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What Are the Most Common Behavioral Symptoms of TBIs?

Car accidents, falls, and other traumatic events can leave physical scars, but they often hide an invisible wound: traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). While headaches and memory problems might be the first things that come to mind, TBIs can also transform someone’s personality and behavior. Understanding the behavioral symptoms of TBIs is key to not only helping the injured person, but also protecting those around them.

Behavioral Symptoms After a Brain Injury

When someone experiences a brain injury, it can cause changes in the way they behave. These shifts can be confusing and upsetting for both the person affected and their loved ones. Here are some common changes you might notice:

  • Emotional Rollercoaster:Sudden mood swings, unexpected crying or laughing, or outbursts of anger can be common. These reactions may seem out of proportion or unconnected to the situation.
  • Risky Decisions:Someone with a brain injury may make impulsive choices without thinking about the consequences. This can lead to unsafe behaviors or putting themselves in harmful situations.
  • Feeling Irritable or Aggressive:Even little things can seem to set the person off, leading to a short fuse and an increase in frustration or aggression.
  • Going With the Flow (Too Much):A person who used to have clear boundaries or rules for themselves might suddenly become very easygoing. This lack of inhibition can lead to saying or doing things that are out of character.
  • Withdrawing From Life:Someone who was once social and outgoing may lose interest in activities or become more isolated.

Timely Diagnosis and Treatment Make All the Difference

Identifying these behavioral symptoms is a crucial step in the treatment of TBIs. Medical intervention at specialized centers like Impact Medical Group can provide the necessary support to help patients understand, cope with, and recover from these life-altering injuries.

Your Personalized Path to TBI Recovery Starts Here

Impact Medical Group of Sarasota is dedicated to understanding the complexities of traumatic brain injuries and tailoring treatment protocols to the individual, ensuring the best chance of recovery. Whether you’ve experienced a TBI due to a recent car accident, workplace incident, or any other cause, our specialists stand ready to guide you through the recovery process.

Your path to recovery after a life-altering event like a TBI can be daunting, but with the right medical support and informed action, it’s one that can lead to substantial progress and a return to a fulfilling life. Reach out to us today at (941) 222-1157 and take the first step towards understanding and treating the behavioral symptoms of TBIs effectively.

What’s The Best Way To Heal Rider’s Arm From A Motorcycle Crash?

Rider’s arm refers to the painful condition that occurs when a motorcyclist forcefully extends their arms due to the impact of a crash, leading to strains, sprains, and potentially more serious injuries.

This can cause temporary discomfort to long-term debilitating consequences if not treated promptly and effectively. Today, our accident care team at Impact Medical Sun City Center discusses the symptoms of rider’s arm and how we can help you heal.

What Causes Rider’s Arm?

Rider’s arm, also often called biker’s arm, refers to injuries to the nerves in the upper arm that can occur when a motorcyclist lands on their arm during a crash, or if the motorcycle lands on their arm.

Our human instinct is to brace for a fall, and when a rider does this, nerve damage in the arm causes limited mobility, and in some severe cases, paralysis of the hand or entire arm.

Generally, rider’s arm involves damage to the following nerves:

  • Median Nerve
  • Radial Nerve
  • Ulnar Nerve

All of these nerves work together to control the movement in our arms, hands, and fingers, so you can imagine if one is damaged or impinged, this can cause issues with mobility.

Symptoms of Rider’s Arm

If you have been in a motorcycle accident, you may not immediately notice any injuries as nerve damage can take weeks to manifest symptoms.

If you experience any of these symptoms, you may be suffering from rider’s arm:

  • Tingling in your arm, hand, or fingers
  • Use of your arm, but not your hand or fingers
  • Lack of feeling in your arm or shoulder but use of your hand and fingers
  • Numbness in your hands, fingers, or arms
  • Arm or hand paralysis

If you notice any of these symptoms, you should visit our accident care clinic at Impact Medical Sun City Center as soon as possible.

