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Injured in an accident? Let us help you!

HIPAA Seal of Compliance Verification

Looking For A Comprehensive, Customized Accident Injury Treatment Plan? Trust Impact Medical

With so many different types of accident injuries that require specific treatment methods, we couldn’t call ourselves accident injury professionals if we didn’t offer everything you need to make a full recovery. That’s why we’re proud to say that for comprehensive, customized accident injury treatment plans near you, you can trust Impact Medical!

A Look Into Our Practice at Impact Medical

Our large team of dedicated professionals has been treating Florida residents for over 25 years with a track record of countless success stories. Impact Medical is a multidisciplinary medical practice with many locations spread throughout the state, offering accessible and affordable services for all. We’re professionals in every aspect of accident recovery, from chiropractic care to spinal manipulation and more.

Expert Medical Care: Everything You Need For a Check-Up

To make a custom recovery plan, we begin with comprehensive medical care including a thorough diagnosis. We respond to emergency medical conditions (EMCs) with the utmost urgency and offer trigger-point injections when necessary. We will schedule your follow-up visits to ensure that your treatment is coming along as planned and make any adjustments to adapt to any changes.

Truly Customized Therapy Plans For Your Needs

One of our most common treatment options involves comprehensive therapy such as physical therapy, chiropractic care, and manual therapy:

  • Physical therapy is offered both as a treatment method and as a supplementary service to support the body after a surgical procedure. Our physical therapists can help you regain your strength and range of motion after an accident.
  • Manual therapy is a hands-on approach to restoring your body’s flexibility with manual adjustments in targeted areas.
  • Chiropractic care is an effective way to relieve pain that’s triggered by your accident injury. Our team of self-pay chiros encourages care through affordable and accessible sessions.

For severe pain that’s difficult to manage, we also offer manipulation under anesthesia (MUA) where our practitioners numb the affected area and restore mobility to your body using gentle motions. This removes the obstacle of pain when receiving the stretches that your body needs to recover.

Offering Proven Methods For Interventional Pain Management

There are other ways that we can address pain here at Impact Medical, including the following interventional pain management services:

  • Discography
  • Epidural steroid injections
  • Facet injections
  • Radio-frequency ablations
  • Discectomy

Comprehensive TBI Treatment Options

Traumatic brain injury is another symptom that we specialize in. We invest in modern technology for all of our offices to offer you comprehensive TBI treatment options, using methods and techniques such as Neurodiagnostic testing, neurocognitive assessment, eye-tracking analysis, video oculography, and computerized posturography. You can rest assured that our skilled and qualified team of professionals holds the tools and knowledge to give you the TBI treatment you need.

All-Encompassing Injury Trauma Counseling Services

At Impact Medical, we make sure to look out for your mental health as well. Everyone reacts differently to auto accidents, and some may experience debilitating emotional distress in the form of fear, anxiety, depression, and more. Our injury trauma counseling services involve a team of psychiatric mental health nurse practitioners, mental health counselors, and even social workers who all want to see you bounce back from a traumatic accident to a normal life.

Experience Comprehensive Accident Injury Treatment Plans at Impact Medical

Whatever you require for accident recovery, Impact Medical is dedicated to offering comprehensive accident injury treatment with customized recovery plans tailored to your needs. Contact your local office today to schedule a consultation!