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Rear-End Collisions Can Affect Your Spine Health – What to Do

You’re stopped at a red light, jamming to your favorite tunes, when suddenly, you’re rear-ended. The car behind you didn’t hit the brakes in time, and now your head and neck are absorbing the impact. Your neck might be stiff, but hey, no broken bones, right? So, you brush it off and go about your day. While a rear-end collision might seem minor, it can wreak havoc on your spine, even if you don’t feel immediate pain. Here’s how rear-end collisions can affect your spine health, and what you should do if you’ve been in one.

Whiplash: The Silent Injury

Whiplash is the most common injury in rear-end collisions. It’s a soft-tissue injury to your neck caused by your head being violently jerked back and forth. Whiplash can cause a variety of symptoms, including neck pain, stiffness, headaches, dizziness, and even blurred vision. The kicker? These symptoms might not show up right away. You could feel fine for days or even weeks before the pain sets in.

Hidden Dangers: Beyond Whiplash

While whiplash gets all the attention, rear-end collisions can also cause other sneaky spine injuries:

  • Herniated Discs:The impact can cause the discs that cushion your vertebrae to bulge or rupture, putting pressure on nerves and causing pain, numbness, and tingling.
  • Facet Joint Injuries:These small joints in your spine can become inflamed or damaged, leading to pain and stiffness.
  • Sprains and Strains:The ligaments and muscles in your back and neck can be stretched or torn, causing pain and limited mobility.

What to Do After a Fender Bender (Even a Minor One!)

So, you’ve been in a rear-end collision, and even though you’re feeling okay, you’re wondering what you should do next. Here are some important steps to take to protect your spine health and ensure a smooth recovery, even from a seemingly minor fender bender.

  1. Seek Medical Attention. Don’t be a hero! Even if you feel okay, it’s crucial to get checked out by a doctor as soon as possible. They can assess your spine and rule out any hidden injuries that might not be causing symptoms yet.
  2. Don’t Ignore the Signs. Pay attention to your body. If you experience any neck pain, stiffness, headaches, or dizziness, don’t brush it off. These could be signs of whiplash or other spine injuries.
  3. Get a Chiropractic Evaluation. Chiropractors are experts in spinal health and can assess your spine for misalignments caused by the accident. Gentle adjustments can help realign your spine, reduce pain, and improve function.
  4. Follow Your Treatment Plan. If you’re diagnosed with a spine injury, follow your doctor or chiropractor’s recommendations carefully. This might include rest, ice, heat, physical therapy, or medication.
  5. Don’t Wait for Pain to Worsen. The sooner you address your injuries, the better your chances of a full recovery. Don’t let a minor ache turn into a chronic pain problem.

Your Spine Deserves Expert Care

Impact Medical Group of St. Petersburg knows that car accidents can leave a lasting impact on your body. Our experienced medical team is here to help you heal and recover from your injuries, no matter how minor they might seem. We offer comprehensive care for accident-related injuries, including chiropractic adjustments, physical therapy, pain management, and more. Our goal is to get you back to feeling your best as quickly and safely as possible.

So, take the first step towards recovery today. Call us at 727-722-8103 to schedule your free consultation and let us help you get back on track!

What Are The Worst Things You Can Do For Back Pain After An Accident?

With back pain comes pain in other areas of the body, stiffness, trouble performing daily tasks, and more. We think it’s safe to say it’s one of the most inconvenient types of pain you can experience after an accident. With that being said, the severity of pain can vary depending on the injury, patient, and pain tolerance. On top of that, several internal factors contribute to the variability of back pain and appropriate procedures as well. What may feel like a severe tear could just need some chiropractic work to heal and avoid further damage, and what feels like a non-invasive pain could be something that needs immediate intervention to ensure your acute pain doesn’t turn into something worse, and more debilitating requiring a more intense procedure in the long run.

We have compiled a list of the top 3 worst things you can do to remedy your back pain after an accident.

