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Tension Headache vs Migraine – Key Differences & How To Treat Them

Whether you’ve been experiencing chronic headaches for years, or if you’ve just recently started suffering from them, you know how debilitating they can be. The most important thing when it comes to treating headaches is knowing what type of headache you are experiencing.

Tension headaches are the most common headaches that we treat, but you may be surprised to know that migraines aren’t as common.

Essentially, the differences between the two all comes down to the symptoms you experience, how long the headache lasts, and how intense the pain is. Our team at Impact Medical Sun City Center discusses what you need to know.

Tension Headaches: The Symptoms

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms you may have a tension headache:

  • Pain on both sides of the head
  • Pain that isn’t severe
  • Tight pressure rather than throbbing pain
  • Soreness in your temples or tightness in your neck and shoulders

Migraines: The Symptoms

You may have a migraine if you are experiencing:

  • Moderate to severe throbbing pain. May be worse on one side of the head.
  • Pain that gets worse with physical activity though lying down might help.
  • Pain around the eyes of temples
  • Light, sounds, and smells may exacerbate symptoms
  • You feel nauseous
  • You may see auras, wavy lines, dots, or flashing lights
  • You feel facial tingling before your headache starts

The Causes of Tension Headaches and Migraines

Tension headaches are usually brought on by stress, tiredness, or worry. These headaches cause the muscles of your scalp, neck, and jaw to tighten, causing pain.

Unfortunately, the cause of migraines is unclear. Your genes can play a role, as well as your environment. Migraines are usually caused by an increase in certain chemicals in the brain and can be brought on by triggers such as scents, hormone levels, or even bright lights. 

How Are Tension Headaches and Migraines Treated?

If you only get headaches occasionally, over-the-counter painkillers like Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen, Naproxen, and Aspirin can help. Also, caffeine may relieve the pain from tension headaches.

But if you find that your tension headaches have become chronic, it is best to see a doctor. While they often prescribe antidepressants for tension-type headaches, acupuncture, stretching, meditation, trigger point therapy, and stress management can be beneficial.

When treating migraines, it is crucial to find out what triggers them. We recommend tracking your migraines in a journal with notes such as:

  • What you ate and drank
  • How much you slept
  • What activities you did that day
  • Weather changes

Abortive medications are often used to stop a migraine, and they are taken as soon as a person feels a migraine coming on. Some over-the-counter ibuprofen medications are available that are specifically for migraine sufferers.

If those don’t help, preventative medications can be helpful as well as chiropractic care and manual therapy.

We may recommend:

  • Neuromuscular manual therapy: This is also called trigger point therapy and focuses on soothing trigger points in the back, neck, shoulder, and head to relax the muscles that exacerbate migraines.
  • Multidisciplinary care: This combines several modalities such as physical therapy, relaxation, stress management, and diet changes which often have a positive effect in reducing pain, frequency, and duration of migraines.

It is important to note that there is no cure for migraines, but with the right treatment protocols, you can live a life free from migraine pain.

Say Goodbye to Headache Pain

Tired of chronic tension or migraines? You don’t have to suffer in silence anymore! Contact our clinic at Impact Medical Sun City Center for a comprehensive evaluation and we will work with you to design a custom treatment plan to alleviate headaches so you can live a pain-free enjoyable life!

Schedule an appointment with our team at Impact Medical Sun City Center today; (813) 938-5195!

How to Tell the Difference Between Chronic and Acute Pain After an Accident

So, you’ve been in an accident. Maybe it was a slip on wet steps, a twist during a weekend football game, or a fender bender on your way to work. Your first thought? “Ouch, that hurts!” But as days turn into weeks, you start to wonder: will this pain ever go away? Knowing the difference between acute and chronic pain post-accident is important, not just for your physical well-being but also for your peace of mind. Here’s what you need to know:

The Initial Shock: Acute Pain

Acute pain is like an alarm bell. It’s your body’s immediate response to injury, a sharp or intense sensation signaling that something is wrong. Think of it as a natural warning system. This pain usually appears at the moment of injury or soon after and is often described as sharp, throbbing, or stabbing.

For instance, if you’re on a walk and suddenly feel a sharp pain in your ankle after a wrong step. That’s acute pain—sudden and specific. It’s linked directly to tissue damage, whether it’s a sprain, a cut, or a bruise. Typically, acute pain fades as the injury heals, usually within a few days or weeks.

When Pain Lingers: Chronic Pain

Now, let’s talk about chronic pain. Imagine that ankle pain from your soccer game doesn’t go away. Weeks have passed, but the pain persists, perhaps even evolves. This lingering, often less intense but more constant pain, is chronic, feeling less like a sharp pain and more like a dull, aching, or burning sensation.

Chronic pain can start as acute pain but doesn’t follow the typical healing timeline. Sometimes, it even appears without any clear injury or continues long after the injury has healed. It can be a result of ongoing conditions like arthritis or a sign that the body hasn’t fully recovered from the initial trauma.

Listening to Your Body’s Signals

Your body communicates through pain, and it’s essential to listen. Acute pain usually aligns with visible symptoms: swelling, redness, or bruising. It’s a clear sign to take it easy and allow healing. Chronic pain, however, might not come with these visible cues. It’s more about an ongoing, dull feeling that might intensify with certain activities or stress.

Navigating the Pain Pathway

Knowing whether your pain is acute or chronic isn’t just a matter of definition—it’s a guide to action. Acute pain, while uncomfortable, often resolves with basic care: rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE), and over-the-counter pain relievers. Chronic pain, on the other hand, might require a more structured approach, possibly involving physical therapy, lifestyle adjustments, and professional medical intervention.

