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Injured in an accident? Let us help you!

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7 Ways to Stay Driving Safe in the City

City driving isn’t for the faint of heart. It’s a chaotic symphony of honking horns, impatient pedestrians, and traffic snarls that can make even the calmest drivers break a sweat. So, how can you stay safe on the city streets? We’ve got your back with 7 essential safe driving tips to help you conquer the concrete jungle and arrive at your destination in one piece (and with your sanity intact).

  1. Be a Defensive Driver. Expect the unexpected. In the city, anything can happen—pedestrians darting into the street, cyclists weaving through traffic, double-parked cars blocking your lane. Stay alert, anticipate potential hazards, and always be prepared to react.
  2. Follow the 3-Second Rule. Tailgaters are the bane of every driver’s existence—but instead of getting road rage, give yourself a cushion. Maintain a three-second following distance between your car and the one in front of you. You’ll have more time to react if the car in front of you suddenly brakes or swerves.
  3. Ditch the Distractions. Put down your phone, silence those notifications, and focus on the task at hand—driving. Distracted driving is a leading cause of accidents, and in a bustling city environment, it’s even more important to stay focused. If you need to make a call or send a text, pull over to a safe location first.
  4. Know Your Blind Spots. Your car’s blind spots are those sneaky areas where other vehicles can disappear from your view. Get familiar with your blind spots and always double-check them before changing lanes or merging. A quick glance over your shoulder can save you from a nasty collision.
  5. See and Be Seen at Night. Driving at night in the city can be tricky, with reduced visibility and increased pedestrian activity. Make sure your headlights are in good working order, use your high beams when appropriate, and be extra cautious around crosswalks and intersections.
  6. Be Patient. Traffic jams are an inevitable part of city life. Instead of getting frustrated and honking your horn, take a deep breath and try to relax. Listen to a podcast, catch up on your favorite audiobook, or simply enjoy the scenery. Remember, getting angry won’t make the traffic move any faster.
  7. Plan Your Route (and Have a Backup). Before you hit the road, map out your route and check for any traffic alerts or road closures. Having a backup plan in case of unexpected delays can save you time and frustration.

Accidents Happen. Be Prepared, and Know That Impact Medical Group Has Your Back

Even the most cautious drivers can find themselves in an accident. If you’re injured in a crash, Impact Medical Group of Tampa is here for you. We specialize in accident-related injuries, providing comprehensive care to help you heal and recover. Call us today at (813) 283-1910 to schedule your free medical evaluation and ensure you get the care you deserve.

What Are Some At-Home Remedies to Supplement Post-Accident Pain Recovery?

So, you’ve had a fender bender, a nasty fall, or maybe a sports injury gone wrong. You’ve seen the doctor, you’re following their treatment plan, but that nagging pain is still cramping your style. You’re not alone! Many people find that incorporating at-home remedies alongside professional care can significantly enhance their recovery and help them get back to feeling like themselves faster.

Here are our top simple, practical post-accident pain recovery tips to complement your doctor’s recommendations and provide much-needed relief.

1. Ice Therapy

Ice isn’t just for keeping your drinks cool. It’s also a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. Applying ice packs to the injured area can help reduce swelling, numb pain, and speed up healing. Think of it as a mini-vacation for your aching muscles and joints.

2. Heat Therapy

If your muscles are feeling tight and sore, heat therapy can be your saving grace. A warm bath, heating pad, or even a hot water bottle can work wonders to relax those muscles, increase blood flow, and promote healing. Just remember, don’t apply heat directly to an acute injury or open wound.

3. Gentle Movement

Now, we’re not talking about hitting the gym for a hardcore workout. Gentle stretches and light exercises can actually help to speed up recovery. Think of it as coaxing your body back into its normal groove. Your doctor or physical therapist can recommend specific exercises that are safe and effective for your particular injury.

4. Epsom Salt Soaks

Who doesn’t love a good soak in the tub? Adding Epsom salts to your bath can be especially beneficial after an accident. The magnesium in Epsom salts can help relax muscles, reduce inflammation, and even ease stress. Light some candles, put on some relaxing music, and let those aches and pains melt away.