Related > Back Pain After A Rear-End Collision

Ignoring The Problem – Ignoring back pain can look like simply going about your daily life, conveniently ignoring even the tiniest bit of pain or discomfort. This might not seem harmful, especially if the pain doesn’t feel severe, and uprooting your daily tasks feels inconvenient! So what’s the big deal? Ignoring microtears can have us lifting and moving leading us to believe nothing is wrong but excess movement or one wrong turn of the neck can lead to severe pain and potential nerve damage.

DIY Stretching – Depending on what caused the back pain, and where any injuries occurred on the body are indicators of what stretches, movements, and workouts, will be the most helpful in your recovery journey. Too often we see people skip the doctors and take Rehabilitative movements into their own untrained hands. Overstretching, or doing too little to actually see progress on your healing journey are all risks associated with creating your own therapy plan. At Impact Medical, we do believe you know your body best, but when your body is broken or out of whack, a medical professional can have you feeling like your familiar self again.

Self Chiropractic Care – In today’s world, there is so much information on the internet and so many items to be bought claiming to have you working better than a professional could, and unfortunately chiropractic care is no exception. Chiropractic care is not something anyone should perform on their own without a chiropractic professional present. Without knowing the ins and outs of the back and neck, it is expected that more damage will be done, when a simple session of chiropractic visits may be just what you needed in the first place, leaving you healthier instead of hindered.

Related > How Physical Therapy Can Help You Avoid Back Surgery

We know that taking time out of your day to visit us here at Impact Medical Wesley Chapel can feel like just another task on your laundry list of “to-do’s”, but we promise we won’t waste your time. Our team of medical professionals is well-versed in all things accident-related injuries and back pain. We pride ourselves on efficient and effective treatment plans to get you back to feeling like yourself in no time.

How Should You Take Care Of Your Body After Being In An Accident?

Being in a car accident can feel so overwhelming. Not only does it take a toll on your mental health, but it, of course, has some negative side effects on your body as well. Taking care of yourself after being in an accident doesn’t have to be a journey that you take alone, though! Here at Impact Medical Dade City, our team of compassionate professionals is here to see to it that your healing journey is done as efficiently and professionally as possible. Our team has seen and treated thousands of accident patients, and we are confident we can help you, too. In conjunction with us doing what we can, you can expedite your healing process by doing a few things to take care of your body after being in an accident.

Related > 8 Questions To Always Ask After Being In An Accident

4 Ways You Can Speed Up Your Healing Process

The first way you should take care of your body after being in an accident is to find a medical professional that you trust and get evaluated. Our bodies are made up of extremely tiny and complex parts, and what you see isn’t always what you get. To the naked eye, you might look fine, and feel even better, but more often than not, there is a chance even a small microtear can lead to further damage down the line if not treated efficiently.

Next, if you are experiencing any pain, ask your doctor about pain management. When you’re in pain, it’s hard to not only go about your life as normally as possible, but it’s also a deterrent for any stretches or physical therapy movements you might have been advised to perform. Pain management can help with any mental blocks you might be facing, as well! If you’re in pain, there are options for you to heal as comfortably as possible.

The next way you can take care of your body after being in an accident is by listening to your medical professional’s advice. If your doctor tells you that the only physical activity you should be performing is light stretching, take their word for it. Let’s say you have a micro tear somewhere on your body, so you’re not suffering from any form of extreme pain. You may think “I can do more than light stretching, I feel fine!” But what you’re not taking into account is wear and tear on an already minor injury that can progress into something more dangerous if not handled properly.

Lastly, you should take care of your body after being in an accident by maintaining a consistent and routine chiropractic practice. There are so many benefits to routinely seeing a chiropractic professional, but in terms of after-accident care, a good chiropractor can keep you maintaining your healthy and most able-bodied self. In some cases, chiropractic care can even align you further from the point you were even before your accident! Since chiropractic care focuses on the spine and neck, the rest of your body ideally would fall into alignment because of that.

