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How Do I Know If I Have a Restricted Joint After Having an Accident?

Recovering from an accident? Whether you’ve been in a minor fender bender or something more significant, an accident can leave more than just external scars. Sometimes, the impact can affect your joints, leading to discomfort and restricted movement that you might not notice immediately. Understanding the signs of a restricted joint is essential for timely treatment and recovery. Here’s how you can recognize a restricted joint after an accident:

● Pain: The most apparent indicator of a restricted joint is pain. It might not be the sharp, searing pain. Sometimes, it’s a dull, constant ache. If you find yourself wincing when you make certain movements or notice a persistent discomfort in a specific area, it’s time to seek medical attention.

● Stiffness: We’ve all woken up feeling a bit stiff, but this is different. It’s like your body’s protesting a simple stretch or turn. If your morning routine feels more like a battle with your own limbs, that stiffness could be a telltale sign of a joint issue stemming from your accident.

● Reduced Range of Motion: Remember how you used to reach for the top shelf or swing a golf club with ease? If those movements now seem impossible, it’s a sign of a restricted joint. It can significantly reduce your range of motion, turning everyday actions into challenges.

● Swelling or Tenderness: Sometimes, your body sends subtle signals. A gentle swelling around a joint or tenderness to the touch might not scream ’emergency’, but they’re your body’s way of saying, “Something’s not right here.”

● Crunching or Popping Sounds: If your joints are making their presence known through crunching or popping sounds, they’re trying to tell you something. These noises, especially if accompanied by pain or discomfort, are red flags that shouldn’t be ignored.

Why You Can’t Afford to Ignore These Signs

If you’re experiencing any of the symptoms above, ignoring them is like ignoring a small leak in your house. It might seem minor at first, but it can lead to bigger problems. Left untreated, restricted joints can lead to chronic pain, reduced mobility, and even long-term damage. So, seeking treatment isn’t just about addressing today’s discomfort—it’s about protecting your future mobility and quality of life.

Impact Medical Group of Tampa Is Your Ally in Recovery

If you’re recovering after an accident, understand that there’s light at the end of the tunnel. Impact Medical Group of Tampa understands that recovering from an accident involves more than just healing cuts and bruises. It’s about diving deep into the hidden impacts, like restricted joints, and addressing them head-on. Call us today at (813) 283-1910 to schedule your free medical evaluation and take the first step towards a full recovery.

Is It Normal For Joints To Pop During Chiropractor Visits?

During a chiropractic adjustment, you may hear a popping or cracking noise. This may be a little disconcerting, but don’t worry! It’s completely normal.

So, does the popping mean that the chiropractic adjustment did its job? Well, not exactly. The effectiveness of your adjustment is due to the skills of your chiropractor, and your body won’t always make a popping noise, even when the adjustment is done correctly.

Our Impact Medical Wesley Chapel chiropractic team explains what you need to know!

What is Chiropractic Care?

Chiropractic is a hands-on treatment that uses controlled force to improve and restore movement to the joints, especially in the spine. These are called “adjustments” and the quick movement often causes cracking or popping in the joint—more on that later!

Essentially, adjustments help deliver sensory input throughout the nervous system by activating or stimulating the small nerve endings within the joints. This helps the brain recognize movement and improve your sensory awareness of joint position, movement, and balance, known as proprioception. 

This is the best outcome of chiropractic adjustments, and when performed correctly, you should feel almost immediate relief from whatever symptoms you are experiencing.

What Causes Popping During an Adjustment?

Certain adjustments release nitrogen oxide, creating that satisfying popping sound. During your appointment, tiny air pockets open up in your joints, encouraging a release of pressure, and allowing enough space for the gas to escape. This is known as joint cavitation. 

A few reasons why you may not have heard a pop during manual manipulation include:

  • Your spine was too stiff
  • Your spine popped but you didn’t hear it
  • You clenched your muscles during the adjustment

If your chiropractor uses low-force techniques or chiropractic equipment, you might not hear the popping sounds. But this doesn’t mean that it hasn’t been effective!

Do Adjustments Hurt?

Chiropractic care is safe, effective, and generally not painful. While patients may feel some discomfort during the process, this is often due to tension in the muscles and ligaments around the joint, not due to the adjustment itself.

Most people experience no pain or discomfort at all and often feel relief right after the adjustments are performed.

What to Expect from Chiropractic Adjustments

If you have never been to the chiropractor for an adjustment before, you may wonder what you’ll feel during your appointment. Generally, it depends on your chiropractor and what techniques they use.

Since this is a hands-on modality, you will feel bones shifting and loosening, as well as the build-up of pressure that will be released by specific adjustments. Yes, you may hear some cracking or popping too!

How you feel after your appointment depends on the severity of your misalignments. If you had to make significant adjustments you may experience some soreness or aches afterward. This is temporary. Generally, patients will feel relief moments after an adjustment whether it is for back or neck pain.

What Areas Can a Chiropractor Adjust?

Believe it or not, any area of the body with a joint can be adjusted by a chiropractor. We can adjust:

  • Back
  • Neck
  • Wrists
  • Elbows
  • Ankles
  • Knees
  • Shoulders
  • Hips

All of these joints can “pop” depending on the adjustment too. We can also adjust the ribs, ears, fingers, toes, and the TMJ!

Experience Relief Today

If you are experiencing any pain due to an accident or a chronic condition, our chiropractors at Impact Medical Wesley Chapel are here to help! We pride ourselves on offering the finest chiropractic and physical therapy care to every patient who walks through our doors. With state-of-the-art non-invasive treatment options, we can help you improve and maintain your spinal health!

Ready to get started? Contact us for a chiropractic consultation today at (813) 953-1002!