Struggling With Persistent Pain? We Can Help!

After an accident, you need to know whether you’re dealing with acute or chronic pain. If you find yourself struggling with nagging pain, it’s important to seek medical attention immediately. The caring pain specialists at Impact Medical Group of St. Petersburg know how to identify and treat both acute and chronic pain. Our holistic approach ensures you achieve not just long-lasting relief, but an improved quality of life. Call us today at (727) 722-8103 to request your free medical evaluation and say goodbye to post-accident pain for good!

5 Tips to Ensure Your WFH Setup Supports Your Physical Therapy Goals

Did you know that many individuals go without chiropractic treatment even when they desperately need it? People are busier now more than ever, so the thought of taking a moment to stop and figure out the process of receiving adjustments doesn’t even fall on their radar. Cash-pay practices like Impact Medical are changing the field of chiropractic care by allowing patients control over their treatment and payment!

An Overview Of The Cash-Pay Business Model – What You Need To Know

Cash-pay chiropractors (sometimes referred to as self-pay chiropractors) follow a rather simple process that makes everything easier for both patients and practitioners. Take a look at these factors that make up this popular and successful business model:

  • Advanced payment. Patients pay for sessions ahead of time and can receive savings for purchasing in bundles.
  • A professional exam. The first visit starts with a thorough exam to create a personalized plan for the patient to follow during their journey.
  • Convenient sessions. Visits are carried out as a walk-in, allowing patients to seek care on their own time.

Live Your Life Appointment-Free

One of the biggest differences with cash-pay practices is that they’re not bogged down by the long process of insurance payments. This freedom allows these chiros to work faster and get more patients in each day. This helps address the age-old problem of many individuals skipping out on chiropractic care even when they need it because they “don’t have the time” or because their treatment is “taking too long” for it to be practical or effective.

What This Means For You

The fast-paced nature of cash-pay chiros is extremely valuable in today’s world when you think about it. Everyone always has something to do and somewhere to be, so this little bit of convenience can go a long way in bettering your life in a way that works for you.

A New Way To Control Your Budget

How is the topic of payment different than that of a regular chiropractor? The reason why people are put off from using their insurance for chiropractic care is the fact that they don’t know exactly how much they will owe by the time their claim is processed, and there’s no telling whether or not the due balance will align with their budget. Self-pay chiros aim to put the power of payment into your own hands by telling you exactly how much you will be charged upfront before you commit, and with zero surprises.

Read more > Here’s How We Ensure Chiropractic Care Is Affordable For All

What This Means For You

In a world where every dime is to be cherished, having supreme control over your spending matters a great deal. You can choose how much you want to put down at a time for your treatment plan and make use of the available deals for buying sessions in bulk.

Impact Medical – Visit Cash-Pay Chiropractors Near You!

How can you find a cash-pay chiro near you? Impact Medical has many locations throughout Florida, being your go-to place for self-pay chiropractic care. Reach out to your nearest establishment today for more information on how to begin your self-care journey!

How Cash Pay Chiropractic Care Allows Patients Control Over Their Treatment & Payment

Did you know that many individuals go without chiropractic treatment even when they desperately need it? People are busier now more than ever, so the thought of taking a moment to stop and figure out the process of receiving adjustments doesn’t even fall on their radar. Cash-pay practices like Impact Medical are changing the field of chiropractic care by allowing patients control over their treatment and payment!

An Overview Of The Cash-Pay Business Model – What You Need To Know

Cash-pay chiropractors (sometimes referred to as self-pay chiropractors) follow a rather simple process that makes everything easier for both patients and practitioners. Take a look at these factors that make up this popular and successful business model:

  • Advanced payment. Patients pay for sessions ahead of time and can receive savings for purchasing in bundles.
  • A professional exam. The first visit starts with a thorough exam to create a personalized plan for the patient to follow during their journey.
  • Convenient sessions. Visits are carried out as a walk-in, allowing patients to seek care on their own time.

Live Your Life Appointment-Free

One of the biggest differences with cash-pay practices is that they’re not bogged down by the long process of insurance payments. This freedom allows these chiros to work faster and get more patients in each day. This helps address the age-old problem of many individuals skipping out on chiropractic care even when they need it because they “don’t have the time” or because their treatment is “taking too long” for it to be practical or effective.

What This Means For You

The fast-paced nature of cash-pay chiros is extremely valuable in today’s world when you think about it. Everyone always has something to do and somewhere to be, so this little bit of convenience can go a long way in bettering your life in a way that works for you.

A New Way To Control Your Budget

How is the topic of payment different than that of a regular chiropractor? The reason why people are put off from using their insurance for chiropractic care is the fact that they don’t know exactly how much they will owe by the time their claim is processed, and there’s no telling whether or not the due balance will align with their budget. Self-pay chiros aim to put the power of payment into your own hands by telling you exactly how much you will be charged upfront before you commit, and with zero surprises.

Read more > Here’s How We Ensure Chiropractic Care Is Affordable For All

What This Means For You

In a world where every dime is to be cherished, having supreme control over your spending matters a great deal. You can choose how much you want to put down at a time for your treatment plan and make use of the available deals for buying sessions in bulk.

Impact Medical – Visit Cash-Pay Chiropractors Near You!

How can you find a cash-pay chiro near you? Impact Medical has many locations throughout Florida, being your go-to place for self-pay chiropractic care. Reach out to your nearest establishment today for more information on how to begin your self-care journey!