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What Type Of Truck Accident Injuries Can Chiropractic Care Treat?

When most people think of chiropractic care, they think of routine visits to help with conditions like chronic pain and to act as deterrents for other injuries that may be sustained through strenuous daily activity. What most people don’t know is that chiropractic care after an accident, no matter how small the accident may seem, can be a cornerstone of your recovery journey.

If you find yourself in a truck accident, there is a good chance that your doctor will recommend chiropractic care in order to streamline your healing process, but what can your chiropractor do for you?

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Common Truck Accident Injuries

Here is a list of a few of the most common injuries sustained during a truck accident that should be disclosed to your doctor and chiropractic care professional in order to get the best treatment:

  • Head and Brain Injuries such as a concussion, or TBI
    • While Chiropractic care is not recommended to treat and heal a concussion or TBI on its own, brain injuries can lead to a lot of discomfort in the physical body. Some of these discomforts could look like your body favoring one side, or creating numbness in a limb, which can all lead to tension and added pain that chiropractic care can address.
  • Spinal Cord and Neck Injuries such as a herniated disk or whiplash
    • When it comes to chiropractic care, the main area of focus usually falls on the back, spine, and neck. You can expect pain relief, and improved mobility in the targeted areas after your recommended visits to your chiropractor.
  • Orthopedic Injuries such as broken bones or dislocations
    • It’s no secret that broken bones and dislocations can cause a lot of pain and discomfort. The great thing about chiropractic care is that it can be used to target certain areas. Whether you’re healing from a broken arm or dislocated ankle, chiropractic care could help speed up the healing process.

Next time you and your doctor here at Impact Medical Sun City are discussing treatment options for your injuries sustained by a truck accident, consider Chiropractic care as an essential treatment during your healing journey. Give us a call at (813) 938-5195 so we can discuss what treatments are right for you!

How Do I Know If It’s Too Late For Physical Therapy?

Do you have an injury that you’ve been procrastinating on? If it’s been weeks, months, or even years, it’s easy to think that you’re past the point of being treated. However, you’re not a car that’s getting rusty or a piece of wood that’s rotting. Your body is a special thing, and you’d be surprised at what it can do. Find out whether or not it’s too late to get into physical therapy before calling Impact Medical Largo for quality PT services near you.

The Answer: It’s Never Too Late

So, is it too late for physical therapy? That’s a trick question. It doesn’t matter how long it’s been since your injury, it’s never too late to visit a physical therapist. Many people are discouraged from showing up the longer they wait for a few reasons. Some are too embarrassed to admit they’ve waited so long, and others truly believe that PT will no longer help them. However, there have been individuals who have decided to pick up physical therapy as long as 16 years after their initial injury with noticeable results.

Common Reasons Why People Avoid PT (And Why Those Reasons Are Invalid)

Putting off physical therapy is, unfortunately, a common occurrence. Why is that? Some of the top reasons include:

  • Busy schedules
  • Tight budgets
  • Minor symptoms
  • And more

It’s best to treat injuries before they can cause chronic pain and other symptoms, but even if you reach that point, physical therapy can still help. Regular and consistent PT has been known to lessen the effects of chronic pain which makes it worth the trip to your local physical therapist.

Read more > At What Point Should I Visit a Doctor For Pain?

“Isn’t Chronic Pain Irreversible?”

Chronic pain is sometimes seen as permanent or persisting pain. Regardless, chronic symptoms can still be treated with physical therapy to mitigate pain levels. In some instances, you may be able to restore your body back to full range of motion, reverting to previous stages of your injury for less debilitating symptoms. Proactive measures are important, but there is no set deadline as to when you can seek PT before it’s too late.

How Physical Therapy Benefits Long-Term Injuries

What can PT do for your long-term injuries? There are actually a lot of benefits you may experience even with older injuries, such as:

  • Decreased pain levels
  • Enhanced strength
  • Improved mobility
  • Better mental health

Aside from these worthwhile benefits, getting thoroughly inspected by a physical therapist can help you understand your body better. This information can reveal the sources of pain triggers so you can better address them, and where to focus your treatment.

Why Seniors Need to Consider Physical Therapy

Some people don’t consider physical therapy until they hit their senior years, and there’s nothing wrong with starting late. Just like how there’s no deadline to seek PT after an injury, PT also has no determined age limit. Plus, there are plenty of benefits to physical therapy among seniors.

Physical therapy consists of low-impact exercises that are easier for seniors to perform. This makes it a great way for them to promote a healthy body through an active lifestyle. Regular movements with these regular exercises can make everyday tasks feel easier while supplementing positive mental health. Seniors can age better by not growing older with limited mobility.

Get Back Into PT at Impact Medical in Largo

It doesn’t matter how long you’ve waited to seek physical therapy, the important thing is that you’re making the effort to do so now. That’s why Impact Medical Largo will gladly welcome you with open arms and help you craft a customized treatment plan catered to your needs. Give us a call today at 727-630-2151 to get back on track starting with a consultation for our quality physical therapy services!

What Injuries Should Auto Accident Doctors Check For?

