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Avoid Surgery in 2024 With Our Non-Invasive Pain Management Program

If the New Year has brought you pain, the cutting-edge world of interventional pain management might just be the lifeline you’ve been searching for. At Impact Medical Group, our commitment to you is simple—advanced, non-invasive treatments that get you back on your feet without the need for surgery in 2024. Here’s how our non-invasive pain management program can help.

Understanding Interventional Pain Management

When routine isn’t soothing, you need a specialized approach. Enter, interventional pain management. In broad strokes, this form of treatment focuses on the precise diagnosis and the delivery of medication to specific areas of the body, enhancing the effectiveness of conventional pain management with targeted therapies. The major thrust behind this — avoiding invasive surgical procedures whenever possible.

Dr. Robert Gruber, our spearhead in interventional pain management, brings to the table a wealth of experience and a nuanced approach to each patient’s unique pain landscape. His arsenal includes a suite of procedures, all directed towards zeroing in on the source of pain and eliminating it with minimal disruption to the body’s natural systems.

The Spectrum of Non-Surgical Treatments

Below, you’ll find a curated list of non-surgical treatments available to you at Impact Med. Each procedure is a steppingstone on the path to a pain-free life, meticulously designed to provide relief and restore functionality.

  • Cervical/Thoracic/Lumbar Discography: A diagnostic tool that identifies the exact disc causing pain in the spine, laying the groundwork for specific treatment.
  • Epidural Steroid Injections: Offers anti-inflammatory relief near the spinal nerve roots, reducing leg, back, or body pain.
  • Facet Injections: Provides local anesthetic and/or steroid to the facet joints, vital for pain management and improved tolerance to therapy.
  • Radio-Frequency Ablation (RFA): Targets chronic back or neck pain by creating lesions on the pain-transmitting nerves.
  • Percutaneous Discectomy: A minimally invasive approach to alleviate herniated disc pain without traditional spinal surgery.
  • Diagnostic Discograms: A tool to identify painful discs by injecting dye into the disc and observing patient pain responses.
  • Selective Nerve Root Blocks (SNRB): Administers cortisone injections to minimize inflammation and pain caused by nerve compression.
  • Sacroiliac Injections and Ablations: Assists in pain relief for the lower back and legs by targeting the sacroiliac joint with anti-inflammatory treatments.

The Role of Pain Mapping & Conscious Sedation

In the pursuit of a precise diagnosis, pain mapping involves stimulating specific nerves to replicate a patient’s usual pain. This invaluable technique leads us to the crux of your distress, guiding the subsequent treatment path.

Conscious sedation is deployed with a gentle touch, providing a balanced state where patients are minimally aware, offering respite from discomfort and anxiety during procedures, while also allowing them to respond when needed.

Post-Care and the Bigger Picture at Impact Medical Group of Port Richey

Our commitment doesn’t stop at treatment. Post-procedure care is meticulously tailored to every individual, with access to a holistic post-care regime that encompasses chiropractic, physical, and manual therapies. We rise to the occasion with a multidisciplinary team that collaborates to map out your unique post-interventional recovery plan.

If you’re searching for a non-invasive way to manage pain, rest assured, you’re in the right hands at Impact Medical Group of Port Richey. Our entire team is here to ensure you find the relief you’re seeking. Call us today at (727) 848-3377 to schedule your free medical evaluation and let’s craft your personalized pain management program for 2024 and beyond.

Is There a Connection Between Neck Pain and Migraines?

When it comes to the intricacies of the human body, a knot in one place can often lead to a tangle elsewhere. That’s especially true when discussing something as pervasive as migraines and as common as neck discomfort. Is there truly a connection beyond a simple ache and a throb in your head? Let’s explore the complex relationship between neck pain and migraines.

The Link Between Neck Pain and Migraines

Before we jump into connections, it’s essential to establish what we believe to be familiar with neck pain and migraines. Neck pain can be the result of various things. Poor posture, injury, wear and tear, diseases, or even psychological issues may be the culprits. On the other hand, migraines are neurological in nature, often associated with intense, pulsing pain and additional symptoms like nausea, sensitivity to light and sound, and more.

The Common Ground Between Migraines and Neck Pain

Statistically, people with migraines are more likely to suffer from neck pain, and those who experience chronic neck pain are also more at risk for migraines. Here are a few areas where these two conditions intersect:

  • Trigger Points. Migraines and neck pain can be triggered by the same patterns of muscle activation, often referred to as “trigger points.” These are areas of tight muscle fibers that can cause pain and sometimes refer pain to other areas—like the head.
  • Posture and Physiology. Posture plays a role in both neck pain and migraines. A forward head posture, ubiquitous in our tech-driven society, can place additional stress on the neck muscles, leading to pain that can, over time, be a precursor to migraines.
  • Nervous System. The nervous system is a critical player in both migraine and neck pain. Dysfunction in the neck’s proprioceptive (position-sensing) nerves can contribute to migraines by triggering a cascade of events that culminate in head pain.
  • Shared Mechanisms. Both conditions share a mechanism involving the “trigeminalcervical complex,” a group of nerves in the upper neck. Dysfunction in this area can lead to sensitization and affect how the brain processes pain, potentially leading to migraines.
  • Overusing the neck muscles, such as being in front of a computer for prolonged periods, can lead to muscle strain and tension, a noted precursor to migraines for many individuals.

Real Relief Is Just a Phone Call Away

We understand that pain in your back or head can make life tough. The caring team at Impact Medical Group of Sarasota wants to help you feel better, not just today, but every day. Call us today at (941) 222-1157 to schedule your free medical evaluation and let us guide you on the path to relief and recovery.

