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How Can A Chiropractor Provide Natural Neck Pain Treatment?

When faced with severe neck pain, medication doesn’t always help. Even if it does, it may not be the best answer to your problem. Natural treatment methods can do wonders for your body, alleviating pain without having to rely on meds or other vices. Chiropractors are able to offer natural neck pain treatment with their profound skills and expertise. How is this possible? Take a look at this insightful article by your trusted experts at Impact Medical Riverview for the answers you’re looking for.

The Top Causes of Severe or Persistent Neck Pain

Every instance of neck pain may feel the same, but there can be a variety of underlying causes. Some of the most common reasons for neck pain include:

  • Spine-related injuries: Your spine is directly connected to your neck. Therefore, any damage to the spine can travel up and cause neck pain.
  • Spinal Stenosis: The spaces in your spinal cord are there for flexibility. When those gaps become smaller or non-existent, it can cause stress on the spine and the neck.
  • Osteoarthritis: This occurs when the tissue protecting your bones and joints wears out. This can also cause stress and pain along the spine to your neck.
  • Degenerative Discs: When the cushioning between your spinal discs wears out, you will feel strain and pressure throughout your neck and back.
  • Shoulder-related injuries: Your shoulders are neighboring to your neck, so any shoulder pain may radiate to this area.
  • Aging: Although inevitable, growing older can put stress on your body including your neck and back.

How a Chiropractor Provides Natural Treatment

There are multiple ways that chiropractors relieve neck pain, all involving natural methods. Neck adjustments (also known as cervical manipulation) apply pressure to the joints to restore range of motion which can reduce swelling and stiffness as well as overall pain. This is one of the most common procedures that chiropractors perform, but depending on the symptoms, they may also try other natural methods such as decompression therapy and soft tissue therapy, or suggest lifestyle changes that can improve your situation.

What is the difference between decompression and manual soft tissue therapy? Decompression therapy often requires the aid of computers to decompress the spine and nerves, reducing the stress and pressure in this area. Soft tissue often makes use of manual applications like massaging, stretching, and so on for improvements in the muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Doing so can release tension in the target areas and restore proper blood circulation.

What Will My Chiropractor Ask Me?

During your consultation visit, your chiropractor will want to know what’s going on with your body to help you create a customized plan for your needs. Some of these questions may include:

“When did your neck pain start showing?”

“Does your neck pain travel to other parts of the body?”

“What have you done so far to treat the pain?”

“Have you discovered anything that lessened the pain or made it worse?”

Tips For Receiving the Best Relief

For the best results when you see a chiropractor, you need to maintain consistent visits. You won’t see any noticeable results after just one or two sessions. Sometimes, a bit of commitment goes a long way in living a truly pain-free life. Asking your chiropractor about at-home habits can also help you mitigate neck pain away from the office and promote a healthier body and lifestyle.

Let Impact Medical Treat Your Neck Pain With Natural Chiropractic Care

Have you been dealing with persistent neck pain? Try visiting our talented team of chiropractors at Impact Medical Riverview! We offer self-pay chiropractic services with low-cost sessions and walk-ins for your convenience and budget. Give us a call at 656-347-2608 to learn more.