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Concussions & Chiropractic – Benefits You Didn’t Know

Concussions and chiropractic care go hand-in-hand, but do you know why? Looking further into the correlation between the two could help you out the next time you’re experiencing troublesome symptoms. For effective concussion treatments near you, seek out the talented chiropractors at Impact Medical!

What Chiropractic Care Does for the Brain

Medication can only do so much to relieve concussion symptoms. Chiropractic care serves as an effective way to address head and brain-related issues by completely natural methods. Through targeted spinal manipulation, a qualified practitioner will correct your spine’s alignment which can untangle your nerves and clear up your brain’s cognitive function. Even if you’re already aware of this rather common fact, chiropractic care can benefit concussions in other ways:

Visits to the Chiropractor Can Lead to Faster Concussion Recovery

Chiropractic care does more than open up space in the body by correcting posture. It can also decrease inflammation and pave the way for faster recovery times compared to leaving your concussion symptoms untreated. While rest and patience are recommended for a full recovery, a chiropractor can help reduce the time spent healing in a way that’s completely safe and healthy.

You Can Think More Clearly After Spinal Adjustments

How does chiropractic care restore your brain’s cognitive function? Untangling the nerves in your spine is definitely a part of it, but this treatment method is also effective in encouraging healthy blood flow. The brain requires oxygen to think properly, so restoring the flow of blood can help the oxygen in your body reach its destination.

Proper blood flow can:

  • Help you think clearly
  • Assist with memory recall
  • Enhance the ability to concentrate

If you experience any symptoms that make you question the state of your mind and ability to think how you normally would, it’s very likely to be a sign of a concussion. A certified chiropractor can diagnose your symptoms and craft a custom treatment plan for you!

Chiropractic Care Can Relieve Multiple Concussion Symptoms

A concussion can occur for a number of reasons. No matter the exact nature of your concussion, chiropractic care can treat a wide variety of symptoms that may stem from various sources:

  • Severe headaches and migraines
  • Persistent neck and back pain
  • Dizziness and confusion
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Indigestion and heartburn
  • Any symptoms associated with whiplash injury

Learn more > Did You Know Manual Therapy Can Treat Whiplash and Concussions? Here’s How

Chiropractors Can Help Prevent Future Injuries

Concussions can happen more than once, especially for those who are physically active on a regular basis. Chiropractic care is often used for treating concussions, but it’s also been proven to prevent or mitigate future injuries. Think of this procedure as a means of proactive care, and not just a service to be sought out only after already receiving an injury. This concept is true for both athletes and non-athletes.

Impact Medical Treats Concussions and TBIs

Need to treat your concussion symptoms, or want to limit the risk of future injuries? Contact your nearest Impact Medical location to schedule a consultation for our chiropractic care and manual therapy services. Receive an accurate diagnosis from our team of qualified practitioners and start on a personalized treatment plan tailored to your needs. This is how we ensure optimal care and happy patients!

What Is Considered a Soft Tissue Injury From an Accident?

Crumpled fenders and shattered glass are obvious signs of a car accident’s impact, but the damage to your body isn’t always as clear-cut. While broken bones might grab the headlines, soft tissue injuries are often the silent culprits that linger long after the initial shock has faded. So, what exactly are these sneaky soft tissue injuries, and how can they affect you after a crash?

Soft Tissue Injuries Are Often Unseen, but They’re Incredibly Serious

Soft tissue injuries involve damage to the muscles, ligaments, tendons, and other connective tissues in your body. They’re not as dramatic as fractures, but they can be just as debilitating. Whiplash, the notorious neck injury associated with car accidents, is a prime example of a soft tissue injury. But there are many others that may hide beneath the surface.

Some of the most common soft tissue injuries you might encounter after a car accident include:

  1. Sprains and Strains: These are the classic overstretching or tearing of ligaments (sprains) or muscles and tendons (strains). They can occur in any part of your body, but the neck, back, and shoulders are particularly vulnerable in car accidents.
  2. Contusions (Bruises): The impact of a crash can cause blood vessels to rupture beneath your skin, leading to those colorful bruises we all know and hate. While they might not seem serious, contusions can be quite painful and take time to heal.
  3. Muscle Tears: A forceful impact can cause muscle fibers to tear, leading to pain, swelling, and limited range of motion. These tears can range from minor to severe and may require rest, physical therapy, or even surgery in some cases.
  4. Tendonitis: This inflammation of the tendons, the cords that attach muscle to bone, is often caused by overuse or repetitive strain. But it can also be triggered by the sudden force of a car accident. Tendonitis can cause pain, stiffness, and difficulty moving the affected area.
  5. Bursitis: Like tendonitis, bursitis involves inflammation of the bursae, small fluid-filled sacs that cushion your joints. A car accident can irritate these bursae, leading to pain, swelling, and restricted movement.

Soft tissue injuries might not be visible on an X-ray, but they can cause a whole lot of trouble if left untreated. Chronic pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility are just a few of the potential consequences. Early diagnosis and treatment can prevent these issues from becoming long-term problems.

