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Here’s How Spinal Traction Can Help Treat Whiplash

You’re cruising down the road, humming along to your favorite tune, when BAM—you’re rear-ended. The jarring impact sends your head whipping back and forth, and now you’re dealing with the uncomfortable aftermath of whiplash. The neck pain is constant, headaches pound relentlessly, and your once-carefree movements are marked by aches and stiffness. Sound familiar?

Whiplash is a real pain in the neck, and while traditional treatments like pain medication and physical therapy can help, sometimes you need something extra to break the cycle. Can spinal traction be the key to treating your whiplash pain?

How Does Spinal Traction Work?

Think of spinal traction like a gentle tug-of-war for your spine. It’s a technique used to gently stretch and decompress the vertebrae in your neck, creating more space between them. This can have some seriously positive effects for whiplash sufferers.

There are a few different types of spinal traction, but the basic idea is the same:

  • Mechanical:This involves using a special table or device to gently pull your head away from your neck, creating space and reducing pressure.
  • Manual:A skilled chiropractor or physical therapist uses their hands to apply the traction force.
  • Over-the-Door:A simple device you can use at home with a harness that attaches to a door.

Why Spinal Traction is a Game-Changer for Whiplash

Here’s where things get interesting. Spinal traction can help in a few key ways:

  1. Reduce Nerve Irritation: Whiplash can compress the nerves in your neck, leading to pain, tingling, and even muscle weakness. Traction can help create more space, alleviating nerve compression and its associated symptoms.
  2. Relax Muscles: Muscle spasms and tightness are common after whiplash. Traction helps to gently stretch those muscles, promoting relaxation and reducing pain.
  3. Improve Blood Flow: Increased space between vertebrae also means better blood flow to the area. This brings in oxygen and nutrients that can help accelerate healing.
  4. Restore Range of Motion: Whiplash often leads to stiffness and limited movement. Regular traction can gradually help you regain that lost flexibility.

Is Spinal Traction Right for You?

While spinal traction is generally safe and well-tolerated, it’s not for everyone. Certain conditions like osteoporosis, spinal instability, or pregnancy may make it unsuitable. It’s important to talk to your doctor before trying any new treatment, especially if you have a history of neck or back issues.

Take the Next Step Towards a Pain-Free Life—Explore Spinal Traction With Impact Medical Group

If you’re dealing with whiplash, the caring team at Impact Medical Group of Port Richey are here to help. We offer personalized treatment plans that may include spinal traction, along with other evidence-based therapies to address your specific needs.

Don’t let whiplash control your life. Call (727) 848-3377 to schedule your free medical evaluation today. Our compassionate team will assess your condition, discuss your options, and help you get back to doing what you love. It’s time to say goodbye to pain and hello to relief.

Is It Normal To Have Migraines After Being Rear-Ended?

Concerned about a migraine that popped up just after getting rear-ended? You’re right to take post-accident symptoms seriously, especially when it involves the head. As your local team of car crash treatment experts, Impact Medical is here to tell you when migraines are cause for alarm.

The Leading Causes of Post-Accident Migraines

Headaches and migraines after a collision are common, even if it’s just a rear fender bender. That’s because the initial force of impact (however small) and the stress of being in an accident are both crucial factors in ensuing head pains.

There are different types of post-accident headaches:

  • Tension headaches occur when the muscles around your neck and head tense up into a constricted state.
  • Whiplash headaches are common after an injury where the neck is abruptly rocked back and forth.
  • Concussion headaches are often synonymous with brain injuries and can lead to severe migraines among other debilitating symptoms.
  • Fracture headaches are known to be followed by loss of balance and other cognitive functions.

If you’ve been rear-ended but don’t feel injured, it’s still a good idea to get checked since not all symptoms are immediate or obvious.

Monitoring the Nature of Your Symptoms

Migraines can behave in different ways according to the person, how the injury occurred, and what’s done to treat it. Some headaches have been known to take months before showing, indicating a deeper problem that was left ignored for far too long. The same can happen when you’re rear-ended as it doesn’t take much of an impact to sustain injury.

You can tell when it’s time to be concerned about a migraine when additional symptoms appear like visual ailments, exaggerated sensations, nausea, and more. It can be considered normal for a headache to persist weeks after an accident, but that doesn’t make it okay to neglect diagnosis and treatment. The risks of avoiding taking action are too high, like developing traumatic brain injury.

Learn more > What Are the Most Common Behavioral Symptoms of TBIs?

The Best Course of Action for Accident-Related Migraines

What can you do about accident-induced migraines? After getting rear-ended, the best thing you can do for your well-being is to get checked by a medical professional. They’ll be able to carefully and accurately diagnose your symptoms and decide whether you need a CT scan or an MRI. Chiropractors and physical therapists are qualified to check you for injuries and recommend tailored treatment options.

Effective accident treatment options that can help quell migraines include:

  • Physical therapy
  • Chiropractic care
  • Spinal manipulation
  • Medicine

Practices like Impact Medical specialize in comprehensive post-accident care, offering everything you need for treatment like the options listed above. One of our specialties involves guided physical therapy services where we work closely with you to help you get back your body’s natural state which can help diminish your headaches and migraines.

Visit Impact Medical Today for a Diagnosis!

