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Injured in an accident? Let us help you!

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5 Types of Trauma After an Accident You Should Know About

Accidents can leave lasting marks, not only on our bodies but also on our minds and spirits. While physical injuries are often immediately apparent, the unseen wounds of trauma can linger long after the visible scars have healed. In reality, healing encompasses both the physical and the emotional. Let’s take a closer look at the different types of trauma that can follow an accident, so you can feel empowered to seek the support you need to reclaim your well-being.

1. Physical Trauma

Broken bones, lacerations, bruises—these are the physical manifestations of trauma that demand immediate attention. While modern medicine has made remarkable strides in treating these injuries, the healing process can be long and challenging. Physical therapy, pain management, and rehabilitation play vital roles in restoring function and strength.

2. Emotional Trauma

The emotional aftermath of an accident can be just as devastating as the physical injuries. Anxiety, depression, flashbacks, and nightmares are common responses to trauma. These emotional wounds can disrupt your sleep, relationships, and overall quality of life.

3. Psychological Trauma

Psychological trauma can manifest in various ways, impacting your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. You may experience difficulty concentrating, hypervigilance, or a sense of detachment from reality. These symptoms can be overwhelming and make it challenging to navigate daily life.

4. Social Trauma

Accidents can disrupt your social connections and support systems. You may withdraw from activities you once enjoyed, isolate yourself from loved ones, or struggle to maintain relationships. Social trauma can leave you feeling alone and disconnected, hindering your healing journey.

Healing the Visible and Unseen Wounds: Your Path to Recovery

While the physical scars of an accident may fade, the unseen wounds of trauma require specialized care and attention. At Impact Med Palm Harbor, we offer a range of services to support your holistic healing journey.

  • Comprehensive Post-Accident Care.Our team of experienced physicians and specialists will provide thorough evaluations, diagnostic testing, and treatment plans tailored to your specific injuries. We’re committed to helping you regain your physical health and well-being.
  • Injury Trauma Counseling.Our compassionate counselors provide a safe and supportive space to process your emotions, develop coping skills, and rebuild your sense of self.
  • Pain Management.We offer a variety of pain management techniques to help you find relief and improve your quality of life.
  • Physical Therapy.Our skilled physical therapists will guide you through a personalized rehabilitation program to restore function, strength, and mobility.

Reclaim Your Life After an Accident: We’re Here to Help

If you’re struggling with the aftermath of an accident, know that you’re not alone. Healing is possible, and we’re here to support you every step of the way. Contact Impact Medical Group of Palm Harbor today at (727) 292-0200 for your free consultation and take the first step toward recovery—inside and out.

How Do You Treat A Dislocated Joint After An Accident?

Plenty of scary things can happen during an accident, and a dislocated joint is one of them. Knowing what to do can help put your mind at ease should it ever happen to you. That’s why Impact Medical Largo is here to teach you how to properly take care of a dislocated joint and go over effective treatment options!

What You Need to Know About Dislocations

A dislocated joint is classified as a bone in your joint that is shifted out of place. This can happen to any joint including the elbow, shoulder, knee, hip, and even the fingers. Once the joint is dislocated, it can prove difficult to move without feeling sudden pain or experiencing noticeable swelling.

Injuries resulting in a dislocated joint can occur after a car crash, sports-related accident, or any other sort of physical trauma involving the joints. This means that dislocated joints aren’t just prevalent in athletes, and so the average person should also be self-aware of the dangers.

Who Is the Most at Risk For Dislocated Joints?

Technically, a dislocated joint can happen to anyone despite their background, medical history, or daily activities. However, there are some individuals are more exposed to the risks than others such as:

Senior citizens

Those with severe health conditions

Professional athletes

Highly-active individuals

Workers exposed to intense physical labor

What Not to Do With a Dislocated Joint

The biggest mistake you can make for a dislocated joint is neglecting care in the hopes that it’ll work out on its own. Delaying medical treatment for such a serious injury can cause more problems for your body, causing additional stress and the need for expensive procedures.

While waiting to seek professional treatment for your dislocated joint, there are a few things that you should make an effort not to do in the meantime. This includes trying to pop it back into place yourself since that could lead to further injury if you don’t know what you’re doing. Even trying to move it ever so slightly can be enough to cause immense pain.

Helpful tip: Using an ice pack can greatly help with your dislocated joint because it can reduce swelling which assists with proper blood circulation.

Known and Proven Methods for Treating Dislocated Joints

When you meet with a medical professional, there are a few types of treatment options that they may suggest for a dislocated joint. These options may include:

The goal is to start with the least intense option and work your way up if those options don’t show any results. You never want to jump straight into surgery when it can be avoided to limit stress on the body and to better accommodate your financial standing. Regardless of what type of treatment or procedure your doctor suggests for you, rest is always a crucial aspect of every recovery plan!

Are There Ways to Prevent Dislocated Joints?

If you believe you’re prone to encountering a dislocated joint, there are proactive measures you can take to help reduce the chances of injury. Here are some of our best tips:

  • Use any protective gear or equipment that is required for your job or sport.
  • Do not misuse the required protective gear or equipment.
  • Perform stretches and warm-ups before partaking in physical activity.
  • After finishing a physical activity, perform a cool-down instead of stopping abruptly.

For Accident Injuries Like Dislocated Joints, Go to Impact Medical!

Impact Medical Largo is the place to call for dislocated joint treatment near you. Our team is skilled in all forms of personal injury accident treatment with the latest practices and modernized equipment. Call 727-630-2151 to schedule a consultation appointment!