6 Signs Your Herniated Disc Is Healing After An Accident

Herniated discs, also called bulged or slipped discs, often cause excruciating pain and limited mobility. The healing process can be lengthy, but some good signs signal that they are healing after an accident including:

#1. Less Pain and Discomfort

#2. Enhanced Mobility

#3. Increased Muscle Strength

#4. Less Numbness

#5. Improved Sleep

#6. Imaging Tests Show Improvement

Today, our physical therapy team at Impact Medical Sun City Center discusses these signs of healing to help you understand what to expect.

What is a Herniated Disc?

A herniated disc is an injury to the cushions in between the spine. These discs act like a buffer between your bones and are what allow your back to bend and move.

When one of these discs tears or leaks due to an accident, it is called a herniated disc and can manifest with sharp shooting pain, numbness, and weakness.

How Long Do Herniated Discs Take to Heal?

In most cases, herniated discs will heal within six months. That said, there are some factors that can affect healing time including:

  • Severity of the injury: The extent to which the disc was injured during the accident will affect how long it takes to heal.
  • Age: Age plays a large role in how fast the body heals. Younger people tend to recover faster from injuries.
  • Health: Those in good overall health will recover faster than those who are suffering from other health conditions.

Herniated Disc: Signs of Healing

There are several ways we can tell if your herniated discs are healing after an accident including:

#1. Less Pain and Discomfort

One of the first signs that you will notice during your healing journey is less pain in the affected area. This is a great (and welcome) sign!

As inflammation, called radiculopathy, in the injured area subsides, the pressure on the nerves decreases, thus you’ll feel less pain and muscle spasms.

Generally, those suffering from a herniated disc after an accident should wait to return to normal activities within six weeks.

#2. Enhanced Mobility

As you recover from a bulging disc, doing gentle exercises and stretches as recommended by our physical therapists can help enhance mobility and flexibility, without additional injury.

Further, improved mobility is a sure sign that nerve compression has eased and that healing is occurring.

#3. Increased Muscle Strength

Physical therapy can also help restore inflamed nerves that are affected by the herniated disc, allowing them to function normally. Plus, light strength exercises can increase mobility, decrease pain, and foster better overall posture.

#4. Less Numbness

If the herniated disc caused numbness, sciatica, or pins and needles in the legs, a lack of numbness is a positive sign that things are healing.

#5. Improved Sleep

Herniated discs are quite painful, so it is common for those suffering from them to complain of a lack of sleep. Experiencing better sleep due to a reduction in pain is a great sign!

#6. Imaging Tests Show Improvement

MRI and X-rays can also confirm that healing has begun. If the bulging disc is healing imaging tests may show a decrease in the area of herniation or changes in the position of the disc.

Read More > Is Rest or Exercise Better for Back Pain After an Accident?

Visit Impact Medical Sun City Center

If are suffering from a herniated disc after an accident, don’t wait to get treatment! You deserve to live pain-free and our physical therapists are here to help.

Contact our friendly team at Impact Medical Sun City Center at (813) 938-5195 to schedule a physical therapy consultation today!

Top Non-Surgical Treatments for Accident Back Pain in 2024

Struggling with back pain after an accident? If you’ve been suffering, take heart—there are paths to pain-free life that don’t involve the operating table. Here are the top non-surgical back pain treatments at your disposal, carefully curated for patients battling back pain post-accident.

1. Discography

Discography is a doctor’s best tool in the search for the elusive pain’s origin. By injecting dye into the spinal discs and taking X-rays, your doctor isolates the root of your discomfort. It’s a pivotal step in designing a tailored treatment plan that’s personal to your pain.

2. Epidural Steroid Injections

Epidural injections, often thought of in the context of childbirth, are an invaluable resource for post-accident recovery. Administering anti-inflammatory steroids into the space around the spinal nerve roots, they tackle the pain at its impetus, reducing inflammation to allow for holistic healing.

3. Facet Injections

When facet joints—the unsung heroes of spinal mobility—become a source of pain, facet injections stand as silent sentinels, offering their numbing and healing aid. They are not the heroes that leap into surgery but aid you in your battle to reclaim your body’s natural grace.

4. Radio-Frequency Ablation (RFA)

For long-term reprieve, RFA reigns supreme. By heating the nerves sending pain to your brain, RFA stops the signals in their tracks, offering an extended duration of respite. It’s a procedure that can make a world of difference, without the commitment of invasive surgery.

5. Percutaneous Discectomy

A minimally invasive discectomy is a non-surgical treatment that relieves pressure on your nerves. By gently removing a portion of the disc’s nucleus, Percutaneous Discectomy allows natural healing to ease the burden on afflicted areas.

6. Selective Nerve Root Blocks (SNRB)

Selective nerve root blocks are a calculated strike on pain—a single injection aimed at both diagnosis and relief. By targeting the roots under fluoroscopy, they offer insights into the source of the affliction while delivering anti-inflammatory aid directly where it’s most needed.

7. SIJ Injections and Ablations: The Lower Back Comfort Crusaders

The sacroiliac joint injections and ablations are no small steps when it comes to treating lower back pain. By pinpointing the area and neutralizing pain signals, they lead you down the path of recovery with precision.

Explore Non-Surgical Treatments and Discover Freedom From Post-Accident Back Pain

If you’re suffering from back pain, Impact Medical Group of Tampa is standing by to help. Our non-surgical treatments offer a lifeline for people struggling with post-accident pain. Your road to recovery may be complex, but with the right team, the destination is within reach.

If you’re seeking answers for the aftereffects of an accident, know that you’re not alone. We’re here with knowledge, care, and a clear path to a pain-free future. Contact us today at (813) 283-1910 to schedule your free medical evaluation and take the first step towards reclaiming your life.