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Injured in an accident? Let us help you!

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What’s The Most Likely Cause Of Upper Back Pain After An Accident?

There’s a reason “having your back” is such a popular saying. Your back is the core of everything else in your body. It is the reason you can lift, run, and jump, so keeping it in the best shape it can be in is crucial to getting daily tasks done, and living a pain-free life. But, life happens and when it does, sometimes, it can take your back down with it! So, what is the cause of upper back pain after an accident and how can you remedy it?

What Happens To Your Back During An Accident?

There is no one-cut and clear answer, as a lot of factors come into play when it comes to an auto accident but one of the most common afflictions is called “Whiplash”. Whiplash occurs when there is a sudden back-and-forth movement to the upper body causing injury to muscles and ligaments. Whiplash can cause an array of problems varying from mild to severe manifesting in different parts of the body. This is why seeking a medical professional as soon as possible is crucial for diagnosis and treatment.

What Are The Symptoms Of Whiplash?

Whiplash can look different for everyone, but if you are experiencing any of these combinations of symptoms, seek a medical professional:

  • Upper back pain and stiffness
  • Neck pain and stiffness
  • Shoulder pain or pain between the shoulder blades
  • Headaches starting at the base of the skull
  • Dizziness or fatigue
  • Limited range of motion in the neck and upper back
  • Tingling or numbness in the arms or hands

Related > Back Pain After A Rear End Collision

What Can A Medical Professional Do For My Whiplash?

Here at Impact Medical, Our team will do a full assessment of your injuries to see how they are impacting your functionality. Our medical professions have an array of treatments and procedures that can help you heal from whiplash, including:

  • Physical Therapy
  • Manual Therapy
  • Chiropractic Care
  • Pharmaceutical Intervention

Treatments will vary from patient to patient as we ensure customized care for everyone to suit specific needs, and areas of concern.

Related > Recommended Treatments for Whiplash

If you or a loved one has experienced an auto accident around Sun City and find yourself in pain, please reach out to Impact Medical Sun City as soon as possible for a full medical evaluation and a custom treatment plan designed by our team specifically for you! Our goal at Impact Medical is to get you back on your feet, and feeling your best. Let us help! Call 813-536-5892.

Can a TENS Machine Really Help Repair Nerve Damage After a Crash?

Pain after a car accident can be incredibly disruptive, making everyday life a struggle. If you’re looking for alternatives to medication, Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) might be a great solution. This safe and drug-free method can offer significant relief for certain types of pain. But can TENS help repair nerve damage after a car accident?

How Does TENS Work?

TENS uses a small, portable device that sends gentle electrical pulses through pads placed on your skin near the source of your pain. These pulses have two potential effects:

  • Blocking Pain Signals:The current can disrupt the pain signals traveling to your brain, making you feel less pain.
  • Boosting Natural Pain Relievers:TENS may encourage your body to produce more endorphins, its own natural painkillers.

Unfortunately, TENS cannot directly repair nerve damage. However there’s some evidence that it might help in the process of nerve regeneration and pain management related to nerve damage.

  • Pain Relief:TENS therapy primarily focuses on relieving pain. For people with nerve damage, it can help manage the neuropathic pain that often accompanies it.
  • Potential for Nerve Regeneration:Some studies suggest that TENS therapy may have a positive effect on nerve regeneration. However, the research is still ongoing, and the results are not entirely conclusive. The thought is that the electrical stimulation could improve blood flow and promote the growth of nerve fibers.
  • Important Considerations:It’s important to remember that TENS should not be seen as a cure for nerve damage. It’s best to view it as a potential complementary therapy used alongside other proven treatments for nerve damage. Always talk with your healthcare provider to understand its role in your specific situation.

What Kind of Pain Can TENS Help With?

