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Injured in an accident? Let us help you!

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Is Spinal Decompression Good for Back Pain After an Accident?

You know that feeling after a car accident—the adrenaline rush, the racing heart, the relief that it wasn’t worse. But then, a few days later, your back starts talking. Soon, a dull ache turns into a nagging pain that just won’t quit. Sound familiar? Well, you’re not alone. Back pain is a common aftermath of car accidents, even those that seem minor at first. But here’s the good news: there’s a treatment that could be your ticket to relief—spinal decompression.

Now, don’t let the fancy name scare you—the process is fairly simple and painless. Here’s how spinal decompression can help with back pain after an accident.

What Is Spinal Decompression?

Did you know your spine can compress over time? Whether from degenerative conditions, trauma, or even a tumor or infection, there are several potential culprits of spinal compression. Luckily, decompression can give your spine a little breathing room, supporting healing.

Here’s how it works: you lie on a special table, and a gentle motorized traction device slowly stretches your spine, creating negative pressure between your vertebrae. The negative pressure does a couple of incredible things:

  1. It relieves pressure on compressed discs, allowing them to rehydrate and heal.
  2. It creates space for nerve roots, reducing inflammation and pain.

Think of it like a massage for your spine—only way more high-tech and effective.

Why Spinal Decompression Is Becoming a Go-To Treatment for Back Pain

Here’s why spinal decompression is gaining popularity as a go-to treatment for back pain after accidents:

  • It’s Non-Invasive.No scalpels, no stitches, no scary hospital gowns. Spinal decompression is a gentle, non-surgical therapy that’s easy on your body.
  • It’s Drug-Free.Forget about popping pills with potential side effects. Spinal decompression offers a natural, drug-free way to manage your pain.
  • It Targets the Root Cause.Many back pain issues stem from compressed discs or irritated nerves. Spinal decompression addresses these underlying causes, not just masks the symptoms.
  • It’s Effective.Studies have shown that spinal decompression can significantly reduce back pain and improve function in patients who haven’t responded to other treatments.
  • It’s Relaxing.Who doesn’t love a good stretch? Many patients find spinal decompression sessions to be quite relaxing, even enjoyable.

When to Seek Spinal Decompression

If you’re experiencing back pain after an accident, don’t suffer in silence. Schedule a consultation with Impact Medical Group of Palm Harbor to see if spinal decompression is right for you! It’s especially helpful for conditions like:

  • Herniated or bulging discs
  • Sciatica
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Facet joint syndrome

Impact Medical Group Is Your Partner in Pain Relief

Suffering from back pain after a car accident? We know how debilitating lingering pain can be. The experienced team at Impact Medical Group is dedicated to helping you find relief and regain your quality of life. We offer a full range of pain management solutions, including spinal decompression therapy, to help you get back on your feet and doing what you love. Call us today at (727) 292-0200 to schedule your free medical evaluation and discover how spinal decompression can unlock a pain-free life!

How Long Should I Wait To Get Trauma Counseling After An Accident?

It’s no secret that being in any accident, no matter how big or small, is traumatic. Some people sustain life-altering injuries, some never get behind the wheel of a car again, and some carry guilt around with them for injuries that may have been sustained by another party in the accident. With that being said, there is no right or wrong when it comes to seeking Trauma Counseling after an accident. Although this isn’t a topic talked about nearly enough around the conversation about accident recovery, here at Impact Medical Dade City, we have seen firsthand the importance of it.

Who Is Trauma Counseling For?

Trauma Counseling is for everyone who has either been in an accident themselves or has known someone in an accident. We can not stress enough the importance of understanding that there is no accident too small when it comes to Trauma counseling. Many times, we see patients come in to talk about a past accident they were in and mention the strife they’ve had to carry ever since. So you might be thinking, why did they wait so long? A lot of the time, patients believe that Trauma Counseling is only for those who have been or have seen someone, in a life-altering accident whether that looks like the loss of life of a loved one, Traumatic Brain Injuries, or permanent mobility issues. We are here to tell you that even if you have experienced what may have turned out to be a fender bender with no serious medical issues, that does not mean that your psyche could be any less affected than someone else’s in a seemingly more serious accident.

Related > Why You Should Avoid DIY Therapy

What Can I Expect In Trauma Counseling?

Here at Impact Medical, our Trauma Counseling consists of a series of evidence-based treatments that offer you effective help in recovering from emotional and psychological distress caused by motor vehicle accidents. We take time in the sessions to talk about you, and your experience with the accident. Maybe you have a history of accidents, or maybe you grew up with someone in the household consistently getting in traffic accidents. These are all things that can help us better treat you. We always talk through what’s called “PTSD” or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder which can sometimes be the result of a traumatic accident. Everyone’s treatments are going to look different because no two people experienced their trauma the same way.

Related > How To Promote Good Sleep After An Accident

How Soon After An Accident Should I Seek Trauma Counseling?

If you were in an accident, no matter how small it may have seemed, it is important to seek medical care immediately. This is usually seen as common knowledge because the longer an injury sits, even if it’s unnoticed now, the more damage it can do in the future without intervention. Your mental health works the same way. If you feel even the slightest bit of anxiety or uneasiness when getting behind the wheel of a car, or getting into someone else’s car, please don’t hesitate to get help. The emotional trauma following a car accident can weigh heavily on a victim and their loved ones, and that feeling can fester if not relieved.

Impact Medical Dade City is here to work with you to help you experience life to the fullest again by providing top-of-the-line medical and psychiatric care for you or your loved ones. If you or someone you know has been in an accident that has left them feeling uneasy or caused them to act out of character, please don’t hesitate to reach out because you’re not alone! Our team would love to help. Give us a call at 813-706-5156.

