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Injured in an accident? Let us help you!

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Is There Something I Can Do to Support Post-Chiropractic Treatment?

Cracking bones, a satisfying “pop,” and that feeling of relief as your chiropractor works their magic—that’s the good stuff! But the journey doesn’t end when you leave the adjustment table. In fact, what you do after your appointment can make a world of difference in how you feel and how long those benefits last. So, how can you supercharge your chiropractic care and make those adjustments work even harder for you? Let’s break down what you should do after a chiropractic treatment.

  • Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!Think of your body like a well-oiled machine. Water is the lubrication that keeps everything running smoothly. After an adjustment, your body is working hard to realign and heal, so guzzling water is essential for flushing out toxins and promoting optimal recovery.
  • Gentle Movement is Your Friend:We’re not talking about a marathon or a CrossFit session here. Think of a leisurely stroll in the park or some light stretching. Gentle movement helps to increase blood flow, reduce stiffness, and maintain the positive effects of your adjustment.
  • Heat It Up or Cool It Down:Depending on your specific needs, heat or ice therapy can be your best friend. Heat helps to relax muscles and ease tension, while ice can reduce inflammation and pain. Your chiropractor can guide you on the best approach for your individual situation.
  • Listen to Your Body:Your body is smart, and it’ll tell you what it needs. If you’re feeling sore or stiff, take it easy. If you feel energized, move around gently. Don’t push yourself too hard, but don’t be afraid to move either.
  • Maintain Good Posture:Remember that old saying, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure?” Well, it applies to your spine too. Maintaining good posture throughout the day can help prevent future misalignments and keep your body feeling its best. Sit up straight, take breaks to stretch, and avoid slouching or hunching over your phone.
  • Mind Your Sleeping Habits:How you sleep can impact your spinal health. Invest in a good pillow that supports your neck and keeps your spine aligned. Avoid sleeping on your stomach, as this can put unnecessary strain on your back and neck.
  • Follow Your Chiropractor’s Recommendations:Your chiropractor knows your body best. Follow their advice on how to care for yourself after an adjustment, including any specific exercises or stretches they recommend. They can also provide tips on ergonomics, stress management, and other lifestyle factors that can impact your overall well-being.

Get the Most Out of Your Chiropractic Care with Impact Medical Group

At Impact Medical Group of Port Richey, we’re not just about making adjustments—we’re about empowering you to take charge of your health! Our experienced chiropractors will not only provide expert care but also equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to maintain your well-being between appointments.

If you’re ready to optimize your chiropractic experience and feel your absolute best, contact us today at (727) 848-3377 to book your free chiropractic evaluation. discover how our personalized approach can make a real difference in your life.

Looking For A Comprehensive, Customized Accident Injury Treatment Plan? Trust Impact Medical

With so many different types of accident injuries that require specific treatment methods, we couldn’t call ourselves accident injury professionals if we didn’t offer everything you need to make a full recovery. That’s why we’re proud to say that for comprehensive, customized accident injury treatment plans near you, you can trust Impact Medical!

A Look Into Our Practice at Impact Medical

Our large team of dedicated professionals has been treating Florida residents for over 25 years with a track record of countless success stories. Impact Medical is a multidisciplinary medical practice with many locations spread throughout the state, offering accessible and affordable services for all. We’re professionals in every aspect of accident recovery, from chiropractic care to spinal manipulation and more.

Expert Medical Care: Everything You Need For a Check-Up

To make a custom recovery plan, we begin with comprehensive medical care including a thorough diagnosis. We respond to emergency medical conditions (EMCs) with the utmost urgency and offer trigger-point injections when necessary. We will schedule your follow-up visits to ensure that your treatment is coming along as planned and make any adjustments to adapt to any changes.

Truly Customized Therapy Plans For Your Needs

One of our most common treatment options involves comprehensive therapy such as physical therapy, chiropractic care, and manual therapy:

  • Physical therapy is offered both as a treatment method and as a supplementary service to support the body after a surgical procedure. Our physical therapists can help you regain your strength and range of motion after an accident.
  • Manual therapy is a hands-on approach to restoring your body’s flexibility with manual adjustments in targeted areas.
  • Chiropractic care is an effective way to relieve pain that’s triggered by your accident injury. Our team of self-pay chiros encourages care through affordable and accessible sessions.

For severe pain that’s difficult to manage, we also offer manipulation under anesthesia (MUA) where our practitioners numb the affected area and restore mobility to your body using gentle motions. This removes the obstacle of pain when receiving the stretches that your body needs to recover.

Offering Proven Methods For Interventional Pain Management

There are other ways that we can address pain here at Impact Medical, including the following interventional pain management services:

  • Discography
  • Epidural steroid injections
  • Facet injections
  • Radio-frequency ablations
  • Discectomy

Comprehensive TBI Treatment Options

Traumatic brain injury is another symptom that we specialize in. We invest in modern technology for all of our offices to offer you comprehensive TBI treatment options, using methods and techniques such as Neurodiagnostic testing, neurocognitive assessment, eye-tracking analysis, video oculography, and computerized posturography. You can rest assured that our skilled and qualified team of professionals holds the tools and knowledge to give you the TBI treatment you need.

All-Encompassing Injury Trauma Counseling Services

At Impact Medical, we make sure to look out for your mental health as well. Everyone reacts differently to auto accidents, and some may experience debilitating emotional distress in the form of fear, anxiety, depression, and more. Our injury trauma counseling services involve a team of psychiatric mental health nurse practitioners, mental health counselors, and even social workers who all want to see you bounce back from a traumatic accident to a normal life.