5. Over-the-Counter Relief

If over-the-counter pain relievers are part of your doctor’s recommended treatment plan, don’t be afraid to use them as needed. They can help you manage pain and discomfort, allowing you to get a good night’s sleep and focus on your recovery.

6. Nutrition for Recovery

You are what you eat, right? Well, your body needs the right fuel to heal properly after an injury. Load up on fruits, vegetables, and lean protein to provide the nutrients your body needs to repair tissues and reduce inflammation. And don’t forget to stay hydrated! Water is essential for every bodily function, including healing.

7. Restorative Sleep

Think of sleep as your body’s nightly repair shop. While you’re snoozing, your body is hard at work repairing tissues and restoring energy. Make sleep a priority during your recovery process. Create a relaxing bedtime routine, avoid caffeine and alcohol before bed, and make sure your sleep environment is cool, dark, and quiet.

Don’t Go it Alone: Impact Medical Group is Your Recovery Partner

While at-home remedies can be helpful, they’re not a substitute for professional medical care. The experienced team at Impact Medical Group of Port Richey can help you create a comprehensive treatment plan that combines the best of both worlds—conventional medicine and natural remedies. We’ll work with you to manage your pain, speed up your recovery, and get you back to living life to the fullest.

So, are you ready to kick pain to the curb? Schedule your free consultation at Impact Medical Group of Port Richey today—call us at (727) 848-3377 and let’s get you back in the game!

3 Ways PT Can Help You Regain Balance After An Accident

Most people can learn to stand and walk around before they’re even a year old, so when we lose that ability well into our adult or even adolescent life, it can create a lot of frustration and insecurity in our ability to perform daily tasks. That can look like struggling to stand long enough to load the dishwasher, or even having a hard time standing still while waiting in line at the grocery store. Our daily life is challenged when our balance is compromised. As frustrating as this can feel, there are ways that a great Physical Therapist can help you get back on your feet- literally!

So What Causes A Loss Of Balance?

After an accident, many injuries could cause a loss of balance in many different areas of the body. A pinched nerve can cause uncomfortability, leading to a loss of balance and this can happen anywhere in the body where you have nerves! Whiplash affects the neck and back, causing vertigo. Even spraining an ankle can create a very uncomfortable sensation when pressure is applied, causing you to hobble around. Loss of balance is, unfortunately, a very common ailment after a wide variety of injuries.

What Areas Of The Bodt Are Most Likely To Cause Loss Of Balance?

Four main areas of the body affect balance. Of course, there is a Traumatic Brain Injury. A TBI can lead to balance issues for several reasons depending on where the injury happened within the brain. Next, Damage to feet, ankles, or legs is the most obvious way someone may have lost balance after an accident. After all, when we stand, the lower half of our body is the trunk of our physical movement, providing a stable base for any activity. The back, more specifically, the spine, is a huge reason we don’t wobble like babies when we’re getting around. This means, that if there has been damage to the spine or back area, a lot of our stability is gone. Lastly, our arms are the perfect mirror for our legs, creating a perfect form for balance. If one of our arms is injured or in a sling, it can take some acclimating getting around and relying on other areas of the body to overcompensate.

Related > What Happens When You Stop Going To Physical Therapy When Injured?

So How Can Physical Therapy Help?

  • PT can help repair and strengthen physical damage to the body. Your Physical Therapist is there to create a unique and effective plan, custom-created for your injury and comfortability levels. Many treatments include exercises, which use repetitive movements, equipment, and even recognizing pressure points. Further into treatment, many Physical Therapists will also assign you some movements or exercises to perform at home so healing can stay linear and consistent.
  • Balance training. On top of your Physical Therapist helping you through strength training exercises and mobility stretches, they can also have you work on balance in tandem to gain back strength, so long as your injury permits! There is rarely a reason to wait until everything is healing to 100% to gain balance back. It might feel uncomfortable at first, but being able to balance while off-skelter will just help your balance improve once you are back to your everyday life, which is never a bad thing. Ideally, this can help transition you to more intense sessions with your Physical Therapist, thus getting you back to performing daily tasks promptly.
  • Physical Therapy can improve confidence! It can feel very overwhelming when something as second nature as standing up or walking becomes a challenge. In a lot of cases, mental strain can play a crucial role in your ability to balance and move the way you used to. The last thing you want to do is try something too quickly and hurt yourself even more. Having a Physical Therapist present to ensure your safety, while also explaining the likelihood of success regarding specific exercises can help you feel ready to take the next steps in your healing journey.

