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How Does Nutrition Play a Role in Chiropractic Care?

Like with exercising, healing and improving your body through chiropractic care isn’t enough on its own. To see the full effects of your regular sessions, it’s vital to maintain a healthy diet. Just as good nutrients can assist your body for the better, harmful foods can revert all of your hard work. The knowledgeable chiropractors at Impact Medical Brandon are here to inform you on how a proper diet can aid your journey in chiropractic care.

The Good

When you maintain a healthy diet, you receive a boost to your immune system to fight off any illnesses that can cause wear and tear to your body. By warding off such illnesses, the healing process from your chiropractic visits will go much faster and smoother.

Protein for Muscle Recovery

Most damage that requires chiropractic care has to do with muscle tears. By consuming a steady amount of protein, you’ll speed up your muscle recovery and find relief sooner rather than later.

Calcium for Muscle Strength

While your muscles are in the recovery stage, you lose a good amount of your strength from not being able to exercise them properly. Calcium is the best way to regain the strength that you have lost and your regular physical activities won’t feel as draining.

Vitamin D for Back Pain Relief

As children, we’ve been told that drinking milk for vitamin D will make our bones big and strong. This includes the bones that make up your spinal cord. By strengthening your discs, your back can better support your body thus relieving any pain.

Vitamin B6 for Scoliosis Prevention

An effective way to prevent scoliosis is to incorporate vitamin B6 into your diet. Alternatively, a deficiency in vitamin C8 can also lead to scoliosis. While you can find these nutrients in naturally-grown ingredients, there are also many vitamin pills and supplements that provide you with your recommended dosage.

Antioxidants for a Clean Body

As stated earlier, it can be difficult for your body to recover through chiropractic care if it’s simultaneously fighting off an illness. Antioxidants are a great way to cleanse your body and boost your immune system. Many fruits such as berries, grapes, cherries, and pomegranates are high in antioxidants.

Fiber and Amino Acids for Higher Recovery Rate

If you wish to see a high recovery rate for your injuries, your body needs to be in functioning order. A regular intake of fiber and amino acids will ensure that your body is working as it should, paving the way for a fast recovery.

Water for Easing Pain and Inflammation

Lastly, we can’t stress the importance of water enough. Keeping your muscles hydrated is integral for allowing all of these other nutrients to effectively work their magic. While it’s tempting to add some sort of powder or syrup for flavor, plain water is necessary for maximum hydration thus calming inflammation.

The Bad

While it goes without saying that processed foods and foods with preservatives are counterintuitive to a healthy body, it’s still important to address a couple other factors that many people fail to keep in mind. Don’t let your chiropractic sessions go to waste! Heed our warning when it comes to terrible eating habits.

Increased Calorie Count Causes Stress on the Spine

The importance of watching your calorie intake is constantly overlooked. If you’re seeing a chiropractor for back pains, eating more than your daily allowance and gaining weight will only put more stress on your spinal cord thus making your situation much worse.

Processed Sugar Causes Inflammation

Most people already know to avoid sugar, but mainly for the reason of gaining weight. However, sugar can also increase the symptoms of inflammation. By reducing your sugar intake, you will most likely notice less pain and discomfort.

Get Nutritional Advice from An Expert!

The chiropractors at Impact Medical Brandon understand the importance of a healthy diet while going through recovery. When you begin your sessions with us, you’ll receive expert advice on what you should and shouldn’t eat for the fastest, most efficient results! Give us a call today at 813-522-8885 to set an appointment.