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Injured in an accident? Let us help you!

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How Common Are Boating Accidents?

When we think of boating, imagery of serene waterways under the warm sun may come to mind—a picture of quiet relaxation or exhilarating adventure. Yet, the excitement of these moments is unfortunately not without risk. Boating accidents are an underrepresented but nonetheless significant source of injury and trauma. But just how common are boating accidents and what types of injuries are typically involved?

According to recent data from the U.S. Coast Guard, there were more than 4,000 boating accidents in 2022 alone. While this represents a slight drop from 2021 figures, it underscores an important truth: boating can be dangerous. Here’s what you need to know:

Common Boating Injuries

An unexpected collision on the water, velocity against the body, an abrupt impact with the element once so inviting – it’s moments like these that reveal the inherent danger in such accidents. At top speed, the edge of a boat might as well be bedrock, and the waters that once seemed an innocuous, cushioning surface, seem like concrete. These incidents can result in a wide range of injuries, each requiring specialized care tailored to the patient’s unique circumstances:

  • Whiplash: We often think of whiplash in car accidents, but that same jarring motion on the water can be just as bad for your neck, head, and spine. At Impact Medical, we get how serious this injury can be, and how it can lead to chronic pain if you don’t get the right treatment.
  • Pinched Nerves: When boats collide, the force can put a lot of pressure on your nerves, causing pain, numbness, and tingling that can make it hard to function. We use a combination of spinal adjustments and physical therapy to gently ease those nerves back into place and get you feeling like yourself again.
  • Herniated Discs: This is a more serious injury, and sometimes surgery might be the best option. However, we always try less invasive treatments first. Our team brings together medical expertise and the latest physical therapy techniques to help relieve your pain and get you moving comfortably again—hopefully without needing surgery.
  • Back and Neck Injuries: Any misalignment or fracture in your spine from a boating accident needs treatment right away. Not only to fix the immediate problem, but to prevent things from getting worse. The longer you wait, the harder it is to heal and the more likely you are to have lasting damage. That’s why it’s so important to come to Impact Medical right away if you’ve had this type of injury.

Personalization Is Key for Your Recovery Journey

The aftermath of a boating accident can be disorienting and disheartening. Impact Medical understands the multifaceted challenges you may be facing, from dealing with the accident’s legal complexities or streamlining a comprehensive recovery plan. Here, personalized care becomes our overarching goal:

  • Specialized Services: Impact Medical is more than a medical facility is your partner in recovery. Our team’s devotion to the latest treatment options guarantees an aligned plan of action that resonates with your body’s natural healing process.
  • Comprehensive Treatment: From the onset of diagnosis, our multi-disciplinary approach brings chiropractors, physical therapists, and medical practitioners under one roof to focus on your integrated care. By treating the human, not just the injury, our non-invasive strategies aim for restoration without the crutch of medication or surgeries.
  • Unwavering Experience: Over 25 years of boating injury expertise has given our team unmatched experience. Trust in our seasoned staff to address not just the physical wounds but also the psychological toll that such encounters leave in their wake.

Don’t Let a Boating Accident Sink Your Spirits

Boating accidents happen, and the injuries can be serious. If you’ve been hurt on the water, don’t try to tough it out. The team at Impact Medical Group of St. Petersburg has the experience and specialized knowledge to help you recover as quickly and fully as possible. We’ll work with you to create a personalized treatment plan that addresses your specific needs and gets you back to enjoying the activities you love. Schedule your free consultation today—call us at (727) 722-8103.