Our compassionate team at Impact Medical can treat your post-accident symptoms including migraines caused by getting rear-ended. Reach out to your nearest location today to schedule a consultation with our skilled and qualified specialists! We have the tools and expertise to accurately diagnose your symptoms and guide you through the best treatment plan for you.

How Long Do I Need To Rest After A Nerve Root Block Injection?

When it comes to pain relief, a nerve block injection is a common practice, but the injection can also be used as a tool to diagnose where the pain is coming from depending on which nerves the nerve block is targeting. A nerve block injection is an injection of anti-inflammatory medicine that can help inhibit the nerves to better heal due to the decrease in localized inflammation. Nerve blocks have three general purposes; Therapeutic Nerve Blocks, Diagnostic Nerve Blocks, and Anesthetic Nerve Blocks. A diagnostic and pain relief shot sounds wonderful, but what are the best practices when it comes to healing from a nerve block injection?

What Happens After a Nerve Block Injection?

Immediately after your injection, your doctor will monitor you for about 15-30 minutes to ensure you have no adverse side effects from the injection. What you’ll experience in your body will depend on where your nerve block took place. Everyone’s reactions to a nerve block injection vary, but generally speaking, the goal is to reduce pain either temporarily or for extended periods of time.

If the nerve block is in your neck, you may feel some numbness in your face for a few hours. You may experience congestion or drooping red eyes. If you get a nerve block injection in your neck, follow your doctor’s eating and drinking instructions for the next few hours, as difficulty swallowing may occur. If the nerve block injection targets nerves in your back, you may feel a warming sensation in the skin on your feet, legs, or midsection. If at any time you feel uncomfortable with your symptoms, contact your doctor right away to make sure what you’re feeling is a safe side effect of the medicine.

Related > The Diagnostic Purpose Of A Nerve Block Injection

How To Care For Yourself At Home

While recovering from a nerve block, or after a nerve block injection takes place, there are a few things you can do while you’re home to ensure that the nerve block heals without intervention from your activity or behaviors. Consider limiting activity for a few days, allowing your body to rest without the risk of damaging healing nerves. Avoid taking a bath for 24 hours, but showering is okay if cleared by your doctor. If the injection site feels sore, enjoy a clothed ice pack on the injection site to help relieve some sensitivity.

Think You May Benefit From A Nerve Block Injection?

Nerve block injections have been in practice for over 130 years and have proven to be a successful treatment for pain and for diagnosing pain points. Here at Impact Medical, our goal is to get you back to your pain-free life. Impact Med Zephyrhills’ compassionate team will work tirelessly with you to find solutions that get results. Call us today at 813-737-7965 to schedule your free medical evaluation and take the first step towards a life free from pain.

TBIs & Motorcycles – What Happens To The Brain During A Crash?

When you think about the concerns of a motorcycle accident, one of the first worries are related to the limbs, or bones, whether that be breaking an arm, or bruising a rib. But we are here to tell you about the dangers and troubles associated with head trauma- specifically, the brain! The brain is an organ that has been studied for hundreds of years, but the medical and scientific community still has so much to learn about the complexities of the human brain. Treatment can be strenuous, and the outcome always teaches us something new.

This is why taking preventative measures, and seeing a doctor immediately after a crash is crucial to your injury.

What Happens To Your Brain On Impact?

Because of the complex nature of the brain, there is not one surefire brain injury that is said to happen in a crash. There are many factors that come into play when a doctor is checking to see what type of brain injury you acquired from the crash. Some of these injuries could include but are not limited to: Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Concussion, Brain bleeding, Diffuse Axonal Injury (DAI), Coup-Contrecoup Injury, Edema and Swelling, or Long-term Consequences. All of these injuries require different treatment, so please seek a medical professional as soon as possible after a crash.

How Do I Know If I Have a TBI?

There are many different symptoms associated with TBIs, but unfortunately, some Traumatic Brain Injuries can go unnoticed for years, causing serious permanent damage. Be on the lookout for:

  • Physical symptoms, like dizziness or headaches
  • Cognitive symptoms like confusion or difficulty concentrating
  • Psychological symptoms, like anxiety or depression
  • Behavioral symptoms like emotional outbursts, or risky behavior.

 The type of treatment you receive will depend on the type of injury you have acquired, or what treatment your doctor recommends. Many times, brain injuries require a conglomeration of treatments, such as rehabilitation services, and long-term monitoring. In some cases, surgical intervention might be a first step before any other intervention is suggested.

Learn more > How Can I Tell If Someone Has A TBI After A Crash?

How Can I Avoid Brain Damage During A Crash?

The first thing you can do to avoid a TBI during a motorcycle crash is to wear a helmet. This may seem like common knowledge but the type of helmet you wear actually plays a huge role in how protective it is. Make sure the helmet you buy meets the Department of Transportation (DOT) standards to protect yourself. Furthermore, invest in Visibility Gear, both for yourself and your bike, to make sure other drivers can see you during the day, and at night. Lastly, be mindful of signaling to other drivers on the road where you’re going. This can greatly decrease your chances of a collision with a car.

Can Impact Medical Wesley Chapel Help?

Please reach out immediately if there are any signs or any questions about a head or brain injury. When it comes to treatment plans, time is of the essence. Here at Impact Medical Wesley Chapel, our team of medical professionals are trained to evaluate your injury and know what next steps you need after your crash. We can evaluate Trust your healing to Impact Medical by calling 813-701-5424 now.