TENS is often used and shows promising results for chronic pain conditions like:

  • Arthritis pain
  • Back pain
  • Muscle pain
  • Nerve pain

What to Expect During a TENS Session

Getting started with TENS is simple and straightforward. Your healthcare provider or physical therapist may do your first session to show you how it works, or you might begin using a TENS unit at home. Here’s what a typical session looks like:

  • Placement:You’ll place the electrode pads on your skin near the painful area. Your provider will guide you on the optimal placement.
  • Settings:The TENS unit has adjustable settings for intensity and frequency. You’ll start at low intensity and gradually increase it to a comfortable level. You might feel a tingling or buzzing sensation.
  • Duration:TENS sessions typically last between 15-30 minutes, and you can repeat them several times per day as needed.

Is TENS Right for You?

TENS is generally very safe, but it might not be suitable in every situation. Consult your doctor before using a TENS unit if you have:

  • A pacemaker or other implanted medical device
  • Epilepsy
  • Pregnancy

Take Control of Your Pain—Connect With Impact Medical Group Today

TENS offers a drug-free way to manage nerve pain from the comfort of your home. It’s easy to use and has minimal side effects. While TENS may not directly repair nerve damage, it can be a helpful tool in managing the pain associated with it. We also offer other treatments that can address nerve damage itself.

The team at Impact Medical Group of Brandon is here to help you explore all your options and create a personalized treatment plan. Call us today at (813) 522-8885 to schedule your free consultation. We’ll help you find a path to pain relief!

How Can I Tell If I’m Suffering Internal Injuries After An Accident?

Your body goes through a lot during an accident of any scale. In some of the more severe cases, victims have been known to sustain internal bleeding which can be fatal if left ignored. But how do you know when it’s happening? Learn the signs of how to tell if you’re suffering internal injuries after an accident before reaching out to your local Impact Medical office for accident treatment near you.

Areas Susceptible to Internal Bleeding

Where do you check for internal bleeding? The most common parts that suffer from internal bleeding after an accident are the joints, muscles, intestines, and the brain. Any of these areas can lead to greater injury if left untreated, but as you can imagine, anything involving the head is especially cause for alarm. However, the signs aren’t always obvious. This is why it’s always best to approach post-accident care with a “better safe than sorry” mindset because it can turn into something fatal.

Intense Pain In the Torso Region

Although the signs aren’t always clear as day, it’s extremely common for internal bleeding in the intestines (and the torso region in general) to be identified by intense pain. This is more likely to occur after a high-impact collision either from direct impact with a hard object or from the restriction of your seatbelt. Even if the pain is considered mild, it’s worth getting it checked out by a licensed medical professional.

Be mindful of pain in these areas:

  • Chest
  • Abdomen
  • Stomach
  • Groin

Visible Bruises Above the Affected Area

Bruises aren’t just an indicator of exterior impact. When the body goes through internal bleeding, the symptoms can rise to the surface through your soft tissue and become visible. If you notice any dark, purplish bruises on your skin, don’t assume it’s from blunt trauma. Get it diagnosed as it could very well be a sign of internal bleeding underneath.

Uncontrollable Nausea and Vomiting

Accidents can be traumatic for anybody, especially when it’s the first time being in this type of situation. Going through an unfamiliar experience like a car crash can cause anyone to emit negative reactions like anxiety, fear, and confusion which could lead to dizziness and nausea. But no matter what emotions are running through your mind, nausea and dizziness could potentially be a sign of internal blood loss, more particularly in the head. If this is the case, there’s no time to contemplate if it’s the former or the latter.

Going Into Shock

Many things can trigger shock, and extreme blood loss is one of them. This includes both internal and external bleeding. If you experience the signs of shock when you don’t see any visible bleeding, then there’s a good chance that the blood loss is happening internally. Be on the lookout for these symptoms if you believe you may be going through shock:

  • Lethargy
  • Weakness
  • Lightheadedness
  • Increased heart rate

Read more > How Long Can Mental Shock Last After a Car Accident?