Injury Clinic Option Overload? 4 Reasons Why Impact Medical Stands Out

Any business can claim to be an injury clinic. That’s why they seem to be everywhere you look. If you feel overloaded with all of your options, you can skip over the clutter and visit a facility that does much more than the average clinic. Take a look at these incredible reasons as to why Impact Medical stands out above the rest!

The Problem With Your Average Injury Clinic

What makes your ordinary injury clinic so subpar? The reason why injury clinic options feel so diluted is that some entrepreneurs have found potential in these facilities from a purely business standpoint. They open offices intended primarily for making a profit, meaning that there’s a higher chance of budget cuts in critical areas like equipment and staffing. They’re more focused on bringing in as much traffic as possible than delivering quality services that can actually help people in need.

How can you spot places like this? Avoid clinics that make no effort to establish a connection or build relationships. You can also ask the staff about their qualifications and see if they seem reluctant or hesitant to show you certificates or any other proof of their capabilities.

You can also save yourself the trouble and see why Impact Medical is your go-to clinic:

1. Each Visit Is Tailored to the Individual

At Impact Medical, you’re not just another client to be tallied up for the day’s profits. We take the time to carefully evaluate your unique situation and formulate a custom plan to fit your exact needs. This is to ensure that you receive the highest quality of care and the best possible results. No matter who you are or what day you come in, every single visit is tailored to the individual.

2. Our Consultations Are Incredibly In-Depth

The term “consultation” is often used loosely as a way for businesses to get you in the door. For the compassionate team at Impact Medical, a consultation means so much more than a first visit. We use this chance to do everything we can to address your problem and develop a plan that will work best for you. Our scope of diagnostic tools and equipment is more vast than your average clinic, ranging from digital X-rays to neurological testing and more.

3. We’re Staffed With Highly Qualified Professionals

You can rest assured that Impact Medical makes a point of hiring skilled and talented individuals who carry all of the right qualifications to handle all of your needs. We’ve been serving Florida for countless years which adds valuable on-field experience to our repertoire. Meet our staff today to witness the difference in high-quality care from seasoned professionals!

4. Receive More Than Just Injury Treatment

While we excel at treating all types of personal injuries, you can also come to us for quality-of-life services. We aim to be a valuable asset in your everyday life which is why we go above and beyond by offering hormone optimization, HRT, IVs, Botox, microneedling, and other rejuvenation services that can improve your overall health. Call your local office to see what is available near you!

Other than additional services outside the scope of injury treatment, you can also expect your specialist to provide expert advice to take with you for long-term care after your appointment.

Impact Medical Isn’t Your Ordinary Injury Treatment Clinic. See For Yourself!

We encourage you to stop by your nearest Impact Medical office to see for yourself what sets us apart from all of the other ordinary injury clinics that you see throughout Florida. Our staff is eagerly waiting to provide top-quality care for any service you need!

What Happens If You Don’t Treat Knee Pain After An Accident?

Knee pain isn’t something that just goes away. There could be consequences if you choose to neglect care, so Impact Medical Riverview is here to give you the knowledge you need to treat your knee with urgency! Find out what happens if you don’t treat knee pain after an accident and what you should do to ensure a successful recovery.

The Risks of Neglecting Care

With how busy the average person is, it’s no wonder people tend to hope and pray that any instance of pain will magically vanish. Unfortunately, that’s not how the human body works. Ignoring pain can actually lead to worse problems that are even more difficult to manage.

Conditions that can occur from neglecting knee pain after an accident include:

  • Knee Sprain: Ligaments that are overly stretched can result in arthritis.
  • Arthritis: This occurs when the cartilage in your joint (like the knee) breaks away to expose bones that rub against each other.
  • Tendonitis: The tendons in the knee can become inflamed or greatly irritated.
  • Muscle Strain: Rips, tears, and other injuries to the connective tissue around the knee can cause strains.

Some of these injuries may require surgery to treat which can be rather costly and somewhat traumatic to the body. However, the need for surgery can possibly be prevented by seeking professional care for your knee pain before it can evolve into the injuries listed above.

A Trip to the Doctor: What to Expect

When you meet with your doctor for knee pain, you will start with a thorough consultation and exam to accurately diagnose the affected area. Some of these tests may include X-rays, MRIs, CT scans, or fluid analysis. Your doctor will choose the appropriate diagnostic tools and tests depending on the symptoms you’re experiencing and the exact location of the pain.

After running the necessary tests, your doctor will get started on formulating your custom treatment plan. This plan may include everything from steroid injections to knee replacement surgery. If a bit of pain is the worst that you’re dealing with, there’s a chance that it could be remedied with a simple corticosteroid injection. If the pain is excruciating to the point where you can’t put any weight on your knee, it could be a means for joint replacement surgery.

Tips For At-Home Care While You Wait

Depending on the doctor’s orders, your healing journey for knee pain may call for a single visit or encompass a few weeks of intricate tasks and procedures. Between your visits, you can help manage your knee pain with these helpful tips:

  • Place an ice pack over the affected area to reduce swelling.
  • Keep your leg raised to promote proper blood flow.
  • Avoid walking or putting any sort of pressure on your knee as much as possible.
  • Unless you have prescribed medication, look into over-the-counter pain medicine to manage pain levels.

Learn more > At-Home Remedies to Supplement Post-Accident Pain Recovery

Receive Effective Knee Treatment at Impact Medical Riverview!

The moment you start feeling knee pain after an accident, you shouldn’t delay in seeking treatment from the professionals at Impact Medical Riverview. Our qualified staff will move with urgency in getting you on the right treatment plan for your post-accident knee injury! Call us today at 656-347-2608 to schedule your visit.