Treating Rider’s Arm

As with other nerve damage injuries, treatment of rider’s arm can include physical therapy, manual therapy, chiropractic care, pain management, and as a last resort, surgery.

It’s important to remember that treating nerve damage can be complicated and we can’t predict the outcome at the beginning of treatment. Some injuries will improve greatly over time with exercises and targeted therapy, but in the worst cases, motorcyclists may suffer from chronic nerve pain or even paralysis depending on the severity of the damage.

Because rider’s arm can be caused by nerve impingement, chiropractic care, where our practitioners will manipulate the spine and other parts of the body to regain proper alignment, can be greatly beneficial. The best part is that it can often help the body heal naturally without the need for surgery or pain medication.

Manual therapy can also help reduce any inflammation in the surrounding tissues and can help relieve pressure on the inflamed or impinged nerves. This can help relieve the numbness or tingling in the arms, hands, or fingers due to rider’s arm.

Pain management can also help treat pain that has not responded to other treatment therapies. With different injections and procedures, we can help relieve pain in your arms, especially if it is caused by an issue in the spine.

Related > Top Non-Surgical Treatments for Accident Pain

Contact Impact Medical Sun City Center

Remember, seeking prompt medical treatment after a motorcycle accident is crucial to ensure a full recovery and long-term complications due to rider’s arm. Entrust your health to our team at Impact Medical Sun City Center.

We will help you achieve the best possible outcome after your injury through our comprehensive suite of treatment modalities including chiropractic care, manual therapy, physical therapy, and pain management.

Don’t wait to get medical attention – contact Impact Medical Sun City Center at (813) 938-5195 today to start your journey toward recovery and full functionality of your arm.

How Do I Forgive Myself For Causing A Car Accident?

Forgiving yourself for causing a car accident can be a challenging process. As you replay the events leading up to that fateful moment over and over again, it can be hard to move forward and let go of the guilt.

Whether you were in an accident that caused property damage or injuries to others, it is important to remember that mistakes happen. Guilt is a natural response, but it will hinder your life in several ways.

Not sure how to move forward after an accident? Our team at Impact Medical Zephyrhills is here with the steps you can take to overcome the guilt.

Dealing with Guilt and Car Accidents

The unfortunate fact is that millions of people are in car accidents each year. If you played a role in causing an accident, it’s common to experience guilt or anxiety, and is hard to overcome.

Some reasons people feel guilty after an accident include:

  • Causing Injury to Someone Else: In the United States, one of the most frequent causes of unintentional injury and death is car accidents. If you caused a car accident where someone sustained life-altering injuries, this can cause guilt.
  • Property Damage: During a car crash, property damage is often unavoidable. You may feel bad for the other driver, especially if their car was totaled or sustained more damage than yours.
  • Uninsured Motorist: If you don’t carry adequate car insurance, it can make it hard to deal with an accident for both parties involved.
  • Medical Bills: If you can’t afford the medical bills after an accident, you may experience guilt, especially if you are sued by the other driver to cover their injuries.

Now, let’s discuss how to move past your trauma and guilt.

Trauma Response and Car Accidents

In the hours and days after a car crash, it is normal to experience emotional upheaval and anxiety. Being involved in a car accident is traumatic, not just on the body, but on your emotional well-being as well.

Following a crash, you may experience symptoms like:

  • Sleep problems
  • Flashbacks
  • Stress
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Fear
  • Memory problems
  • Guilt

When you feel any of the above symptoms, it can be challenging to overcome them and move forward.

How to Forgive Yourself and Move Forward

Remember, no matter if you were at fault for an accident or not, it is important to be kind to yourself. Humans make mistakes, and you did not mean to cause an accident. Once you give yourself grace, you can move forward past your guilt.

When recovering, try to eat healthfully, stay hydrated, exercise, and follow your doctor’s recovery plan.

