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Florida Car Accident Injury Statistics For 2024 You Should Know

If you’ve been living in Florida your whole life, or even the last few years, it’s no secret that the influx of people moving to our sunshine state is at an all-time high. One of the telltale signs of new growth in an area is, unfortunately, the traffic. When your daily commute to work or drives to your favorite spots start taking longer and longer to get to, it’s a pretty safe bet that your area is a hot spot! And Florida most certainly is, coming in at the #3 spot for the most populated state in the United States in 2024. On top of the new residents the state has acquired, Florida has always been a worldwide destination for vacations. This means, that with more traffic comes more drivers, and driving laws and etiquette vary from state to state and even country to country. But what does this mean for you? With newfound population growth and seasonal influx of tourists comes growing pains, and unfortunately, a lot of those pains can come from car accidents.

Here are 5 Car Accident Statistics from 2024 that you really should know:

  1. There have been over 175,734 in the state of Florida since January 1st, 2024. To put that in perspective, that’s well over twice the amount of people you can fit into the Buccaneers stadium!
  1. 65% of all accidents that have occurred so far in 2024 have resulted in some sort of injury. That’s over 6 out of every 10 people who have been involved in any form of motor accident this year.
  1. There have been 1,338 fatal accidents all around Florida this year, alone.
  1. There have been 12,238 accidents that happened in Hillsborough County so far this year. This means that almost 7% of all accidents that occurred in Florida this year happened right in our own backyards!
  1. There have been almost 80 fatalities from crashes that occurred in Hillsborough County this year.

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How You Can Help Make Florida Roads Safer

With all of these new Florida residents moving in and making the Sunshine State their home, and tourists coming to enjoy our state, there are a few things to remember to ensure everyone stays as safe as they can on the road.

Regardless of where you’re from or how you learned to drive, always wear your seatbelt. This can not only save your body from breaks and bruises but can save your life. Always be sure to follow traffic laws including merging lanes, and speed limit signs. These were not placed randomly and must be followed to ensure safety for not only you but others on the road as well.

Lastly, never get behind the wheel of a car while impaired in any way. Believe it or not, this includes being too sleepy! If you wouldn’t feel comfortable driving in an inebriated or drowsy state with a child in the car, you shouldn’t be doing it at all.

Related > 4 Reasons To Approach Post-Car Accident Care With A “Better Safe Than Sorry” Mindset

Visit Impact Medical in Sun City For Accident Injury Treatment!

If you or someone you know has been in an accident sometime this year or in the past and is suffering from unresolved pain or complications, please reach out to us here at Impact Medical Sun City. Our team of professionals would love the opportunity to take care of you, and get you feeling back to your normal and healthy self! Buckle up, and stay safe Florida!