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How Can You Tell If Someone Has A TBI After A Crash?

All kinds of injuries can happen during an auto accident, and the ones involving the head are the most concerning. The brain is a delicate thing which is why it’s important to learn about traumatic brain injuries (TBI) so you can be prepared just in case. Whether this knowledge comes in handy for yourself or when assisting others, allow Impact Medical St. Petersburg to teach you how to tell if someone has TBI after a crash. For treating TBI symptoms, reach out to our office to schedule a consultation for our various services.

What Is TBI (And How Does it Happen)?

The reason why whiplash is a common accident injury is because there’s no safety measure for keeping the head in place during a collision. If the crash is impactful enough, your head can easily whip back and forth or ram into something at full force. Unfortunately, a severe headache could be the least of your worries in this situation.

Depending on the intensity of the crash, the brain can move around inside your skull and collide with the bony shell. Such an act can lead to TBI. Some immediate signs are often a giveaway such as loss of concentration, general confusion, and blurry vision. Such confusion can also lead to anger and frustration.

The best thing you can do is to get diagnosed as soon as possible. Even if you’ve been rear-ended but don’t feel injured, it’s always better to play it safe than sorry and see a qualified medical professional like a licensed chiropractor.

Diagnosing Mild TBI Symptoms

TBI can have varying levels, and if you’re lucky, you’ll only experience the less debilitating symptoms. Mild symptoms of TBI include:

  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Insomnia
  • Loss of coordination
  • Mood swings
  • Weakness
  • Numbness

This may seem like a lot, but when it comes to the brain, it can get much worse. Regardless, it’s best to consult a practitioner even if you’re only experiencing the mild symptoms listed above.

How to Tell if You Have Severe TBI

What could possibly be worse than vomiting, numbness, and loss of coordination? You could start having seizures, weakness in all of your limbs, complete loss of thought, or you could just pass out altogether. If your headache, nausea, or vomiting continues to persist long after the accident, that’s also enough reason to seek help. In the absolute worst-case scenario, severe TBI can be fatal. Needless to say, you shouldn’t take your brain-related symptoms lightly.

Learn more > Can Untreated Head Trauma or TBIs Cause Seizures?

Can Children Also Get TBI After an Accident?

TBI can affect anyone, even children. But how can you tell if a child is experiencing brain injury? Kids display slightly different symptoms such as inattentiveness, lack of interest in their favorite things, different eating behaviors, nonstop crying, and more.

TBI Recovery: What to Expect

You should always see a medical professional as soon as you can if you think you have TBI. Someone who is qualified in treating brain injuries can determine whether it’s a TBI or just a concussion before providing you with the best treatment method for your specific condition. If it’s TBI, your symptoms are likely to alleviate given enough time. This usually takes a couple of weeks or more. Resting is the best thing you can do, but you can also ask our practitioners about prescription medication.

If You Have TBI Symptoms, Consult Your Local Specialists at Impact Medical

At Impact Medical St. Petersburg, we’re equipped to handle TBI symptoms for pain relief and a speedy recovery. Call us today at (727) 722-8103 to schedule an appointment and we’ll create a personalized plan to help you feel good as new!