Auto Accident Leg Pain? 5 Ways We Diagnose & Treat You

The legs are a common target for auto accident injuries because they are highly susceptible to direct impacts and referred pain originating from the spine. For those dealing with leg pain after an auto accident injury, take a look at the different ways that we diagnose and treat you at Impact Medical Tarpon Springs:

1. A Physical Examination

Every effective treatment plan starts with a thorough evaluation and an accurate diagnosis. The way we ensure the best results is by going over every aspect of your leg’s condition, including:

  • The exact location of your leg pain’s origin whether it be the lumbar spine, thigh, foot, etc.
  • Any instances of swelling and inflammation in the leg or foot
  • Changes in the skin’s exterior appearance along the leg or foot
  • Reflexes when pressing on or tapping the affected area

Many of these conditions can be evaluated using high-tech methods such as MRI scans, CT scans, ultrasounds, digital X-rays, and so on. Sometimes, selective nerve root blocks are used to help pinpoint compressed nerves and other causes of pain in your leg.

2. A Review of Your Medical History

Aside from the tests that are done in-house, our doctors may also use your past medical history to see if any existing conditions line up with your current leg pain. During your consultation, we may ask you about how your muscle strength compares prior to your accident, if you’ve had any other treatments or surgeries, if you’ve noticed an increase in muscle spasms or cramps, if you’ve had any other instances of trauma or injury in the leg, and more.

3. Physical Therapy Sessions

Before diving into more complex procedures, it’s normal to begin with natural healing through physical therapy. This is the first non-surgical method that we typically recommend as it is always better if your leg can recover on its own with a bit of guidance in performing low-impact exercises. Being able to make a full recovery with this method will also be easier on your body and your wallet. When PT alone isn’t enough to relieve your leg pain, that’s when we will suggest alternative treatment options.

4. Epidural Steroid Injections

Corticosteroid shots are the next step up from PT before considering surgery. These epidural steroid injections are included in our interventional pain management treatment options as a popular and effective method for addressing symptoms such as leg pain. After just one or two shots, the inflammation causing your pain will decrease to pave the way for an easier recovery from your injuries.

5. Surgical Procedures

Only when all other options have been exhausted is when we suggest surgery. Common leg injuries can usually be healed without needing surgery, but there are certain conditions where surgery may be the only valid option. Some of these conditions include severe or high-risk injuries like tumors, infections, nerve damage, and cancer. We offer comprehensive surgery options to help you recover from any type of leg injury.

Treat Your Auto Accident Leg Pain at Impact Medical In Tarpon Springs

At Impact Medical Tarpon Springs, we effectively treat every type of auto accident leg pain for optimal results. You can expect a detailed evaluation for a personalized treatment plan that works best for you, including anything you need from our list of comprehensive services. Give the Tarpon Springs office a call at 727-756-9585 to get started with a consultation appointment!

5 Types of Therapy You May Need After an Accident

Accidents happen. Whether it’s a fender bender, a slip on the ice, or a more serious incident, the aftermath can be jarring. While broken bones and bruises are obvious, the unseen wounds—to your muscles, joints, and emotions—can be just as impactful. The good news? A range of therapies can help you heal after an accident, both physically and mentally. Here are five to consider:

1. Physical Therapy: Your Body’s Personal Trainer

Physical therapy re-educates your body, helping it move in ways that are pain-free and efficient. A skilled PT will create a personalized plan, blending stretches, exercises, and hands-on techniques.

Think of it as a partnership—your PT guides you, motivates you, and celebrates each milestone with you. The result? Increased mobility, reduced pain, and a newfound confidence in your body’s abilities.

2. Chiropractic Care: A Gentle Nudge in the Right Direction

Ever feel like your body is slightly “off” after an accident? Chiropractic care focuses on aligning your spine and joints, which can alleviate pain, improve range of motion, and enhance overall function.

Chiropractors are like detectives, investigating the root cause of your discomfort. Their adjustments are gentle, precise, and often provide immediate relief. With a gentle touch, chiropractic care can restore your balance and promote your body’s natural healing ability.

3. Manual Therapy: Hands-On Healing

Sometimes, the most effective medicine is a skilled pair of hands. Manual therapists use a variety of techniques—from myofascial release to trigger point therapy—to address muscle tension, improve circulation, and reduce pain.

Imagine someone gently “ironing out” the knots and tightness in your muscles. That’s the magic of manual therapy. It’s a deeply relaxing experience that leaves you feeling looser, lighter, and more at ease in your body.

4. Injury Trauma Counseling: Words That Heal

Accidents can leave emotional scars. Anxiety, flashbacks, and sleep disturbances are common. Injury Trauma Counseling at Impact Medical Group can help. Our compassionate therapists provide a safe space to process your experience, develop coping skills, and regain a sense of control.

Think of it as emotional first aid. It’s not about “getting over it”—it’s about learning to live with it in a healthy way. Through talk therapy, mindfulness techniques, and other approaches, you’ll find ways to heal the unseen wounds.

5. Complementary Therapies: Your Toolbox for Well-being

The journey to recovery is personal. Some people find solace in acupuncture, which aims to restore the flow of energy in the body. Others swear by gentle movement practices like yoga or tai chi. These complementary therapies can be powerful allies on your healing journey. Explore your options, trust your intuition, and discover what works best for you.

Your Healing Starts Now!

At Impact Medical of Lutz, we understand the unique challenges you face after an accident. Our team of compassionate therapists and specialists is here to guide you through every step of your recovery. Don’t let pain or emotional distress hold you back. Reach out to Impact Medical of Lutz today at (813) 536-0373 and discover the transformative power of personalized care. Your journey to a healthier, happier you starts with a single phone call!