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Injured in an accident? Let us help you!

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8 Tips to Protect Yourself From Third-Party Liability Accident Injuries

Ever been cruising down the highway, minding your own business, only to have your peaceful drive shattered by a reckless driver causing a chaotic chain-reaction collision? Suddenly, you’re injured, and the other driver’s insurance isn’t exactly eager to cover your medical bills. How can you protect yourself? Here are 8 essential tips to shield yourself from the financial and emotional fallout of third-party liability accident injuries:

1. Document Everything

After an accident, your first instinct might be to panic. Resist the urge! Instead, channel your inner detective and start gathering evidence. Take photos of the scene, get contact information from witnesses, and jot down everything you remember about the accident. This information is gold when it comes to building a strong case.

2. Report the Accident

Whether it’s a minor fender bender or a major collision, reporting the accident to the police is crucial. A police report serves as an official record of the incident and can be invaluable for insurance claims and legal proceedings.

3. Seek Medical Attention ASAP

Even if you feel okay at first, don’t skip that trip to the doctor. Some injuries, like whiplash or concussions, can have delayed symptoms. Getting a medical evaluation not only ensures your well-being but also establishes a link between your injuries and the accident, strengthening your claim.

4. Keep Track of Everything

Medical bills, repair estimates, missed workdays—keep track of all expenses related to the accident. Your documentation is essential for calculating your damages and ensuring you receive fair compensation for your losses.

5. Talk to an Attorney

Dealing with insurance companies and legal complexities after an accident can be overwhelming. That’s where a personal injury attorney comes in. They can help you understand your rights, negotiate with the insurance company, and fight for the compensation you deserve.

6. Don’t Settle for Less

Insurance companies are notorious for offering lowball settlements. Don’t rush into accepting their first offer. Consult with an attorney to determine the full extent of your damages and fight for a fair settlement.

7. Follow Your Treatment Plan

Stick to your prescribed treatment plan like it’s your favorite Netflix series. Missing appointments or neglecting your doctor’s recommendations can hinder your recovery and weaken your legal case.

8. Focus on Healing

Recovery from an accident takes time and patience. Don’t rush the process or try to push yourself too hard. Focus on your health and well-being, and let your body heal at its own pace.

Impact Medical Group of Sarasota Is Your Partner in Healing

While we can’t offer legal advice, we can help you heal from your injuries and get your life back on track. The experienced medical team at Impact Medical Group of Sarasota provides comprehensive care for all types of accident-related injuries. From pain management to physical therapy to chiropractic care and even Injury Trauma Counseling, we offer a wide range of services to support your recovery journey. We’re committed to helping you regain your strength, mobility, and overall well-being.

Contact us today at (941) 222-1157 to schedule a free consultation and let us be your partner in healing. We’re here to help you every step of the way!

Do I Need Surgery to Treat a Fracture After an Accident?

You’ve just been in a car accident, and while the airbags did their job, you’re pretty sure you heard a bone crack. A trip to the ER confirms it: you have a fracture. Now, the potential for surgery is looming over your head. But before you worry, let’s talk about the reality of fracture treatment.

Spoiler alert: Not every fracture requires surgery. In fact, many can heal beautifully with less invasive approaches. So, take a deep breath and let’s explore the factors that determine whether surgery is necessary for a fracture or not.

What Are Fractures?

First things first, let’s understand what a fracture is. It’s basically a fancy word for a broken bone, but not all breaks are created equal. There are different types of fractures, ranging from hairline cracks to shattered bones. The type of fracture, its location, and the severity of the break all play a role in determining the best course of treatment.

Conservative Treatment for Fractures

Many fractures can heal successfully with more conservative approaches, like:

  • Casting or Splinting.This immobilizes the injured area, allowing the bone to heal in the correct position.
  • Pain Management.Over-the-counter pain relievers or prescription medications can help manage discomfort during healing.
  • Physical Therapy.This helps to restore strength, flexibility, and range of motion after your bone has healed.

When Surgery Is Needed: The Heavy Hitters

Surgery is typically reserved for more complex fractures, like:

  • Displaced Fractures.These are breaks where the bone fragments have moved out of their normal alignment. Surgery is often needed to realign the pieces and stabilize them with plates, screws, or rods.
  • Open Fractures.These are breaks where the bone pierces through the skin. They require immediate surgery to clean the wound and prevent infection.
  • Joint Fractures.Fractures that involve a joint, like your knee or elbow, often require surgery to ensure proper healing and restore joint function.
  • Multiple Fractures.If you have several fractures or a complex break that’s difficult to treat with non-surgical methods, surgery might be the best option.

Factors That Influence Your Treatment Plan

The decision of whether or not to have surgery isn’t always straightforward. Your doctor will consider several factors, including:

  • Your Age and Overall Health. Younger patients and those with good overall health tend to heal faster and may be able to avoid surgery in some cases.
  • The Severity of the Fracture. As mentioned earlier, more complex fractures are more likely to require surgical intervention.
  • Your Lifestyle and Activity Level. If you’re a very active person or your job requires physical exertion, surgery might be recommended to ensure a stronger and faster recovery.
  • Your Personal Preferences.Ultimately, you have a say in your treatment plan. Discuss your options with your doctor and choose the approach that you feel most comfortable with.

Impact Medical Group Is Your Partner in Fracture Recovery

At Impact Medical Group of Brandon, our experienced orthopedic specialists can help you heal fully from an accident-related fracture. Whether you need conservative care or surgical intervention, we’re committed to providing compassionate, personalized treatment that gets you back to your active lifestyle as quickly and safely as possible. So, schedule your free consultation today—call us at (813) 522-8885 and let us be your partner in healing.

