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Is It Crucial To See A Doctor After Being In A Boating Accident?

Accidents end in one of two ways, they can either be life-altering or they’re incidents you can walk away from unscathed. While we’re always hoping for the latter, there is one sure thing that must happen no matter how severe the accident seemed, or what vehicles were involved- you must see a doctor. While being out on the water in the sunny Florida weather is a dream for most people, this can also lead to a lot of concern if the worst happens and you end up in a boating accident.

What Makes Boating Accidents Unique?

By now, we are all familiar with the rules of the road such as, following traffic laws like speed limits, and lane directions. Even wearing your seatbelt should be a second nature that saves millions of lives every single day! But, boating has different rules, and a very different approach from the boating community when it comes to following some of the rules in place. This can make boating dangerous not just for you and the people in your boat, but for others out on the water as well.

Related > How Common Are Boating Accidents?

What Are Some Safety Concerns Associated With Boating?

Lack Of Seatbelts:

Because of the nature of boating, you want to be able to evacuate your boat as quickly as possible if the time ever comes. A seatbelt can slow you down, causing the chance of a passenger drawing to be higher. While the lack of seat belts can save lives, there are also times when not having a seatbelt can endanger them. If someone hits your boat, or the wake of the water slams into your vessel, whiplash, spine injuries, concussions, and more are all possibilities just like in an automobile accident. Even worse, if you do end up with one of those injuries, making it safely off of the water and onto land could prove to be a challenge.

Bacteria In Water:

If you find yourself in the unfortunate situation of a boating accident, then you may sustain some cuts and bruises along the way. Even if this is something you would normally brush off, the water holds a different type of threat; bacteria. If you have an open wound in a warm bay or stagnant lake, you’ll want to head to the doctor to ensure that you won’t need any antibiotics just in case there was something creeping around that can’t be seen by the naked eye.

Dry Drowning:

If at any point during your boating trip, you end up in the water, breathing some water into the lungs is a possibility. In the same breath, When you’re in an accident or traumatic boating situation, the chances of elevated breathing and panicking can increase during any stressful situation, but when breathing becomes elevated in the water, the chances of you breathing in the water increase. This may not seem like a big deal at the moment, but breathing in water at any time isn’t a touch-and-go case as you can experience Dry Drowning. Dry Drowning can occur up to 24-48 hours after the incident occurs, so head to the doctor to make sure the lungs and vocal cords look clear of any water immediately after an accident to ensure safety while healing from your other potential injuries or infections.

After a boating accident, please note and document any of the following symptoms to share with your doctor: Difficulty breathing, coughing, chest pain, soreness, fatigue, or vomiting.

Contact the pros at Impact Medical of Wesley Chapel today

Boating accidents happen, and the injuries can be serious. Our team at Impact Medical Wesley Chapel has the experience and specialized knowledge to help you recover as quickly and fully as possible. We’ll work with you to create a personalized treatment plan that addresses your specific needs and gets you back to enjoying the activities you love. Schedule your free consultation today—call us at 813-953-1002