Sometimes moving forward isn’t as simple as looking on the bright side or being kind to yourself. Sometimes, the feelings of guilt, anxiety, and depression can linger and follow you through every aspect of your daily life.

If you are struggling with guilt, you may want to reach out for help from a doctor or counselor. Talking about what’s bugging you or journaling about it can help lighten the burden and make the guilt of what happened easier to cope with.

At Impact Medical Zephyrhills, we offer injury trauma counseling, where we treat people who are suffering from anxiety, emotional trauma, or PTSD caused by a motor vehicle accident.  

Remember, forgiveness is not about forgetting about what happened, but it’s about taking responsibility and committing to learning from your mistakes.

Read More > How Long Can Mental Shock Last After a Car Accident?

We’re Here to Help You Recover After An Accident

Forgiving yourself after causing a car accident can be a challenging journey. While it is important to acknowledge the pain and guilt you might be experiencing, it is important to remember that mistakes happen and self-forgiveness is possible.

Our team at Impact Medical Zephyrhills understands the toll that car crashes can have on those involved, which is why we provide injury trauma counseling and specialized support to help you move forward.

Take the first step towards self-forgiveness and inner peace by reaching out for help today at (813) 706-5156!

Here’s How We Treat Groin Pain After an Accident

Experiencing groin pain after an accident is not just uncomfortable—it can profoundly affect your day-to-day activities and quality of life. The pain can even introduce major complexities into your daily routine. Luckily, at Impact Medical Group of Clearwater, there’s hope. Here’s how we treat groin pain after an accident.

Comprehensive Services for Post-Accident Groin Pain Relief

Understanding the root cause of your groin pain is our first priority. Here’s how we approach your care:

  • Medical Evaluation: Our initial step involves a comprehensive examination conducted by our medical experts. This process may include a detailed physical assessment, a review of your medical history, and advanced imaging tests such as X-rays or MRIs to pinpoint the source of your discomfort accurately.
  • Pain Management Solutions: We’re proud to offer a wide range of pain management strategies tailored to meet your needs. Our services encompass chiropractic care, customized physical therapy programs, and, when necessary, medication to relieve your symptoms.
    • Chiropractic Care: Through precise chiropractic adjustments, we aim to enhance joint functionality and alignment, particularly in the pelvis and lower spine areas. These adjustments can have a beneficial impact on alleviating groin pain.
    • Physical Therapy: A personalized physical therapy regimen is instrumental in improving your groin area’s flexibility, strength, and overall range of motion. By focusing on joint stabilization and injury prevention, we help ensure a robust recovery.
    • Additional Interventions: Depending on your specific diagnosis, we may recommend other therapeutic modalities, such as ultrasound therapy, massage therapy, or corticosteroid injections, all aimed at reducing inflammation and promoting healing.

Impact Medical Group knows there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to recovery from an accident. You’ll receive a custom-designed treatment plan that reflects your unique conditions, needs, and recovery objectives. Our mission is to guide you toward a rapid, comprehensive recovery.

Everyday Tips for Groin Pain Relief

In concert with the treatments provided at our facility, we also advocate for practices you can adopt at home to further mitigate your groin pain:

  • Rest: Limit engagement in activities that could exacerbate your pain.
  • Ice Therapy: Regularly apply ice packs to the affected area to reduce swelling and discomfort.
  • Compression: Consider using compression garments, such as shorts or braces, to provide additional support to the groin area.
  • Over-the-counter Medications: Non-prescription pain relievers, including ibuprofen or acetaminophen, can be effective in managing pain and reducing inflammation.

Let’s Start Your Recovery Journey

If you’re dealing with groin pain after an accident, don’t wait to reach out to Impact Medical Group. Our expert team is ready to help you on your path to pain relief and reclaiming the lifestyle you deserve. Schedule your appointment with us today by calling (727) 292-0200 and take the first step towards healing!