Additional Symptoms of Internal Bleeding

We just listed a few of the most common (and the most dire) signs to watch out for which may indicate internal bleeding, but there are plenty of other symptoms one can experience such as:

  • Low blood pressure
  • Blood in the urine, stool, or vomit
  • Numbness or tingling
  • Muscle fatigue
  • Blurred vision
  • Shallow breaths
  • Severe headaches
  • And more

Unless you are trained to diagnose your own symptoms, the best thing you can do is seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Call Your Local Impact Medical For a Consultation

At Impact Medical, we can diagnose your accident injury symptoms and administer the appropriate treatment. This may include physical therapy, medications, or coaching on lifestyle changes. Don’t delay, contact your local office today to schedule an appointment!

Summertime Means More Boats Out – 8 Tips for Staying Safe on the Water

Sunshine, warm breezes, and the sound of waves—there’s really nothing quite like spending a day out on the water. But summer fun also means more boats out there, and it’s super important to remember safety first. Here are 8 essential tips for staying safe on the water this summer:

1. Life Jackets Are a Must

Even the strongest swimmers can get caught off guard by currents, unexpected waves, or a sudden medical emergency, so a properly fitted life jacket is crucial for everyone on board, no matter their age or swimming ability. It’s also important to choose the right type of life jacket for the activity. For example, children might need a brightly colored life jacket with extra floatation around the chest.

2. Know the Rules

Just like driving a car, operating a boat comes with its own set of rules and regulations. These vary depending on your location, so take some time to brush up on the specifics in your area. Familiarize yourself with speed limits, right-of-way guidelines, and any special rules that might apply to particular waterways. Knowing the rules will help you navigate safely and avoid collisions with other boats.

3. Designate a Lookout

An extra set of eyes is always a good idea, especially on crowded waterways or in unfamiliar territory. Having a designated lookout who’s not operating the boat allows the captain to focus on steering and keeping a general eye out. The lookout should watch for other vessels, swimmers, hazards like buoys or rocks, and any sudden changes in weather conditions.

4. Do a Weather Check

The weather can change quickly on the water, so it’s important to be prepared. Before you head out, check the latest marine forecast, and pay attention to any warnings or advisories. If there’s even a hint of storms brewing, postpone your trip and wait for a calmer day. It’s always better to be safe than sorry, especially when you have a whole crew on board.

5. Ditch the Distractions

When you’re captaining a boat, your full attention needs to be on the task at hand. Put away your phone and turn down the loud music. The captain needs to be always aware of their surroundings, so avoid distractions that can take your eyes off the water or slow down your reaction time.

6. Boat Sober

Alcohol impairs your judgment and coordination, making it extremely dangerous to operate a boat under the influence. If you’re planning on drinking while you’re out on the water, designate a sober driver who can safely steer the boat back to shore. Alcohol and boating are a dangerous mix—never operate a boat after consuming alcohol.

7. Pack a First Aid Kit

Being prepared for unexpected situations is key to a safe and enjoyable boating trip. Pack a well-stocked first-aid kit that includes bandages, antiseptic wipes, pain relievers, and any other essential supplies you or your passengers might need. A first-aid kit can come in handy for treating minor cuts, scrapes, or insect bites, and it can provide some peace of mind in case of a more serious emergency.

8. Tell Someone Your Plan

Before you cast off, let a friend, family member, or marina staff know where you’re going, how many people are on board, and when you expect to be back. So, if something goes wrong and you don’t return as planned, they’ll know to raise the alarm and send help. Sharing your float plan is a simple but important safety measure—don’t forget it!

Accidents Happen, We’re Here to Help

No matter how careful you are, sometimes things go wrong. If you do experience an injury on the water, Impact Medical Group of Sarasota is here for you. We understand how an unexpected injury can disrupt your life. Call us at (941) 222-1157 to schedule your free medical evaluation—our goal is to get you back to your best as quickly and safely as possible!