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Can A Brain Injury From An Auto Accident Impact My Mood?

There are many symptoms a doctor will tell you as the accidentee, or as a loved one who is caring for someone who was recently in a car accident to look out for. These symptoms can include loss of feeling in an area of the body, reoccurring soreness or pain, and difficulty walking. Symptoms like this affect the physical body and are a little easier to look out for, but be sure you don’t overlook symptoms of a TBI or Traumatic Brain Injury! An untreated TBI can lead to lifelong impairments, so spotting the symptoms early and being sure to see your doctor as soon as possible is key to preventing any further damage to you, or your loved one! But, since looking out for symptoms related to a TBI aren’t as easy to spot, what do you look for?

Related > 7 Tips For Managing Anxiety & PTSD After A Car Crash

But, I don’t feel injured!

After an accident, it might be tempting to walk off any stiffness, and deem yourself, or a loved one okay! After all, if there are no physical signs of injury or pain, why go through all the trouble of reliving the potential trauma? Many of the most serious injuries come from damage to body parts or organs we can’t see! That’s why they’re protected behind layers of bone muscle and skin. One of these organs that can cause a vast amount of injuries and complications is the brain. It is also one of the organs scientists know the least about! The brain is a complicated machine, so the longer someone lets a potential concussion or other condition sit, the further away they get from finding an effective treatment that can prevent or even reverse symptoms!

What Do Mood Changes From A Brain Injury Look Like?

It can be hard to spot any injury, especially when it appears minor, or is an internal injury, but these are the ones to keep an eye out for! When someone is suffering from a TBI, a mood change is one of the most common symptoms but also tends to be one of the most overlooked symptoms as well. When you or a loved one comes home from work with a shorter fuse than usual, or if certain topics are causing more of an emotional response than normal, these are things that can be chalked up to a hard day at work, or some upsetting news that they may have received earlier in the day, right? Our biggest piece of advice here is to keep an eye out, whether that be to track your mood or keep a close watch on a loved one. It’s normal to have an off day because of seemingly harmless circumstances, but after only a few days of this off-skelter behavior, an immediate course of action must be considered.

Here are some symptoms to look out for if you suspect you or a loved one is experiencing a mood change due to a TBI: irritability, depression, anxiety, mood swings, confusion, sleep disturbances, and impulsivity.

Related > TBIs & Motorcycles – What Happens To Your Brain After A Crash?

Don’t Hesitate To Reach Out!

Our team of medical professionals here at Impact Medical Wesley Chapel has years of experience helping and treating patients in this same situation. While we recognize everyone’s unique situation, we are also confident that our expertise is comprehensive enough to get you the help you deserve. Call 813-953-1002 and reach out today to take the first step on your healing journey.