Don’t Let Soft Tissue Injuries Hold You Back!

If you’ve been in a car accident, don’t ignore lingering pain or discomfort. Even if you don’t have obvious injuries, it’s critical to seek medical attention. Impact Medical Group of Sarasota specializes in treating sneaky soft tissue injuries. 

Conquer your pain today! Call us today at (941) 222-1157 to schedule your free medical evaluation. We’re here to help you heal and get back to living your life to the fullest.

7 Tips for Managing Anxiety & PTSD After a Crash

Even a minor car accident is more than just a “fender bender.” It’s a jarring, terrifying experience that can leave invisible scars long after the physical ones have healed. The emotional toll of a crash can be overwhelming, leading to anxiety, flashbacks, or even post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). But you’re not alone, and there are ways to cope.

Here are 7 strategies to help you steer through the emotional turbulence following a crash:

  1. Acknowledge Your Feelings: Don’t bottle up your emotions— talk about what happened, whether it’s with a trusted friend, family member, or therapist. Sharing your experience can be incredibly cathartic.
  2. Prioritize Self-Care: Give yourself permission to rest, eat well, and engage in activities that bring you joy. A healthy body supports a healthy mind.
  3. Get Moving: Exercise is a natural stress reliever and mood booster. Even a short walk or gentle yoga session can make a difference.
  4. Mindfulness & Relaxation Techniques: Practices like deep breathing, meditation, or progressive muscle relaxation can help calm your nervous system and reduce anxiety.
  5. Seek Professional Help: If your symptoms are overwhelming or interfering with your daily life, don’t hesitate to reach out to a mental health professional. Therapists specializing in trauma can provide valuable guidance and support.
  6. Join a Support Group: Connecting with others who have gone through similar experiences can be incredibly helpful. Sharing stories and coping strategies can create a sense of community and understanding.
  7. Gradually Return to Driving: If the thought of getting behind the wheel fills you with dread, start slowly. Begin with short drives in familiar areas and gradually increase the distance and complexity of your trips. A driving instructor or therapist can also provide support.

Rememberhealing takes time, and everyone’s journey is different. Be patient with yourself, celebrate your progress, and don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it.

Impact Medical Group: Your Partner in Recovery

Impact Medical Group of St. Petersburg knows that healing after an accident involves more than just physical recovery. Our Injury Trauma Counseling program provides comprehensive support for people just like you who are dealing with anxiety, emotional trauma, and PTSD after a car accident.

Our team of experienced mental health professionals offers a safe and supportive space for you to process your emotions, develop coping skills, and regain control of your life. We use evidence-based treatment methods tailored to your specific needs to help you heal and move forward.

Take the First Step Towards Complete Healing at Impact Medical Group

You can recover from the emotional trauma associated with an accident. Schedule your free consultation at Impact Medical Group of St. Petersburg today at (727) 722-8103. Our caring team is here to help you recover physically and mentally, so you can reclaim your life and embrace a brighter future.

Why Is Back Pain Often Delayed After An Accident?

Oftentimes, after an accident, we might walk away feeling relatively fine, ultimately deciding to skip the trip to the doctor. After all, if you feel no back pain, you’re probably fine… right? Here at Impact Medical Sun City, we will always encourage a trip to get checked out by a medical professional after an accident, and here’s why!

Does Adrenaline Really Delay Pain?

Adrenaline is often the reason many people think they are walking away from a recent accident as a superhuman who came out unscathed. During a stressful situation, the body’s fight-or-flight response is activated, thus leading to the release of adrenaline. This response is used to keep the body and mind safe and ready to deal with immediate danger, which is why all other feelings and sensations are dulled or undetectable. Oftentimes, severe pain is debilitating and it’s in the body’s best interest to help it get to a safe place before feeling stuck in pain.

Related > How Can I Tell If I’m Suffering Internal Injuries After An Accident?

Muscle Strain and Inflammation

During an accident, back muscles can microtear which doesn’t always result in immediate pain. The body is designed to help repair damage, and sending extra blood flood to on injured areas is a surefire way to trigger an immune response and get the body started on protecting and repairing the damage. As you can imagine, this takes some time for the body to respond to! When it does, you’ll be able to feel it! This is why a day or two after an accident most people end up with soreness and pain in places that were seemingly fine before.

Wear and Tear On Undetected Injuries

If you’re feeling relatively pain-free, you might shake off the shock of an accident and jump right back into daily life afterward. As we discussed, pain-free doesn’t always mean injury-free, and not taking time to rest might inflame areas in your back that would have done well with a little rest. Contact rubbing and pulling of the spine or muscles with microtears or small injuries could lead to even more damage, or inflammation, causing issues that could last longer than a few days in bed would have.

Taking precautionary steps after an accident is always the safest choice. Our team of medical professionals can assess your injuries, painful or not, to ensure no further damage is done. We will also help you prepare for any swelling that could occur days or even weeks in the future. This can look like pain medications, or even a few physical therapy appointments to help manage any post-accident injuries or pain. If you or a loved one recently got into an accident, please give us a call at 813-536-5892 so we can help!