Ready To Reach Out?

Our goal at Impact Medical Wesley Chapel is to get you back on your feet, doing the things you love, as efficiently as possible! If you or someone you know is experiencing a loss of balance, please don’t hesitate to reach out. At Impact Medical, we’re on your side! Give us a call at 813-953-1002 so you can start your healing journey today.

Short & Long-Term Pain Relief Options After An Accident: Our Guide

How do you know when you’ll need a month-long treatment plan or if a simple ice pack at home will do the trick? There is no telling what the gravity of your injury will be after an accident, but you can be prepared with the tell-tale signs and recommendations in this guide to short and long-term pain relief options after an accident. For expert advice and long-term treatment options near you, be sure to contact your local Impact Medical office!

The Types of Pain Associated With Car Crash Injuries

To determine whether you need short or long-term pain relief, you must first understand the different types of pain for accurate measure. Doctors typically classify pain as either chronic or acute, and knowing this yourself can help you seek the right treatment that’s best for your injury:

  • Acute pain is what you feel immediately after the impact of a car crash. Since this type of pain shows itself within moments, you can respond to them sooner rather than later. With prompt treatment, acute pain is more likely to go away before it can feel concerning.
  • Chronic pain stems from injuries that take longer to heal or injuries that are neglected. Much more is required to treat chronic pain such as therapy, pain management, and surgery which can all take weeks or months to complete and recover from.

Learn more about the types of personal injuries that can cause varying levels of pain after an accident.

Short-Term Pain Relief Options – Best For Acute Pain

For acute pain that lasts no longer than a couple of months, short-term pain relief options are sometimes enough to resolve the problem. Many short-term methods can be done at home, including simple tricks like using ice packs to manage swelling, braces to secure the injured area during healing, and anti-inflammatory pain medications that you can get for over-the-counter pain relief. Keeping up with at-home self-care can help you see results for acute pain, but if your injury doesn’t seem to be making any progress, you may need to see a specialist.

Long-Term Pain Relief Options For Complex Injuries

Chronic pain is typically treated with long-term methods from a practitioner, like your local chiropractor, physical therapist, or surgeon. These methods are usually recommended when short-term treatment isn’t showing any signs of improvement. Examples of effective long-term pain relief include:

  • Physical therapy – Ranging from a couple of sessions to weekly visits for as long as six months, PT requires time and patience to relieve pain by restoring the body’s strength and flexibility. PT can also help prevent long-term conditions in the future.
  • Manual therapy – An offshoot of physical therapy, manual therapy aims to release muscle tension and promote blood flow which can decrease both stress and pain.
  • Chiropractic care – A chiropractor is trained to make spinal adjustments that can reduce inflammation in your tissues for effective pain relief.
  • Manipulation under anesthesia – When the pain is too intense, stopping you from performing any of the above treatments, MUA procedures can numb the area before restoring functionality.
  • Surgery – Sometimes, the only way to relieve pain is to directly address the injury with surgery. There may be a recovery period after receiving surgery, but the end result could be a pain-free body.

Read more > 8 Ways to Determine if You Need Surgery or a Pain Management Specialist

Explore Short and Long-Term Pain Relief Options at Impact Medical!

Whether you have acute pain that can be treated with short-term methods or intense or chronic pain that requires long-term care, Impact Medical has everything you need to recover and eliminate any debilitating pain that’s disrupting your quality of life. Find your nearest location today for a consultation appointment!