Related > How Our Team Supports Healthy Lifestyles After An Accident  

Ready To Reach Out?

Accidents can be scary, and the pain and discomfort we face after can feel even scarier, but with a medical professional in your corner, we hope you can find some peace of mind. Taking care of your body when you are injured can feel exhausting, but you must practice self-care, patience, and discipline when healing. If you, or anyone you know has experienced any pain from a car accident, recent or not, please reach out to our team at Impact Medical Dade City so we can do what we do best, heal you as close to your previously healthy self as we possibly can! At Impact Medical, we’re on your side! Give us a call at 813-706-5156.

Chiropractic Care for TMJ After an Accident – What to Expect

You’re cruising down the road, everything’s smooth sailing, until you get in a fender bender. The adrenaline kicks in, and you might feel shaken up, but seemingly okay. A few days later, though, something strange happens. Your jaw starts to ache, click, or even lock up. Sounds weird, but it’s not so uncommon.

Car accidents can mess with your temporomandibular joint (TMJ)—the hinge that connects your jawbone to your skull. And the pain that follows? It’s not just a minor annoyance—it can affect your daily life. Luckily, chiropractic care can help treat TMJ. Here’s how:

The Jaw-Dropping Truth About TMJ and Accidents

Here’s the deal: the impact of a car accident, even a minor one, can cause a ripple effect through your body. Your head gets jerked around, your neck muscles tense up, and sometimes, your jaw joint gets thrown out of whack. This misalignment can lead to a whole host of unpleasant symptoms:

  • Jaw Pain:A dull ache, sharp pain, or even a burning sensation in your jaw joint.
  • Clicking or Popping:Strange noises when you open or close your mouth.
  • Limited Jaw Movement:Difficulty opening your mouth wide or chewing.
  • Headaches:TMJ disorder is often associated with tension headaches.
  • Ear Pain:Because of the proximity of your jaw joint to your ears, TMJ issues can sometimes cause earaches.

Chiropractic Care Is Your Jaw’s Unexpected Ally

So, where do chiropractors come in? While they’re known for spinal adjustments, their expertise extends to the entire musculoskeletal system, including your jaw. Chiropractic care for TMJ focuses on:

  • Gentle Adjustments:Chiropractors use precise techniques to gently realign your jaw joint, reducing inflammation and improving function.
  • Muscle Relaxation:Tight muscles around your jaw can exacerbate TMJ pain. Chiropractors use various therapies to relax these muscles and relieve tension.
  • Posture Correction:Believe it or not, your posture can impact your TMJ. Chiropractors can help you improve your posture, which can alleviate pressure on your jaw joint.
  • Lifestyle Advice:They can also offer guidance on lifestyle modifications, like stress management techniques or dietary changes, that can further support your TMJ recovery.

What to Expect from Chiropractic TMJ Treatment

Chiropractic care for TMJ is typically a gradual process. You’ll likely start with a thorough evaluation, including a discussion of your symptoms and a physical examination of your jaw and neck. Your chiropractor may also take X-rays to get a clearer picture of your jaw joint alignment.

From there, your chiropractor will develop a personalized treatment plan that may include:

  • Manual Adjustments:Gentle manipulation of your jaw joint to improve alignment and reduce inflammation.
  • Soft Tissue Therapy:Massage and other techniques to relax the muscles around your jaw.
  • Exercises:Targeted exercises to strengthen your jaw muscles and improve range of motion.

Say Goodbye to TMJ Pain with Impact Medical Group

If you’re suffering from jaw pain after an accident, don’t let it control your life. The experienced chiropractors at Impact Medical Group of Tampa specialize in TMJ treatment. We’ll work with you to create a personalized plan to relieve your pain, restore your jaw function, and get you back to enjoying life without discomfort. Schedule your free consultation today at (813) 283-1910 and let us help you on the road to recovery. It’s time to rediscover the joy of pain-free eating, talking, and smiling!