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My Elderly Parent Was In An Accident, How Can I Support Them?

No one wants to receive that dreaded call from their loved one saying they’ve been in an accident. It’s always a relief to know that they’re alive, but you still worry for their health and recovery. What can you do if you end up in this situation with your elderly parent? Take a moment to review the different ways you can support them in their time of need. Call Impact Medical Tarpon Springs to refer them to a local chiropractor if they require auto accident treatment.

The Challenges That Seniors Face After An Accident

The elderly already have a difficult time with tasks that felt easier when they were younger, and the presence of accident injury symptoms only makes things more challenging for them. Accident injuries can impact their movements, limiting their range of motion when reaching for things, lifting items, and simply turning around or sitting up. Trauma can also affect their mental health, instigating emotional outbursts and debilitating depression. When things are starting to look bleak for the senior car crash victim, you can serve as their guiding light.

A Bit of Support Goes a Long Way

Sometimes, simply making yourself available to see your elderly parent is enough to lift their spirits after surviving a traumatic car accident. The serotonin they receive from your visit can boost their mental health, and having face-to-face human interaction can grant them the encouragement they need to give it their all on the journey to recovery. Showing up in person to offer emotional support can help your parent feel relaxed and comfortable with a familiar face to carry them through a big change in their life.

Learn more > 7 Tips For Managing Anxiety and PTSD After a Crash

Join Them In Their Daily Recovery Activities

Showing up is important, but joining your elderly parent in their daily exercises and stretches can motivate them to keep up with their recovery plan. While they perform low-impact exercises and light stretches, you will also benefit from adding healthy physical activities to your daily routine. In this busy day and age, doing so much as a 20-minute yoga session is hard to manage. A great way for your parent to get involved in these crucial activities is through physical therapy. PT benefits everyone at any age, including seniors who feel they aren’t as strong or as flexible as they used to be.

Make Sure They’re Getting the Care They Need

Keeping up with daily exercises and regular appointments can be exhausting even for the average person, let alone a senior who’s dealing with accident injuries. You can ensure your parent’s recovery by offering to drive them to and from their PT or chiropractor appointments, seeing that they’re getting the care that they need firsthand. With the setbacks that occur from quitting PT early, it’s crucial to make sure that not a single appointment gets overlooked. You can sit in on these appointments so they don’t feel alone, and even help them answer questions that their doctor may ask.

Be Understanding During Mood Swings

One of the hardest parts of assisting elderly parents after an accident is the arguments that may occur along the way. Your parent may seem irritable at times, and even snap in anger and frustration. It may be easy to let your initial feelings excuse you from your responsibilities, but it’s crucial to remember that certain accident injuries, including emotional trauma, can cause mood swings that are difficult to control, especially in older patients. Do your best to understand that these occurrences may be a side effect and continue supporting them the best way you can.

Bring Your Parent Under the Care of Impact Medical

Does your elderly parent need therapy after an auto accident? You can bring them to Impact Medical Tarpon Springs for physical therapy, chiropractic care, injury trauma counseling, and more. Call us today at 727-756-9585 to schedule an appointment!