Rear-End Collisions Can Affect Your Spine Health – What to Do

You’re stopped at a red light, jamming to your favorite tunes, when suddenly, you’re rear-ended. The car behind you didn’t hit the brakes in time, and now your head and neck are absorbing the impact. Your neck might be stiff, but hey, no broken bones, right? So, you brush it off and go about your day. While a rear-end collision might seem minor, it can wreak havoc on your spine, even if you don’t feel immediate pain. Here’s how rear-end collisions can affect your spine health, and what you should do if you’ve been in one.

Whiplash: The Silent Injury

Whiplash is the most common injury in rear-end collisions. It’s a soft-tissue injury to your neck caused by your head being violently jerked back and forth. Whiplash can cause a variety of symptoms, including neck pain, stiffness, headaches, dizziness, and even blurred vision. The kicker? These symptoms might not show up right away. You could feel fine for days or even weeks before the pain sets in.

Hidden Dangers: Beyond Whiplash

While whiplash gets all the attention, rear-end collisions can also cause other sneaky spine injuries:

  • Herniated Discs:The impact can cause the discs that cushion your vertebrae to bulge or rupture, putting pressure on nerves and causing pain, numbness, and tingling.
  • Facet Joint Injuries:These small joints in your spine can become inflamed or damaged, leading to pain and stiffness.
  • Sprains and Strains:The ligaments and muscles in your back and neck can be stretched or torn, causing pain and limited mobility.

What to Do After a Fender Bender (Even a Minor One!)

So, you’ve been in a rear-end collision, and even though you’re feeling okay, you’re wondering what you should do next. Here are some important steps to take to protect your spine health and ensure a smooth recovery, even from a seemingly minor fender bender.

  1. Seek Medical Attention. Don’t be a hero! Even if you feel okay, it’s crucial to get checked out by a doctor as soon as possible. They can assess your spine and rule out any hidden injuries that might not be causing symptoms yet.
  2. Don’t Ignore the Signs. Pay attention to your body. If you experience any neck pain, stiffness, headaches, or dizziness, don’t brush it off. These could be signs of whiplash or other spine injuries.
  3. Get a Chiropractic Evaluation. Chiropractors are experts in spinal health and can assess your spine for misalignments caused by the accident. Gentle adjustments can help realign your spine, reduce pain, and improve function.
  4. Follow Your Treatment Plan. If you’re diagnosed with a spine injury, follow your doctor or chiropractor’s recommendations carefully. This might include rest, ice, heat, physical therapy, or medication.
  5. Don’t Wait for Pain to Worsen. The sooner you address your injuries, the better your chances of a full recovery. Don’t let a minor ache turn into a chronic pain problem.

Your Spine Deserves Expert Care

Impact Medical Group of St. Petersburg knows that car accidents can leave a lasting impact on your body. Our experienced medical team is here to help you heal and recover from your injuries, no matter how minor they might seem. We offer comprehensive care for accident-related injuries, including chiropractic adjustments, physical therapy, pain management, and more. Our goal is to get you back to feeling your best as quickly and safely as possible.

So, take the first step towards recovery today. Call us at 727-722-8103 to schedule your free consultation and let us help you get back on track!

What Are The Worst Things You Can Do For Back Pain After An Accident?

With back pain comes pain in other areas of the body, stiffness, trouble performing daily tasks, and more. We think it’s safe to say it’s one of the most inconvenient types of pain you can experience after an accident. With that being said, the severity of pain can vary depending on the injury, patient, and pain tolerance. On top of that, several internal factors contribute to the variability of back pain and appropriate procedures as well. What may feel like a severe tear could just need some chiropractic work to heal and avoid further damage, and what feels like a non-invasive pain could be something that needs immediate intervention to ensure your acute pain doesn’t turn into something worse, and more debilitating requiring a more intense procedure in the long run.

We have compiled a list of the top 3 worst things you can do to remedy your back pain after an accident.

Related > Back Pain After A Rear-End Collision

Ignoring The Problem – Ignoring back pain can look like simply going about your daily life, conveniently ignoring even the tiniest bit of pain or discomfort. This might not seem harmful, especially if the pain doesn’t feel severe, and uprooting your daily tasks feels inconvenient! So what’s the big deal? Ignoring microtears can have us lifting and moving leading us to believe nothing is wrong but excess movement or one wrong turn of the neck can lead to severe pain and potential nerve damage.

DIY Stretching – Depending on what caused the back pain, and where any injuries occurred on the body are indicators of what stretches, movements, and workouts, will be the most helpful in your recovery journey. Too often we see people skip the doctors and take Rehabilitative movements into their own untrained hands. Overstretching, or doing too little to actually see progress on your healing journey are all risks associated with creating your own therapy plan. At Impact Medical, we do believe you know your body best, but when your body is broken or out of whack, a medical professional can have you feeling like your familiar self again.

Self Chiropractic Care – In today’s world, there is so much information on the internet and so many items to be bought claiming to have you working better than a professional could, and unfortunately chiropractic care is no exception. Chiropractic care is not something anyone should perform on their own without a chiropractic professional present. Without knowing the ins and outs of the back and neck, it is expected that more damage will be done, when a simple session of chiropractic visits may be just what you needed in the first place, leaving you healthier instead of hindered.

Related > How Physical Therapy Can Help You Avoid Back Surgery

We know that taking time out of your day to visit us here at Impact Medical Wesley Chapel can feel like just another task on your laundry list of “to-do’s”, but we promise we won’t waste your time. Our team of medical professionals is well-versed in all things accident-related injuries and back pain. We pride ourselves on efficient and effective treatment plans to get you back to feeling like yourself in no time.