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Injured in an accident? Let us help you!

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How Long Should I Wait To Get Trauma Counseling After An Accident?

It’s no secret that being in any accident, no matter how big or small, is traumatic. Some people sustain life-altering injuries, some never get behind the wheel of a car again, and some carry guilt around with them for injuries that may have been sustained by another party in the accident. With that being said, there is no right or wrong when it comes to seeking Trauma Counseling after an accident. Although this isn’t a topic talked about nearly enough around the conversation about accident recovery, here at Impact Medical Dade City, we have seen firsthand the importance of it.

Who Is Trauma Counseling For?

Trauma Counseling is for everyone who has either been in an accident themselves or has known someone in an accident. We can not stress enough the importance of understanding that there is no accident too small when it comes to Trauma counseling. Many times, we see patients come in to talk about a past accident they were in and mention the strife they’ve had to carry ever since. So you might be thinking, why did they wait so long? A lot of the time, patients believe that Trauma Counseling is only for those who have been or have seen someone, in a life-altering accident whether that looks like the loss of life of a loved one, Traumatic Brain Injuries, or permanent mobility issues. We are here to tell you that even if you have experienced what may have turned out to be a fender bender with no serious medical issues, that does not mean that your psyche could be any less affected than someone else’s in a seemingly more serious accident.

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What Can I Expect In Trauma Counseling?

Here at Impact Medical, our Trauma Counseling consists of a series of evidence-based treatments that offer you effective help in recovering from emotional and psychological distress caused by motor vehicle accidents. We take time in the sessions to talk about you, and your experience with the accident. Maybe you have a history of accidents, or maybe you grew up with someone in the household consistently getting in traffic accidents. These are all things that can help us better treat you. We always talk through what’s called “PTSD” or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder which can sometimes be the result of a traumatic accident. Everyone’s treatments are going to look different because no two people experienced their trauma the same way.

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How Soon After An Accident Should I Seek Trauma Counseling?

If you were in an accident, no matter how small it may have seemed, it is important to seek medical care immediately. This is usually seen as common knowledge because the longer an injury sits, even if it’s unnoticed now, the more damage it can do in the future without intervention. Your mental health works the same way. If you feel even the slightest bit of anxiety or uneasiness when getting behind the wheel of a car, or getting into someone else’s car, please don’t hesitate to get help. The emotional trauma following a car accident can weigh heavily on a victim and their loved ones, and that feeling can fester if not relieved.

Impact Medical Dade City is here to work with you to help you experience life to the fullest again by providing top-of-the-line medical and psychiatric care for you or your loved ones. If you or someone you know has been in an accident that has left them feeling uneasy or caused them to act out of character, please don’t hesitate to reach out because you’re not alone! Our team would love to help. Give us a call at 813-706-5156.