Experience Comprehensive Accident Injury Treatment Plans at Impact Medical

Whatever you require for accident recovery, Impact Medical is dedicated to offering comprehensive accident injury treatment with customized recovery plans tailored to your needs. Contact your local office today to schedule a consultation!

Florida Car Accident Injury Statistics For 2024 You Should Know

If you’ve been living in Florida your whole life, or even the last few years, it’s no secret that the influx of people moving to our sunshine state is at an all-time high. One of the telltale signs of new growth in an area is, unfortunately, the traffic. When your daily commute to work or drives to your favorite spots start taking longer and longer to get to, it’s a pretty safe bet that your area is a hot spot! And Florida most certainly is, coming in at the #3 spot for the most populated state in the United States in 2024. On top of the new residents the state has acquired, Florida has always been a worldwide destination for vacations. This means, that with more traffic comes more drivers, and driving laws and etiquette vary from state to state and even country to country. But what does this mean for you? With newfound population growth and seasonal influx of tourists comes growing pains, and unfortunately, a lot of those pains can come from car accidents.

Here are 5 Car Accident Statistics from 2024 that you really should know:

  1. There have been over 175,734 in the state of Florida since January 1st, 2024. To put that in perspective, that’s well over twice the amount of people you can fit into the Buccaneers stadium!
  1. 65% of all accidents that have occurred so far in 2024 have resulted in some sort of injury. That’s over 6 out of every 10 people who have been involved in any form of motor accident this year.
  1. There have been 1,338 fatal accidents all around Florida this year, alone.
  1. There have been 12,238 accidents that happened in Hillsborough County so far this year. This means that almost 7% of all accidents that occurred in Florida this year happened right in our own backyards!
  1. There have been almost 80 fatalities from crashes that occurred in Hillsborough County this year.

Related > What’s Most Likely The Cause Of Upper Back Pain After An Accident?

How You Can Help Make Florida Roads Safer

With all of these new Florida residents moving in and making the Sunshine State their home, and tourists coming to enjoy our state, there are a few things to remember to ensure everyone stays as safe as they can on the road.

Regardless of where you’re from or how you learned to drive, always wear your seatbelt. This can not only save your body from breaks and bruises but can save your life. Always be sure to follow traffic laws including merging lanes, and speed limit signs. These were not placed randomly and must be followed to ensure safety for not only you but others on the road as well.

Lastly, never get behind the wheel of a car while impaired in any way. Believe it or not, this includes being too sleepy! If you wouldn’t feel comfortable driving in an inebriated or drowsy state with a child in the car, you shouldn’t be doing it at all.

Related > 4 Reasons To Approach Post-Car Accident Care With A “Better Safe Than Sorry” Mindset

Visit Impact Medical in Sun City For Accident Injury Treatment!

If you or someone you know has been in an accident sometime this year or in the past and is suffering from unresolved pain or complications, please reach out to us here at Impact Medical Sun City. Our team of professionals would love the opportunity to take care of you, and get you feeling back to your normal and healthy self! Buckle up, and stay safe Florida!

3 Most Impactful Auto Injuries To Be Aware Of & How To Heal From Them

Any injury sustained from an accident is worth getting checked, but how do you know when the damage is critical enough to threaten your well-being? Your local professionals have listed all of the most impactful auto injuries to be aware of so you know when to visit Impact Medical Spring Hill for treatment.

1. Injuries That Affect Your Brain’s Functionality

The most precious organ in your body is your brain, and any injury that puts your brain in danger is the most concerning of all. The two main types of accident injuries that you need to look out for in this case are TBIs and spinal cord trauma:

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) can occur in its mildest form or its most debilitating. Either way, there’s a risk to your cognitive functions that can lead to permanent brain damage if left untreated. If you have a TBI, you may experience difficulties keeping your thoughts in order when speaking, maintaining short-term memory, and making decisions.

Spinal cord trauma can directly influence the brain through the nervous system, impeding your ability to function on a regular day doing your routine activities. The main difference between spinal cord trauma and TBI is that spinal cord trauma stems from your nerves while TBIs occur when the brain impacts the skull.

For both of these injuries, therapy treatment options like spinal manipulation, chiropractic care, and physical therapy have the potential to result in pain relief and mitigated symptoms.

2. Injuries That Put Your Internal Organs In Danger

Your brain isn’t the only organ that you need to watch out for. Suffering a direct impact during a car crash can put any of your organs in danger, including your lungs, heart, liver, etc. which can all prove fatal if you’re not careful. For instance, broken or fractured ribs can push against your organs and chest-related injuries can spread to your heart and lungs located underneath. When your internal organs are at stake, you should ask your doctor if surgery or pain management is right for you.

In the event of broken bones, there is a possibility that your injury will require surgical treatment. After the procedure, you should consider physical therapy to ensure that you receive a proper recovery with shorter healing periods and better results.

3. Injuries That Cause Debilitating Mental Stress

Another crucial aspect of your well-being is your mental health, and some of the most impactful injuries can lead to exaggerated behavioral symptoms as well as severe depression, anxiety, and mood swings. It’s fairly common for auto accident victims (especially cyclists) to develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) which can instill guilt and fear until it affects your quality of life. If you start to experience emotional distress, you shouldn’t delay in seeking trauma injury counseling from a compassionate team of professionals.

Read more > How Do You Mentally Recover From a Motorcycle Accident?

Treat Impactful Auto Accident Injuries At Your Local Impact Medical In Spring Hill!

Regardless of the gravity of your car crash, you should seek professional care from Impact Medical Spring Hill for an official diagnosis so we may detect and treat any impactful auto injuries before they escalate into critical conditions. Give our friendly team a call at 352-340-5427 to schedule a consultation appointment.