4 Ways Manual Therapy and Massage Therapy Differ – What to Expect

Imagine you’ve had a long week at work; your body is tense, and you’re contemplating some form of therapeutic relief. You might think of booking a massage therapy session, but then you come across the term ‘manual therapy.’ While both manual therapy and massage therapy seem similar at first glance—involving hands-on techniques – they are distinct in their approaches and objectives. Here’s a breakdown of the differences between manual therapy and massage therapy, so you can choose the right treatment for your specific needs.

1. Purpose and Focus

Manual Therapy

Manual therapy is a clinical approach used by physical therapists and other healthcare professionals. It involves specific techniques, including joint mobilization and manipulation, designed to alleviate pain, increase range of motion, and improve function. Manual therapists are trained to diagnose and treat various musculoskeletal conditions and injuries.

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy, on the other hand, focuses primarily on relieving muscle tension, reducing stress, and promoting overall relaxation. It’s often used for general wellness and relaxation purposes rather than to treat specific injuries or conditions.

2. Techniques and Application

Manual Therapy

Manual therapy techniques are highly specialized. They include joint mobilizations (gentle pressure to restore joint movement), soft tissue mobilizations (targeted pressure and stretching to specific tissues), and manual lymphatic drainage. These techniques are tailored to individual patient needs, often based on a detailed assessment.

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy uses broader strokes and kneading techniques that target muscle groups. Techniques can range from gentle to intense, and they often cover large areas of the body. The focus is more on the superficial layers of muscles and the overall relaxation response.

3. Therapeutic Goals

Manual Therapy

The primary goal of manual therapy is therapeutic and rehabilitative. It aims to address specific health issues, such as reducing pain caused by injury, improving joint mobility, or rehabilitating after surgery. Manual therapists have a detailed understanding of anatomy and physiology, guiding their treatment plans.

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy, while it can aid in relaxation and may offer some health benefits, is not typically used as a primary treatment for specific medical conditions. It’s more about promoting overall well-being, relaxation, and stress relief.

4. Treatment Plan and Duration

Manual Therapy

Manual therapy sessions are usually part of a broader treatment plan that may include exercises, education, and other therapies. The duration and frequency of manual therapy depend on the individual’s specific condition and needs.

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy sessions are often scheduled based on personal preference and do not necessarily require a specific treatment plan. They can be one-time sessions or part of a regular wellness routine.

Embrace the Benefits of Manual Therapy at Impact Medical Group of Clearwater

While both manual therapy and massage therapy offer significant benefits through hands-on techniques, their purposes, techniques, and goals are distinct. Manual therapy, with its therapeutic focus, is ideal for those seeking relief from specific physical conditions and injuries. If you’re in Clearwater and looking for specialized manual therapy services, Impact Medical Group is ready to assist you. We deliver the personalized care you need to help you achieve optimal health and mobility. Call us at (727) 292-0200 to explore how manual therapy can benefit you.

Leave Nerve Pain in 2023, Start Healing in 2024

As the year 2023 winds down, many of us reflect on our health and well-being, setting goals for improvement in the new year. For those struggling with nerve pain, the promise of relief and healing in 2024 can be particularly meaningful. Advancements in pain management offer new hope for those suffering from chronic pain conditions. Let’s explore some innovative treatments that are changing the landscape of pain management and how they can help you leave nerve pain behind as we step into 2024.

Selective Nerve Root Blocks (SNRB)

Selective Nerve Root Blocks are a game-changer in the treatment of nerve pain. These long-lasting cortisone injections are administered around the nerve root exiting the spinal column, significantly reducing inflammation and pain caused by nerve compression. Often used for conditions like herniated discs, SNRB can alleviate low back and leg pain, commonly known as sciatica. Additionally, they serve as a diagnostic tool, helping doctors pinpoint the exact nerve causing the discomfort.

Cervical/Thoracic/Lumbar Radio-Frequency Ablation (RFA)

Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA) is a revolutionary procedure for treating chronic back or neck pain. It involves heating a part of the pain-transmitting nerves with a radiofrequency needle to create a lesion. This lesion effectively blocks the nerve from sending pain signals to the brain. The benefits of RFA include prolonged pain relief, potential avoidance or delay of surgery, improved function and mobility, and reduced dependency on pain medications.

Cervical/Thoracic/Lumbar Epidural Steroid Injections

Epidural Steroid Injections deliver anti-inflammatory steroids into the space around spinal nerve roots, offering relief from back, leg, and other body pains caused by irritated spinal nerves. It’s important to note that these injections are not a cure but provide enough pain relief to enable patients to progress in their rehabilitation programs.

Sacroiliac Injections and Ablations

The Sacroiliac Joint Injection (SIJ) targets pain in the lower back, upper leg, and buttocks by injecting a mix of anti-inflammatory medication and anesthetics into the joint capsule. SIJ ablations involve using RFA to create a lesion on the sacroiliac nerve, preventing it from transmitting pain signals to the brain and offering significant pain relief.

Diagnostic Pain Mapping

Diagnostic Pain Mapping is an innovative diagnostic technique using electrical stimulation on specific spinal nerves to pinpoint the exact source of pain. By producing a tingling sensation in the patient’s usual pain area and confirming it with the patient, doctors can accurately diagnose the pain source.

Cheers to a Pain-Free 2024!

The journey to a pain-free life in 2024 is more achievable than ever with these advanced pain management techniques. At Impact Medical Group of Lutz, we pride ourselves on our multidisciplinary approach to pain management. Our team, including chiropractors, physical therapists, manual therapists, and primary care specialists, offers comprehensive care under one roof. Contact us today at (813) 536-0373 for a consultation and start your journey to healing and comfort.