Fender benders, pile-ups, or even a minor bump—car accidents are never fun. Even if you feel okay at first, don’t let the adrenaline fool you. Some injuries are sneaky and waiting to surface later. It’s important to see a doctor after any car accident, even if you think you’re unscathed. Here are the most common injuries your doctor should check for after a car accident, including some you might not even realize you have:

  1. Whiplash: This is the classic “head jerk” injury, and it can cause neck pain, headaches, dizziness, and even blurry vision. Even a low-speed collision can trigger whiplash, so don’t brush it off if your neck feels a little stiff.
  2. Concussion: Think concussions are only for football players? Think again. Even a minor bump to the head can cause a concussion, and the symptoms can be subtle. Headache, confusion, difficulty concentrating—these are all signs you might have a brain injury that needs attention.
  3. Back Pain: Back pain is a common complaint after car accidents, and it can be caused by muscle strains, ligament sprains, or even more serious issues like herniated discs. Don’t just “tough it out”—let a doctor assess your back and recommend the right treatment.
  4. Soft Tissue Injuries: These are the sneaky ones. They include damage to muscles, joints, and ligaments that might not show up on X-rays. Think sprains, strains, contusions (bruises), and even internal bleeding. Don’t underestimate the impact of these injuries—they can cause serious pain and long-term problems if left untreated.
  5. Knee Injuries: The dashboard, steering wheel, and even your seatbelt can wreak havoc on your knees during a crash. Pain, swelling, and difficulty walking are all signs that your knees need a checkup.
  6. Shoulder Injuries: Bracing yourself against the impact of a crash can put a lot of stress on your shoulders, leading to strains, sprains, or even dislocations. Pain, limited range of motion, and a feeling of instability in your shoulder are all red flags.
  7. Psychological Trauma: While not a physical injury, the emotional impact of a car accident can be just as devastating. Anxiety, depression, PTSD, and even flashbacks are all common responses to trauma. Don’t hesitate to seek help from a mental health professional if you’re struggling to cope.
  8. Internal Injuries: These are the scariest, as they’re not always immediately obvious. Internal bleeding, organ damage, or even a punctured lung can occur in car accidents. If you experience any unusual pain, shortness of breath, or dizziness, seek medical attention immediately.
  9. Broken Bones: This one seems obvious, but even small fractures can be easily missed in the immediate aftermath of a crash. If you have persistent pain or swelling in any part of your body, an X-ray can reveal any hidden breaks.

Don’t Let Hidden Injuries Hijack Your Recovery: Why You Need an Expert After a Car Accident

Remember, your health is not a DIY project. After a car accident, it’s crucial to get checked out by a doctor who specializes in accident-related injuries. The car accident specialist doctors at Impact Medical Group of Brandon have the experience and expertise to thoroughly assess your condition, diagnose any hidden injuries, and create a personalized treatment plan to help you heal and regain your life. Take the first step towards recovery today. Call us at (813) 522-8885 to schedule your free medical evaluation and let us guide you towards a pain-free future.

How Can A Chiropractor Provide Natural Neck Pain Treatment?

When faced with severe neck pain, medication doesn’t always help. Even if it does, it may not be the best answer to your problem. Natural treatment methods can do wonders for your body, alleviating pain without having to rely on meds or other vices. Chiropractors are able to offer natural neck pain treatment with their profound skills and expertise. How is this possible? Take a look at this insightful article by your trusted experts at Impact Medical Riverview for the answers you’re looking for.

The Top Causes of Severe or Persistent Neck Pain

Every instance of neck pain may feel the same, but there can be a variety of underlying causes. Some of the most common reasons for neck pain include:

  • Spine-related injuries: Your spine is directly connected to your neck. Therefore, any damage to the spine can travel up and cause neck pain.
  • Spinal Stenosis: The spaces in your spinal cord are there for flexibility. When those gaps become smaller or non-existent, it can cause stress on the spine and the neck.
  • Osteoarthritis: This occurs when the tissue protecting your bones and joints wears out. This can also cause stress and pain along the spine to your neck.
  • Degenerative Discs: When the cushioning between your spinal discs wears out, you will feel strain and pressure throughout your neck and back.
  • Shoulder-related injuries: Your shoulders are neighboring to your neck, so any shoulder pain may radiate to this area.
  • Aging: Although inevitable, growing older can put stress on your body including your neck and back.

How a Chiropractor Provides Natural Treatment

There are multiple ways that chiropractors relieve neck pain, all involving natural methods. Neck adjustments (also known as cervical manipulation) apply pressure to the joints to restore range of motion which can reduce swelling and stiffness as well as overall pain. This is one of the most common procedures that chiropractors perform, but depending on the symptoms, they may also try other natural methods such as decompression therapy and soft tissue therapy, or suggest lifestyle changes that can improve your situation.

What is the difference between decompression and manual soft tissue therapy? Decompression therapy often requires the aid of computers to decompress the spine and nerves, reducing the stress and pressure in this area. Soft tissue often makes use of manual applications like massaging, stretching, and so on for improvements in the muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Doing so can release tension in the target areas and restore proper blood circulation.

What Will My Chiropractor Ask Me?

During your consultation visit, your chiropractor will want to know what’s going on with your body to help you create a customized plan for your needs. Some of these questions may include:

“When did your neck pain start showing?”

“Does your neck pain travel to other parts of the body?”

“What have you done so far to treat the pain?”

“Have you discovered anything that lessened the pain or made it worse?”

Tips For Receiving the Best Relief

For the best results when you see a chiropractor, you need to maintain consistent visits. You won’t see any noticeable results after just one or two sessions. Sometimes, a bit of commitment goes a long way in living a truly pain-free life. Asking your chiropractor about at-home habits can also help you mitigate neck pain away from the office and promote a healthier body and lifestyle.

Let Impact Medical Treat Your Neck Pain With Natural Chiropractic Care

Have you been dealing with persistent neck pain? Try visiting our talented team of chiropractors at Impact Medical Riverview! We offer self-pay chiropractic services with low-cost sessions and walk-ins for your convenience and budget. Give us a call at 656-347-2608 to learn more.