injuries so you know how to take care of yourself. Common accident injuries include:

  • Whiplash
  • Pinched nerves
  • Herniated discs

2. Is the Condition of My Injury Mild or Serious?

You should take every injury seriously, but it also helps to know the full gravity of your situation. It might not always be easy to hear, but you need to put on a brave face and ask your doctor if your condition is mild or serious. Knowing this puts you in better control of your recovery.

3. Which of My Body Parts Are Injured?

It’s not always obvious which of your body parts are affected by an accident. For instance, severe headaches and dizziness could be the result of a spinal injury in your back where the nerves are located. By asking your practitioner to point out the exact location of your injury, you’ll know where to take it easy and which spots to treat with extra care.

4. Will My Injury Lead to Permanent or Long-Term Effects?

You don’t want to be ignorant of any possibility of chronic disorders and regret being neglectful when it’s too late. You need to know if your specific injury has a chance of becoming more debilitating so you can either stop or slow the process. Or, you can at least be prepared for what to expect.

5. What Treatment Method Is Best For My Condition?

Ask your specialist for the best possible treatment plan for your personal injuries and listen very closely to what they say. Follow their instructions in the letter and don’t forget any important details. At Impact Medical, we have comprehensive auto accident injury treatment plans to help you recover the best way you possibly can.

Effective accident injury treatment methods include:

  • Chiropractic care
  • Physical therapy
  • Spinal manipulation
  • And more

6. How Long Will It Take Me to Recover?

Just knowing how to treat your injuries isn’t enough. We can easily become impatient when we don’t have a frame of reference, so be sure to ask for an accurate time frame for your treatment plan and be realistic about how long it’ll take to make a full recovery.

7. Is There Any Way to Speed Up My Recovery?

In some cases, there are things that you might be able to do to speed up your recovery. Oftentimes, physical therapy is highly recommended for getting your body back into shape sooner rather than later by helping you regain your flexibility and range of motion.

8. Does My Treatment Plan Include Professional Guidance?

Some places will treat your injuries without offering any additional guidance afterward. Ask your practitioner if you will be able to receive personal assistance to help you through your treatment plan for better results. At Impact Medical, we do everything we can to help you every step of the way.

Experience the Best Accident Treatment Services at Impact Medical!

Do you need help after a car crash? Impact Medical Brandon offers a wide range of accident injury treatment options for all kinds of symptoms backed by close guidance from caring specialists. Call us today at (813) 522-8885 to schedule a consultation!